Phase 3 is nerf'd?

I had no FPS and ping issuies even playing from Russia in 2007-2008. Also 100 ping is perfeclty playable. And i bet EU players had even better ISPs and hardware back then.

I doubt it’s only skill change. Knowing which item is bis, what raid composition is the best, being able to overgear bosses etc.


Skill is major difference, players were super bad.

Ele shamans couldn’t hit Lightning Bolt for 3 minutes straight?

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A combination of many things:

  • Classes changing from patch to patch and simulations being nearly non-existant. People played what they thought to be best and were trying out stuff.
  • Not knowing the ins and outs of fights. This meant paying more attention to the fight and less to the dps performance.
  • Bad computers and internet connections. It was not uncommon that people played with 30 fps and less.
  • Last but not least … people were fairly new to the game and well … pretty bad for today’s standards. Most did not even know theorycrafting forums existed.
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ermmm no, people who downed bosses back in those days had no idea what bosses actually did when they attempted them, they had to figure that out themselves. So no, they are not better they just know whats expected and how to do it.

nah, they were clueless and had no idea how to play the game. Any video shows that.

ok, i would love to see you figure out how to kill vashj with no information and KT, see how you could cope then. i did it back in the day, it was much much harder for that very reason, but you believe what you want to believe. smh


What information? Boss litteraly has like no mechanics. You throw core (if assigned), you move out of green voidzone on P3 and CC mc’d targets if you can. It’s not rocket science.
Like phase 1 of Mythic G’Huun has more mechanics than whole SSC combined and pretty much all of them was “raid wipe” if failed.

You didn’t, you killed “fixed” Vashj just like in P2.5 of TBC:C.

This guy spent 2 years on Russian classic forums arguing about Classic vs Retail. Don’t take his messages too serious.

And I agree with your statement that the biggest buff to classic + TBC is knowing best strategies and tactics from the start.

There are so many wrong things with what you just said. With no knowledge of what’s going on, you will have to discover every single bit of the fight. And there’s so much more than the main mechanic:

You won’t have any assignments until you’ve wiped a few times and figured out that certain mobs drop an item for which you need to have free for all loot, that can be thrown around.
You will also wipe at least once to the striders in order to realize that they do an aoe fear and can’t be tanked like a regular mob. You will also lose most of your healers because no one expects a naga elite to just come out at them.
You will also wipe a few times until you realize that you need a grounding rotation in p1 and p3.
You will wipe some more until you realize that the sporebats are the ones throwing the poison and need to be killed as much as possible.
You will also wipe when transitioning to p3 before you’ve worked out the elite/strider timers in order to do as much damage as possible before turning in the last core.

Of course it’s easy and no mechanics when you have available a list of abilities and best tactics + exploits.
Back in the day these things did not exist … hell many guilds did not even know Lurker existed as a boss for while.

Also, MC people couldn’t be CC’d … you 2.5 monkey.


Nope, nothing wrong.

Ye, but there is not a lot of mechanics to rly discover. And those mechanics are pretty basic.

Thats hard. But what about Mythic bosses that takes about 300+ pulls for average guild before kill?

Well, google was around back then. Also addons like Atlas.

Ye, because:

Also i don’t get what are you trying to prove? Even “Best Players In The World” were awfuly bad back then, they were clueless and had no idea how to play the game. Just watch this video and it’s obvious:

Obviously they were bad when compared to people today that have played the game for 15 years.

Google what? What part of no one knew did you miss? There was no information to google until people discovered and posted it, this is the part that you really really really do not understand.
Unlike Battle for Whatever, there was no journal, no guides, nothing telling you anything about what you will find in there.

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Elitistjerks was around since vanilla iirc.

What part? I read all my info in TBC on EJ for PVE and on ArenaJunkies for PVP. If you did zero research and was not interested in the game - it’s not my problem and not valid argument for this conversation.

Can you just stop being that dumb and shaming our community here on european forums?
The majority of EJ were toxic noobs with extremely high (for no reason) self-esteem and only few ppl there were actually capable of doing guides. But have you ever wondered how these guids appear, even on EJ? Those capable peeps from hardcore guilds had to gather all the info bit by bit, spend countless hours wiping and testing stuff and look for best practises so dummies like you can use it and go easy way.
So I’m sorry, but YOU are the guy who did ZERO research - you just came on the forum and used someone else’s info, which means you also was this guy who was awfuly bad at this game, since you used guides which were written by people you’re slandering. Lol.
Quite surprising that you remember such things as EJ or AJ, but you don’t remeber MMO-champ releasing entire articles about “After 10 hours of trying Ensidia finally reached the 2nd phase of Yogg-Saron”. That’s how things were back in the days. No data-mining, no preliminary testing, no tactics, no mechanics. Yes, overall difficulty was way easier than now, but it was compensated by complete secrecy, software and hardware limitations. So pls stop being b1tchy and stupid at the same time


Can you stop being rude. Thanks.

Who cares about toxic ones. I’m talking about loads of usefull info, spreadsheets and great theorycrafting.

Bosses rarely took much time to progress through. Just look up kill times for TBC bosses, bugs and bad tuning were major reason for roadblocks.

No i’m not. I’ve read loads of information about my class and encounters back in the end of TBC and Wrath.

Why it is relevant?

try to watch RWF mythic progression, you gonna be surprised how things going now.

Exactly, no mechanics.

my point is simple, You as a player could not wipe all the time learning new mechanics like we all did back then. You probably even cry now if there is a wipe and all the tactics are known! Imagine going to KT not knowing what was going to happen, or any boss for that matter. You are just spoiled nowadays with tactics known for all bosses even on retail before anyone even attempts them. The difference between players back then and now? its quite simple. They were a lot more intelligent and also trustworthy. You would wipe and wipe and wipe just to get to a new phase then all of a sudden its… oh uh… wonder what the boss does now. Nowadays its like, ok guys p2, he will drop AOE stuff, move over here to avoid it etc etc etc.

No thanks. For my money, players back in classic and tbc deserve a medal for having to figure all the bosses out. You just deserve to shut up about it.

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I wiped countless times on encounters like “Firefighter (25)” back then. Wiped a lot during mythic prog while i raided retail. I don’t rly care about wipes that much.

It’s gonna be a shocker for you, but reading “tactics” for Mythic encounters and recreating them is whole another story, because mechanics are complex, many of them are instawipe mechanics and boss fights can last for 10+ minutes easily. It takes hundreds of pulls untill people gonna learn all the things.

Its not an argument. “Boss kill” videos on warcraftmovies, forums likes Ej. Information was available.

you have no idea.

Ye, but they were bad anyways. And modern RWF guilds deserve much more credit for progression and smart tactics they came up with in such a short time.

all of your arguments are totally invalid lol. I was in a guild that killed bosses before tactics were known. By anyone. Anywhere. The fact you know the tactics and still wipe means you are by far the worst player out of the two generations. Get over it already.

Нюхачечка - its russian retard guys, just leave.