Pick Pocket Macro

I use a simple pickpocket macro for my stealth openers e.g.

#showtooltip Ambush
/Cast Pickpocket
/Cast Ambush

But most of the time the pick Pocket doesn’t work on the opener, and I have to kill the mob and then loot it twice. Once for actual loot and once for pickpocket loot. It only seems to happen when the mob has no real “loot” to pickpocket and only money.

Is this intended? It just feels weird and never played rogue on classic so don’t know if it was like this.

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/castsequence Pick Pocket, Cheap Shot

Also try making a mouseover to set focus and try

/cast Pick Pocket [target=focus]
/target focus
/cheap shot

Not sure if second will work or not think first might tho

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I had the same problem. Fixed it by making sure I had Autoloot turned on.

This issue isn’t with the macro, it’s because of this spellbatching thing. If you walk up to the mob, stop, then cast - it will loot the copper for you. However if you’re stealthing and attack while moving, often you need to double loot at the end. It’s quite annoying actually :smiley:

This is not supposed to happen, but for some reason it does.

It won’t! Classic has no focus and you wrote /cheap shot :smiley:

I have autoloot and still happened every now and then (I went back to manual pickpocket anyway).

What is spellbatching and how does it work? I have had some strange things happen and I assume it’s because of this. For example I was fighting a higher level warrior yesterday, when my health was low I tried to blind him, but the blind didn’t go off until after I had died.

I honestly did not know that, learn somthing new everyday eh :slight_smile: yea i got a bit lazy with my typing towards the end

I believe spell batching is artificial lagg blizz had put into the game to make it feel more authentic, but it bugg abit, have you ever been walking and your char says that spell is not ready yet even tho you did not press anything? Im pritty sure thats what it is, could be wrong tho

You have to use;

#showtooltip Ambush
/Cast Pick Pocket
/Cast Ambush

And you have to make sure you stop moving just before pressing or the Pick Pocket will fail.

The reason for the /stopcasting is to prevent your Ambush or whatever other ability you are casting from clipping over the Pick Pocket.

I still have to loot twice on the odd occasion, but 90% of the time the above does the trick, providing you are using the auto loot addon and have auto looting enabled.

Autoloot addon? I thought it was just a regular feature?

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I personally do not bother with macros, I pickpocket 2~3 in a row in dungeons, giving the tank time to aggro, then I open up. And in open play, seeing as I’m sub. I pickpocket and then try to lure mobs away first.

If you just use the auto loot built into the client, there is a noticeable delay on looting. The addon makes it pretty much instant. So that could also have something to do with why it works most of the time for me.

I’m fairly sure stopcasting does nothing here because it works without it and you still get the same problem everybody else does.

My understanding was that /stopcasting helps if you have a bad connection, and allows the Pick Pocket to finish properly before casting the next ability.

I genuinely have no idea if this is still the case though, but something I remember being an issue in vanilla when we all had poor internet connections. Or perhaps it was the old servers they used to use, maybe they couldn’t handle the ability queuing and that’s no longer an issue on current tech?

/stopcasting interrupts any current spell being cast. It’s usually included in macros where you want to make sure you start doing what you want to do right away, interrupting anything else, but should have no effect unless you’re in the middle of mounting up/bandaging etc, as melee abilities (perhaps excluding warrior Slam) don’t have a casting time.

A macro tries to do each step in order until it finishes or stops because you’re trying to do something you can’t do (you need the global cooldown or any other condition isn’t met). In this case Pickpocket is off the global cooldown so you do both “at once”, and although I haven’t tried I think you might even be able to do

/cast Ambush
/cast Pickpocket

as you would still be in stealth when Pickpocket goes off.

Here is my tips, first when you use your macro stand still don’t keep moving and use it stand still and use cheapshot or ambush macro with the pickpocket, 2nd thing you need to do is download addon called Leatrix Plus and activate Faster autoloot.

Interesting. I might give that last bit a try later just for giggles.

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