Pet peeves: The return (Part 9)

Yeah for shame on them!

(If theres any single au ra ladies out there ive left my phone number in the empyreum public bathroom)

You get the cold sticky one

“Let me catch up on peeves”

Mr. Typhon - rolls head across spacebar and forces me to the bottom of the thread

He also did not burn the apartment down while i was gone!


Wanna know why it’s so sticky?

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Someone spilt their soda, I watched it happen in real time

Well you know what they say about throwing someone to the lion ladies

first full trailer for the DMC anime. hearing neros voice from dante is weird


Don’t know if other countries have them, but unmoveable arm rests on trains in the uk are my peeve this day. Let’s just attach an arm rest to the wall that can’t be adjusted in any way so you get stabbed in the back at the slightest effort to get remotely comfortable on a long journey. Such a stupid design. By all means keep the arm rest but they should -always- be adjustable.

Ishgardians be like: “pass the communal salt stone please”
If you know, you know.

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farum azula wasn’t super fun to explore. very messy and too many dragons.

my friend told me where to find a secret big dragon boss who died in one attempt, albiet by the skin of my teeth

maliketh on the other hand… if malenia hadn’t broken my streak, he would have done. it might have been a similar amount of attempts as well to beat, but ultimately required the same strategy switch up once i’d learned how to dodge his attacks in phase 2. that damage over time effect was no joke, and he jumped about so much that it was hard to land hits.

got him in the end though


Classic maliketh. Looks very cool, but entirely countered by hiding behind a pillar while he’s doing his devil may cry S rank combo routine.

Except I was still getting hit by his projectile slash through the pillars somehow. Very uncool.

this hurts

not as much as when i came back though and he has no memory of me.


I… yeah… :<

Staple of the soul series too. Several NPC’s that just forget who you were and its very sad :frowning:

DS2 has alot of good ones.

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roundtable hold looking real empty right now, which makes sense given it’s on fire

just blacksmith boy, spirit tuning girl and the weird finger maidens remain

gideon has noped out i think and every other npc that was here has died at some point during my playthrough



“All-Knowing” is one of those titles you really have to be able to live up to 'cos otherwise everyone’s gonna make fun of you for it forever.

And ol’ Gideon does not live up to it.

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bro calls himself the all knowing but is paying me for info on missing demi gods

doesn’t add up

if hes so all knowing why didnt he see me pull out my tiger tank?

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