Phase 3 is nerf'd?

How so?

You did not, it was already obvious lie when you said this:

Because only Method killed Vasjh before “nerfs”. And countless amount of dadgamer guilds killed it in TBC:C. So very average dadgamer is FAR better player than any “world first raider” from original TBC.

Go clear Mythic raid. Its very easy cuz tactics are known, videos are released. You gonna kill it in 1-3 pulls. It took us 3 pulls to kill Archimonde, so by your logic we gonna oneshot Mythic Sylvanas ez pz.

Get over what exactly? Over the fact that “world first” raiders from back in the day gonna have hard times clearing LFR? Well, i’m sorry, but this is hard truth.
You should stop being on copium 24/7, players back then were awful.

Also Little Bonus: i gonna link you hilarious video of one “vanilla was rly hard” fella, hero of Vanilla-TBC-Wrath trying easy faceroll retail raid. Enjoy it:

Well it would be weird to claim that gamers haven’t improved.

In the 80’s Pacman was difficult and as time progressed the bars were raised on whats difficult and what’s not.

What is also important is that gaming culture has started existing over the past few decades whereas in the early/ mid 2000’s this was still for nerds only.

On the matter on what’s good and what is bad, that is something to discuss about. We could say (in this last video I watched) that this Spriest could have done more damage. And that would be true but at that time parsing was irrelevant/not done and he is not gonna take extra dmg by having SWD in his rotation, because that simply doesn’t gain much when your only objective is to get the boss down.

They could take a bit longer.

Similar you see them sporting an UA lock (also notice how they had to keep up CoE and CoS at that time), it less dps but he heals himself up for a bit and has to lifetap less.

This is a setup

  1. for max chance of survival
  2. ppl playing the classes they ‘already had’ from classic I suppose, considering 4 rogues, who does that these days?

So yes, less dmg, at the benefit of more survival. If you can’t parse anyway because there is no one to compare to in the first place, then what is the purpose.

Note that I do agree gamers these days on average are better, these guys as a collective were still better than the average gamer of this day. This is what I believe.

Especially if you consider what to work with.

They weren’t a group where several ppl started rerolling warlock for TBC knowing what was gonna happen.
Ppl didnt start gearing for shadowpriest immediately.
Hunters didnt abandon their pets on the first sight of a Ravager.

Of importance is also the presence of the Legion gaming client from retail where TBC now runs on, removing input lag of 0.1 sec on each cast so 4% dps increase considering casting shadowbolts, and more if casting shorter spells/healing/ instants.

But let that be details. I think the main reason why their dps ‘sucks’ is because they would only focus on it if it was needed to kill a boss.

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