Pet Project: Theism in Warcraft

A Non-believer isn’t a Heretic.

A Heretic is someone of your religion who (to you) is is wrong about doctrine.

Still doesn’t make it correct use of the word. And no, in history people were referred to by various terms, but ‘Heretic’ was reserved for those nominally of the same faith. That’s why Heresy is a particular category of sin. It is impossible to be a Heretic to a religion you do not believe in. It is simply impossible. That is why Martin Luther was regarded for a time as a Heretic, but why Saladin was not.

Warhammer 40K has a lot to answer for, with its throwing around of the word ‘Heresy’ and ‘Heretic’.

Same as the word ‘Traitor’ People get this really confused. You can’t betray something you no longer belong to. That just isn’t possible… If you refute something, then act against it, that isn’t treason, I mean by definition it cannot be.

Scarlets still exist in Tirisfal, Scourge still exist in Ghostlands and Eversong, despite both places being pretty under control (Unless they want a spoopy story with Sylvanas in it, gotta have those undead to remind us she is undead, in case we’d forgotten…Yawns ) Who cares what the Scarlets say? They were a cheap fascist knock off, and still are, I would not expect grammatical correctness from them. If they are calling anyone a heretic, they clearly are only referring to other people who worship The Light, in a different way from them. Anything else makes them sound even more mental than they already are…

This, Basically.

Back on topic now that we have put Heresy to bed, I really want to do something (As horrible and unsettling as it would be) with Jan’alai, Obviously Blood Elves are not going to start worshipping a Loa, but-something-I just don’t know what…

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Heretic: a person believing in or practising religious heresy.

Pretty sure it’s open to interpretation

If we’re quibbling over definitions, then you need to define ‘heresy’ next. Thankfully, the definition of heresy is rather open.

Heresy is belief that contradicts orthodox religious doctrine. So while this covers beliefs within a religion outside of that religion’s orthodox doctrine, it technically covers beliefs that do not belong to that religion at all, as they still contradict the orthodox doctrine.

Heathen, on the other hand, is a term used for individuals who do belong a particular religion at all, as used by individuals who do belong to that particular religion.

So heathen is a more specific term than heretic and more informative than heretic, but both can be used to describe someone who doesn’t belong to the accuser’s religion.
In a more academic context, yes, heretic is used in a narrower scope and limited entirely to someone who belongs to a religion who has beliefs that contradict that religion’s orthodoxy. However, even in that context, there’s lots of grumbling and disagreement, to the point where you get people like Hilaire Belloc stating that Islam is a heresy of Christianity.

It’s not really something worth arguing over in detail, though. Nitpicking over the semantics of definitions is one of the lowest forms of discussion on the internet, especially when it comes to words used in videogames.

Just outside of the discussion that’s taking place here, I think it’s a very interesting project and certainly worth spending time on. A lot of theological information is in the Chronicles (especially about the Light and the Void), and others are just in-game (like the nature of An’she/Mu’sha etc.) although many theological concepts are still ambiguous and unclear.

Part of what catches my interest in the Warcraft universe is specifically that, the fact that there are still things that can only be theorised about because we have no clear answers. Delving into what is known about those concepts will be enormously interesting.

However, do keep in mind that some concepts have been metaphysically murdered, such as the Light and the Void. The way both are described are ambiguous, but not in a good sense. So try to watch out for the “new lore” about that and other concepts, since Blizzard didn’t spend a lot of time on it which resulted in an absolute mess.

I don’t really get where you are coming from? Christ died on the cross, yes (which He did when He wanted to, btw) but He returned soon after that. Maybe His body died at that point, but it is clear from everything that happened after it that His Spirit lived on.

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Level 2 belf-priest quest:

Level 6 belf-priest quest:

“Already the rangers speak of your blessings with awe and respect. Now you can see how the Light serves us, allowing us to help others, but only after we have helped ourselves.

Is an interesting stance, usually you’d imagine it to be help others to then help yourself.


It’s a healthy and responsible mindset. Self-sacrifice isn’t a sustainable way of doing things. “Help others whenever it is sane and sensible to do so” seems like an approach that works best for a race as close to extinction as the blood elves, who can’t afford to just throw away their lives in the pursuit of goodness.


That was kind of the point. His Avatar died. The God came back/never went.

Loras: I’ll make a thread about video game character lore because it’d enhance my RP and is an interesting topic.



(And you’re still wrong about Christ btw)


It doesn’t matter if it isn’t the correct definition. We all know it isn’t the technical definition, that’s not what I’m saying. It is commonly misused throughout actual history and within WoW which in itself gives it new definition. For example you even posted your a case of misuse specifically (Warhammer).

That can be said about most topics.
OP makes statement that can enhance RP, other people argue about things. It’s just how any forum works, the argument will fizzle and the standard topic should remain intact, because though the argument isn’t exactly needed, it is at least within the context of what is being asked of - religion.

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I read the things about the new additions, very good!

I definitely second this as an addition, it is not at all because I am most likely planning to go down that path as a druid, no not at all.

As the archetype suggests maybe their worship is involved with protecting others, and valuing strength. (And not shaving)

Hey don’t just make things up

No !!!

Yeah that’s me

Just noticed this, not sure what’s wrong with how both Fantasy and 40k throw ‘heretic/heresy’ around. It’s perfectly within the definition of the word.

No it Isn’t! How is an Eldar a Heretic? How is an Ork a Heretic? How is a Tyranid or Necron?

Heresy is the act of differing from official dogma. You cannot be a Heretic to a religion you do not believe in. That just is not possible. You can be a Non-Believer, an Atheist, an Idolator, heck, you can be an Infidel. What you can’t be, is a Heretic, unless you actually belong to the faith from whose doctrine you differ. If I was a Christian, but did not believe in the Resurrection. I would be a Heretic. If I was a Buddhist, by definition I cannot be a Heretic to the Christian religion. That just isn’t how it works…

Capitals are always a catchy way to make an opposing point of view look hysterical. Phew, Good job I didn’t use them. Oh, wait, You just made it look like I did. Do you want to maybe not do that? If you’re going to quote someone or even paraphrase them, trying to put -your- emphasis on their words is not OK Yo.

Wait, hang on. So he wasn’t supposedly God made flesh, the whole Crucifixion malarkey was effectively meaningless and irrelevant? I mean those are fairly crucial tenets. I mean its weird, by the same definition future people will be worshipping syringes, as Lethal injection, like Crucifixion is just another method of Capital Punishment. (I’m not advocating or excusing either).

Which bit is wrong, the Jesus as God bit?

I find you Heretical to my forum beliefs.

And if you say I use that wword wrong, you’re oppressing me.

Oddly, that would fit as Heresy!

Sweet, I’m like hella smart.

I wouldn’t go that far. You are right however,

They’re not. They’re xenos. Heretics are Chaos.