Pet peeves: The return (Part 9)

That you posted this while also on the WoW’s equivalent of a Dragonborn is just peak.


“in a Petersonian sense” is just incredible. Peak internet. Classic.


Videosgame character: how about after the feast we go to a special place. it’s got a…particular menu. heheh.

My partner: is he inviting me to a cannibal party or a sex party

i need to know so i know what i’m wearing


You specifically get the wet cell in horny jail

Another classic


Either way there’s a lot of skin showing.

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The ideological rejection of forgiveness is a thing with slavic neopagans making up a whole thing from fanfiction-tier “history” and decidedly brown politics. The idea is, as stated, that forgiving someone is (christian) weakness and refusal to take responsibility for solving the problems you’re facing. By letting things go and not being vengeful, you forfeit your responsibility to to your community and your good standing because nobody can trust you to see justice done.

It’s peculiarly similar to clan honour culture and cultish separation from nonbelievers which makes it all the more disconcerting that the russian orthodoxy has latched onto this movement as a way of promoting traditional values and inward cohesion.

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Is an FSB/GRu front


Oh believe me, I’m well aware of how it’s being used.

I knew he’d still been up to good since Despicable Me

oh, cool, terrorist attack literally around the street corner

Depends, does his name rhyme with cannibal and your chars with kill then it’s both.

Can you please stop living in interesting times? (sending supportive energy)


listen all I’m saying is that I understand Saint Shiva

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Mostly I just need a big lion lady in my life


I was gonna comment on the fresh smell of a new peeves thread but y’all are already at 94 posts.

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in our defence it’s been up for like 8hrs

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I’m slow okay? :frowning: I slept.

Doktore, turn off my Petersonian inhibitors

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she cannae take the cringe, cap’n!


You are both getting a cold wet cell