Pink/purple eyes

The only reason elves got this option was because of a bug. It’s simply an eye color (one eye color) nothing more.

On Twitter it says something like this: “since we fixed the Eye color situation of High elf females, we are now giving elves the option to have a similar eye”
“The NPC’s lost, but the players gained”

Something like that. I can’t remember I read it a few minutes ago

Point is just because a race got more attention now, Doesn’t mean the other races won’t get any. The reason why it’s taking so long is probably because the Nightborne will get many new amazing stuff.

Sorry pink and purple eyes for dashing people and undeads once upon the time dashing only !

What are you even saying? Seriously, you make no sense with your poor grammar.

i hope your right

Yay! Crud now I need another Belf character. What a darn shame. :smiling_imp:

I need to try this out on beta, I may have to forego my beautiful blue eyes on Punyelf.


I mean it would match your gear perfectly ~ I’m thinking a warlock with pink/purple gear…


Your gear is purple so it would match

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I just said that, woman. Flails at


Why bother spending time crying about it?

Void Elves haven’t gotten anything Voidy… They just got a few options ported from Blood Elves because it’s no more job than it is to flip a switch.
The rig is the same.

I don’t disagree that Nightborne look like trainwrecks, but fixing things for them would be much more work, they aren’t identical to Night Elves.
It wouldn’t be as simple as flipping a switch and giving them Night Elf skin tones for example.
Their rig is slightly different, so it would have to be tweaked manually.

And besides, Void Elves have gotten exactly zero unique customizations, it’s just to calm the Helf crowd.

What worries me is that crybabies will end up making sure Void Elves get squat when the Allied races have their turn.

“WAAAH! They shouldn’t get anything at all now! They got skin colors last year!!!”

Void Elves need a distinctive eye colour, saxe blue or an intense purple colour eyes and they must not get Yellow eyes of Blood Elves.

That one specific eye colour would be nice if glows like DK eyes :thinking:

Void elves already have a nice range of eye colors

  • White
  • Blue
  • Light blue
  • Lighter blue
  • blue/white
  • Purple
  • Voidy purple

We are definitely not getting yellow or green eyes. That’s a belf thing. Plus Yellow is the light within the Sunwell, so a big no.

That is already what I’m talking about, we must not have yellow one but there needs to be 1 glowy void eye colour option peculiar to Void Elves, there needs to be a difference between them. They can’t share all customizations.

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