Pink/purple eyes

On my Warlock sure. But not on my Hunter :rofl:

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It’s like…

Blizzard: both Factions get High elves!

Also Blizzard: but let’s change the female eyes to Pink so nobody gets High elves.

Female Fans: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Male fans: :smile:

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I’m all for eyeliner but only if done right.

Eyeliner doesn’t equal Smokey eyes. Two completely different things. Also eyeliner doesn’t equal cat eyes or wingtips.

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Not so sure its an option but more like a symptom :laughing:

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The one on the left looks amazing. Like they seem actually round/3D now, not like the usual flat looking ones and that lighting in the eyes looks great.

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Back in Wrath of the Lich King, she was a Talent Trainer.

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She’s a Mage Trainer in Stormwind. Her name is Elsharin

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I noticed it when i was doing balance of power with my DK. The blue dragon girl who posed as a high elf, had purple eyes (Forgot her name). And then i noticed the same thing going on with all the high elves in dalaran too. All females, and even some of the males.

They may have done so, just to make sure there’s a distinct difference between high elf NPC’s and high elf looking blood/void elves.

I wish they could have upgraded silvermoon too.

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Seems like a subtle hint that they are all…

Void elves!

Nah it’s because arcane magic is purple.

Yup. Purple and blue

I wasn’t being entirely serious.

On an actual serious note however, it seems they had violet eyes even before the pre patch. It’s only the females for some reason however, with males having the baby blues we know so well.

These purple eyes look better than the ones Void Elves currently have…

In my opinion anyway.


I agree! It looks really nice. The one we have has white in the center (I guess it’s Void themed)

Yeah, some of the void elven eyes are almost uniformly coloured and lacking any definition of an iris. Sort of like draenei eyes really.

I guess it ties into them being mutated elves and all, but their eyes before the pre patch actually had a pretty clearly defined iris - and that was with “ren’dorei eyes” and everything.*

*Live = Patch 8.3
PTR = Patch 9.0.1

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Yea those eyes look amazing. Many many people seem to forget that they did have purple eyes in WC3 aswell. Civilian elf chicks had purple eyes and big bosoms.
High Elf/Blood Elf mages had brown eyes, yet it’s not possible to use this color either -.-

I was very disappointed that purple eyes were left out from Blood Elf customization upgrades. Probably the fella working on it did not know the lore.

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I also would love those eye colors for my Blood Elves. Hm, why not add also rainbow eyes too? lol. (I was thinking when i wrote this about a song group called: Rainbowdragoneyes). :smiley: :candy: :blush:

Looking at earlier high elf photos it would appear that some of them had a faintly purple eye color. So it’s safe to say that the update accidentally turned that purple up to max.

Alternatively they might have accidentally switched some of the eye colors around with the update.

Death Knights really should have had access to more eye colors. Like Green, Red, Dark Purple and black.

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