Petition to reinstate Paid Character Transfers (Classic Era)

It seems that since recently, the Paid Character Transfers (Era) has stopped by Blizz. As a result, you can no longer pay to move from the Firemaw cluster to the Pyrewood cluster and vice versa.

Today I spoke to a friend who is stuck in the Firemaw cluster and wants to return to the pve cluster after 7 months of being there, but it seems he cannot.

Also, I have heard of at least one guild that wants to migrate from the pvp cluster to the pve cluster as a whole (500+ members) but is also stuck there.

If this matter has been addressed in another post, sorry.
If not, please support the topic in order to help people go to where they feel better (by paying ofc). The social aspect of the game (in Era) is really important and since it brings revenue, why stop it in the first place?

With respect.

I’ll just link myself here:

It appears Blizz’s reasoning since everything is Connected in Era, it doesn’t seem quite right to ask for money as the same effect will occur so they’d rather not take your mo’.

I just signed in to unsub, as i barely play the last month and i tho “lets take a look at forum” and came across this post, SO here is how things are RN… Ever since classic fresh has been released in fact. I dont know if ppl wanna come over to pve cluster, but now pve cluster its just dead, for horde at least. From 5 active raiding guild there seems to be only currently only one filling up the rooster to raid. And guess what its just 40y same old same old same old ppl raid logging back to back week after week, because if they dare to quit or take a break bye bye raid spot, so if any1 is dreaming to get into that raid guess what… you wont, as for the other 4 guilds 1 have disbanded, the other 3 barely feel a raid now , and some times they do some 40y man and some times they dont, and they have to co-op and cross guild the raids sometimes, but clearly that way u r not getting and stable raid team or raid schedule and you aint clearing end game… aq40 at best case if they somehow manage to gather up, but mostly ends up being just zg or ony. So regarding transfers being locked… it might be for your friend’s own good. Server on horde side just got dead pretty much. Many ppl stopped playing and went to “fresh” they quitted “era” but from what im reading and seeing “fresh hype” is gone off as well so i bet they quitted there as well, especially if the post about bots apocalypse are true. And yes trying to escape from gdkp in pvp cluster its “money trap” but for them. Just keep on paying subs keep on buying gold keep on going on gdkp… Pve cluster? Play and earn? Not pay to win? Hell no! Kill pve cluster now! First release fresh then stop transfers, best way to kill it. I can only advice what i have done, go to your account page and at account subscription click “cancel subscription” at reason tick “no friends to play” leave a sort comment why you unsubed, just to let em know why they lost a customer and be on ur way with your life ^^. At least this is what i did Bye Bye blizzard and happy X-mas to everyone! :smiley:

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