Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

Evoker! :3

thatā€™s going to be a no from me

Dwarf Fury Warrior (Mountain Thane)

fer khaz modan

Was considering reviving my dwarf monk but not 100% sold on it.

The difficulty of duties in FFXIV, specifically the demands to the playerā€™s reaction, are ramping up with each expansion, and I honestly donā€™t know what to do. At this point, soon enough I wonā€™t be able to do them even on very easy, no matter how hard I try.

do you mean the single player ones as part of the MSQ?


And if youā€™re going to say that theyā€™re piss-easy content that even a mouth-breathing keyboard-turner can get through, Iā€™m going to slap you around a bit with a large trout.

no, some of them are quite brutal. I think the Stormblood ones are the worst for it, but itā€™s been a while.

Me failing the hour long Thancred versus kungfu grandpa duty thing only to have to repeat it was one of the many reasons I hated that entire sequence.

god I hated that guy, because I knew the second I would actually fight him properly Iā€™d smoke him in seconds but he would just have 20 cutscenes showing how cool and unstoppable he is ooo i can parry a blade with my hand


For me the worst one until Dawntrail was ā€œWorthy of His Backā€. It was the only one I couldnā€™t do on normal difficulty (specifically the orb phase) no matter how hard I tried.

But then the first solo duty in Dawntrail felt harder than that one before the orbs.

it was especially lame after coming straight from zenos in stormblood

iā€™ve already done this trope and played it out. i donā€™t need to do it again thank you

I think the difficulty of them can depend on your job or the character your made to play so I wonā€™t say your wrong. Some of them are grueling, like the Ranā€™jiit one Akamito mentioned.

Dawntrails were fine for me but i wont say thats the norm for others

Iā€™m alright with them so long as I donā€™t have to play another character.

Gods am I fed up with being stuck as Thancred, Alphinaud or Alisae with only 3 of my buttons when I can play all three of those classes normally on Leo.

The only good ones were playing as Hien and Estinien fite me

Also. Because i know for many this was the most hated until SE nerfed its difficulty.

Original In From the Cold.

wasnā€™t it only nerfed to make the easy/v. easy difficulties easier, the normie one is still untouched


Probably. I only did it once before the change never did it again

Screams of anguish I did this while sleep deprived on day 1 it was BRUTAL. Itā€™s the one thing I am glad they nerfed in terms of solo duties bc hot damn never again. (I say while gonna have to do it on another 2-3 characters sometime).

Also anyone complaining about the difficulty of Easy and V Easy I am sorry to say but at this point it is solely a skill issue if you canā€™t think ahead for 3 seconds (server tick). The game has had a lenient curve going upwards to teach you the timers for things so idk man, I donā€™t know what to say and I have seen some :poop: in endgame content.

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TWW storytelling being character-agnostic does make sense, but sometimes it is very funny

Serious Character, very Seriously: thereā€™s no other option. I must give my life to ignite these explosive barrels.

Me, who can spit dragonfire out in globs like artillery: i feel like thereā€™s another option here chief


my favourite is when characters are dying and me the guy with healing spells suddenly forgets i have healing spells