Pink/purple eyes

Apparently it has but thats not my issue with it.

I can understand that one couldn’t get it and not the other so it makes sense for them both to have it.

But void elves have really gotten a lot over the other allied races.

I think it would have been better if they just held off on this until later

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Give us red eyes finally please


The other allied races will get their new customization’s eventually. This is just different because belfs and velvs are essentially the same race so would make that get these things at the same time.

Warning: the High elf females no longer have the Pink eyes. It was changed back to blue. Apparently it was a bug all along :rofl:

Yeah so I think blood elves should have had to wait for this as well if its that essential its done at the same time

I have no words

I figured it was a bug. Why only the females have it lmao

Buggy sure but completely unintentional?
Actually… not too shocking after all

Guys guys guys… this is confirmed to be available to Blood Elves too.
Can’t wait to use them nice lookin’ eyes. :smiley:

Wowhead updated the article to include BE. xD


Thank Goodness. Everyone was angry it only went to Void elves at first. Now I’m happy that everyone got it

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Now all we need is a hotfix. :))

void elves get more attention than any other allied race and your still asking for more… i cant even

nightborne players rolling in their graves

Technically I asked for purple eyes for both Blood elves and Void elves.

This was before Blizzard actually added them. So the thread is pretty much useless now

Can’t wait to use this on my BE shadow priest, it’s going to look great :smiley:

Well, nightborne have it bad, but not so bad they literally have died :wink:

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Mine did
He got axed for being ugly

i racechanged mine to an orc because they look so bad compared to the Npcs

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Yeah but what does this have to do with Void elves?

We got one eye color it’s not the end of the world. Belf got it too.

I’m 100% sure Nightborne are getting more customizations in Shadowlands. Just have patients.

Ouch! :neutral_face:
It’s true that they look bad, the males specially for me. Their options are also a bit weak, compared with other races. I still have my hunter but I’m hoping that when the time comes for allied races they will receive some serious changes.

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im frustrated that void elves keep getting more options and it just outlines more and more that other allied races need this attention.

I remember one time when I was younger I was infatuated with different eye colors and I went through them all and I was like “I wonder what pink eyes would look like!”

So many regrets.