Pink/purple eyes

If they were void themed they should’ve been indigo in the centre.

DK’s color spec are like blue, green and red.

They had blue eyes like fits with Frost spec.

If take unholy, when green eyes. Also Blood for red eyes!

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Ah yes… i remember. :grin:

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I really wonder why did they change them from blue to purple eyes. There is no explanation, one day they were just datamined and put on all High Elf NPCs.

Only Females

Males have blue

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But… you can have purple eyes. They’re just a bit glowy.

It’s completely different than the ones Helves have. This one looks much better as stated above

Plus this thread is to encourage both Belves and Velves to have it. One extra eye color won’t hurt anyone

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Ah yes… found it now. I have headache so nyer reading.
They are very nice indeed. Moar purple and pink everything!

Alright you won me over, I’m happy with the purple eyes my Void Elf has, and only really want the option for Belves to have something similar as well.
I just want more purple stuff.

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Guys, guys, guys, LOOK!


Personally I’m still a fan of the current purple-y ones they have, looks more spooky and Voidy and thats what these emo elves need, though these are a nice addition.


I have seen that eye color before on High elf NPC’s in Dalaran and I was sad I couldn’t look like them.

Thank you Blizzard! Really Thank you. I am ditching my eyes and going for Purple

That looks really good


I liked the idea of purple eyes on VE, didn’t like how they seemed to be just one block colour.

Ones above look great - will need to try them out!

Just saw it on WoWhead, looks really good!.


Actually love these eyes. Screw trying to look helfy, velf purple woo!

Some Helves have Violet eyes.

Although the new shade is obviously Voidy. Still looks amazing!

I look more helf on the Horde than I can get on the Alliance. Any hair without tentacles looks like they came out a pool :weary: dyed blue.

while I’m happy for those who will enjoy using them, I do think they need to chill out with giving void elves things.
Its getting a little silly at this point.

Someone mentioned that the Purple eyes was given to Blood elves too,

Someone correct me on this?