Pet peeves: The return (Part 9)

Continuing the discussion from Pet peeves: The return (Part 8) - #5010 by Loras-argent-dawn.

Previous discussions:

My first #First post in a new thread. I don’t know what to use it for but I want it.


Why is there nothing for me to eat in your fridge?

yeah. Which means Australia is actually home of the dragons.

no the home of the dragons is a ruined planet ages away plus only two of the first brood went to meracydia plus get owned

Everybody BUT Stairshed is allowed to catsit.

(I saw that last post Kora, no causing mayhem)

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I just want to nap in a warm spot

giant flying menaces…yeah that tracks for australia

only one now teehee


don’t be rude!!

I remember the days when the peeve threads were like 25k posts.

all i know is…tiamats single and im willing to be her shiva-…

-this statement has been censored by the Holy See-

Mr. Typhon is currently hiding in Leo’s old basket.


it’s okay what’s the holy see gonna do? call you a heretic? bestie they’re the heretics for what they did to ratatoskr :nail_care:

this forum post was sponsored by ysayle

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We were strong then.

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Queen that she is hallowed by her name :pensive: :fist:

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Square Enix will catch these hands.

Ruminating past RP, lamenting a loss of notes and the platform to rebuild.

I maintain that Scion Ysayle would have been the single strongest plot point rhey could have chased and let it flop. The angst we could have had…


do we all agree that wuk evu is incredibly based