Blizzard, World pvp is absolutely DEAD, there is absolutely no alliance to be found and EVERYWHERE I go there is nothing but horde ALL OVER THE WORLD.
I am absolutely bored out of my mind doing world pvp where 10 hordes jump on 1 lonely alliance, such a shame!
For me this is absolutely terrible, I’d love to have amazing fights in all zones but even when I log in at night and go stealthed into ironforge or stormwind, ITS EMPTY!! Wtf, 1 week ago when I was in orgrimmar I saw the biggest ammount of people I’ve ever seen in org in 15 years of wow.
Please fix this or give us server migration RIGHT NOW because I’m paying subscribtion to get a good exprience and giving us this server imbalance is not giving me worth my money.
I’ve done PvE content, now I want to pvp but I just cant and there is no alliance to be found anywhere!
Perhaps I should unsubsribe untill Bg’s get released or we get some kind of fix…
I’m done logging in when the world outside is DEAD except the sjit load of horde that are just standing everywhere in the world, waiting for alliance that all left the server to the already big imbalance…
I already talked to many pvp players and they are just as bored and done with this as I am, waiting 20 minute to find 1 alliance…
So… basicaly, this destroys my WoW fun for me, can you imagine how the alliance must feel getting killed by the massive ammounts of horde in the world all the time?
Man, this stuff kills a server.
Hope to get some relpys from you people who exprience the same stuff on your own realm and on stonespin,
Peace out