Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

Happens in real life too. I am first aid trained but forget all of my training the moment I need to use it.


I am lucky its just me vibing with my pet.


You tell me, I’m an undead shadow priest who runs around with the same kind of face decorations as the big bug nerubians…


I mean, I WAS a drust, but now I am just a death fairy.

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So after testing out the warlock hero talents:

Both destro and demo has some cool visual effects. Affliction has some really cool descriptions and abilities. But is let down massively by the fact that they have absolutely zero visual effect changes.


Bumped into a Bloodied Crown member, blast from the past

(Scalecommander is a lot of fun)


so, blizzard are going to make it harder for the 70s to level tomorrow.

But why? What is the point of that other than just being awful.


how? im curious

i think its because of the amount of people exploiting dungeons to power-level rather than do the quests

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I do not see an issue with that myself though.

When developers begin to restrict the “right” way to level, thats a really bad step in my opinion.

oh that wasnt me saying i agree or disagree really. its just why i think they’d be doing it because ive never seen even casual players level so fast.

then again im slow at everything so what do i know

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The playerbase is not amused (I ain’t either, I did not gear all my characters who i got to 70, some are running around in level 50 gear)

EDIT: Doesn’t really seem to take into acount that not everybody did the prepatch event and got gear.


Half my 70s are in the gear they got from getting booted from remix. I only had 1 70 that was well geared and it was my warlock at ilvl 501.

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SOME of my characters are at 480 with the prepatch gear, others i just levelled and left and i dread trying to level them now.


being in full awakened heroic/mythic gear I was expecting to get pretty far without changing gear, but the extent to which I still don’t consider most gear an upgrade at level 79 is pretty nuts

to be fair, scaling is ABSOLUTELY BUSTED, I was getting chunked at lv80 as a tank by 71-73 alliance in pvp.

I also thought it was ridiculous when full dungeons were taking 5 minutes or less with wall to wall pulls dying within seconds.

I’m not complaining about the pve side of things, but pvp certainly needs to be rebalanced, though it doesn’t sound like this is what they intend to do, which is silly.

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Oh yeah, THAT needs to be balanced.

But its not how they’ve gone about it at all (and I think you’ll still get chunked by geared 73s)

yeah this is stupid, instead of fixing scaling for players to balance pvp and pve they’re tuning the scaling of mobs to fix something that tbh isn’t an issue.

All that really shows and proves is that pvp and pve should be entirely and completely seperate and balanced accordingly with changes to one not effecting the other. But like… one mmo in history has worked that out so lets not hold our breath.

This change is just blizzard either planning a malicious act or not thinking what the effect of giving 90% of the playerbase compratively super strong gear compared to the xpacs start would be.
Personally I lean towards incompetence over malice because… well malice implies planning and blizzard have never stuck to a plan.

I’m actually curious if they’ll rebalance it later. I mean tbf we don’t know how it’ll be balanced, the change could be minimal. but if people not in pre-patch catch up gear suddenly die to kobold #12 they’ll just have to rebalance, so… it kinda seems a waste of time either way. Depending on how far they swing it.

Oh. Good.
This is going to be my Paladin (this character, in fact) getting to MoP when I joined/when it was current content and being nearly bodied by 3 Goblin nobodies in the first zone over and over because levelling hadn’t given me good enough gear.

I love it.
Oh, no - Hate. I hate that. It sucked. Amazing. Cool.

Edit: Genuinely 100% peeved about this, now. WoW’s ‘balance’ intent with mobs has always sucked - getting nearly bodied if there’s more than 3 Generic Mooks doesn’t feel heroic or cool or even fun, what-so-freaking-ever. Maybe that’s just me, coming from City of Heroes where melee/tank classes could herd up an entire room and start punching their faces in… making you feel like a, oh, what’s that word…? Ah yes, HERO. God freaking forbid…

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