Petition to Remove Raider IO from Game

Its my alt genius

Even though i agree that tools like this have no place in an MMORPG, i am afraid Blizzard will never do anything against it since they are desperate to turn mythic+ dungeons into e-sports. After all, the gear score addon in WotLK was added as game feature in Cataclysm - before you couldnā€™t see your ilvl without an addon. Imo, things like this played a major role in community decline since Cataclysm but then you have all the ignorant echo chamber on the forums blaming LFD for it.

Rio is fine, when you run with a team with at least 1k, you have more chances to complete that M+ in time.

There are lots of ā€œchillā€ runs, who dont care about timer, or Rio whatsoever, so you go and die your way to the chest with them.

When i want a timed run, i want people with experience. Rio is a way to know if those people have the experience, simple as that.


No matter what you say or do - There will always be a method of judging players in their individual progress.

We had gear score, wow progress and now rioā€¦ I personally think its valuable to use when you want to push keys for your own progress. If you have a lower rio score - try to push your own key or a friends key to achieve a higher rating of your own.

I found a team of players and we pushed together - The more you work with the same team the better you perform. Its not difficult! :slight_smile:

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AddOns are a blessing to the game, and any Relaunch should be showered with them!

In all seriousness, certain aspects of the game attract certain personalities, and you can take away all the GearScore, Openqueue and what not AddOns in the world (of WarCraft) but that will never change.

So instead of schlepping yourself to the Bank in IF to show off your freshly-farmed consumables and Gear to be rejected when they discover you have put a Talent point in the ā€˜wrong spotā€™, they will just do the same kind of thing with an AddOn so neither party has to move if given the chance, at least saving time for all parties involved.

Que sera sera.

It all boils down to this basically.

Remove gearscore, remove itemlevels, remove achievements, remove armory and we would be left with looking at the artwork of equipped dungeon-loot or something similar.

Or youknow ā€¦

They could be boosted scrubs with 1500-2000 score not even knowing the basics of their rotation

But yeah, its better than nothing :slight_smile:

They donā€™t go higher than +10. Stick to +12-+13 minimum for now and you wonā€™t see those scrubs ever.

I met a disc with 1700 score at a +12 ā€¦

He didnt understand why he should use shadowmend and that tilted me abit


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