Play WoW, they said. It will be fun, they said. 2021 EDITION

I am not giving charity on Wednesdays. You failed to read once, you will fail again for all I know, so off you go.

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The wrong part is that it’s not how this works. People don’t want invest 30 min a key with a bunch of random people without being able to screen it first. It’s been like this since wotlk at least with gearscore.
You can join unrated pvp if you really want to play, there are queue for that, but obviously it’s a different experience.

SL is hot garbage

The screening can be done by a machine. Surprise!

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All i read is “i don’t know what to say so i hide behind some random bla bla bla”

What makes you not queue manually even if SOLOqueue would be added then ?

What makes you be sure that some guy hasn’t boosted his rio with/by friends, him being a damn noob in reality ?

It makes no sens what you are invoking man.

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Nothing, boosted players are everywhere, but surely i have way way more control when i pick manually vs when the system gives me a party.
If it makes no sense, the whole raider io wouldn’t exist don’t you think?

Yes and it worked so wonderfully they had to add a kick system as a failsafe, for what is very entry level content here. I’m sure the “machine screening” would be awesome for a +15 or a 2k 2v2 arena match.

OK, mate, you got me.

Here, watch me solve your conundrum of why solo queue is better than no solo queue even when the balance is s***. Ready?

With balance being s*** and without solo queue, you have two problems. 1 - the balance being s***. 2 - you being unable to play PVP and having to play LFG for hours, because there is no solo queue. Counted the problems? There are two.

With balance being s*** but with solo queue, you have one problem. 1 - the balance being s***. Counted? One.

Now compare the numbers. Two vs one. One is less than two. So, solo queues are better than no solo queues. With solo queues they can concentrate on one remaining problem. Without solo queues, they have to solve two problems.

Understood? If the math is too hard for you, ask your grandma to explain it. Cool. Have fun, mate.


So if nothing changes for YOU, as a M+ high end key player. Then you opposed something that doesn’t affect you ? :)))))))

RAID IO can be used just to match people, “don’t you think?”

It didn’t even begin to work because they had no ratings. And they added votekick not because matchmaking somehow failed, but because some players are bozos.

Talk about

He misses the entire point 100%.

Missing attunements and rating systems is what made DF a TOXIC system, but not a FAILED system, since it is still used BIG time.


you could be right. But how many ppl has teamspeak? Probably just a limited elite of guilds.

You cull the majority of playerbase to play this content.

No queue can fix that.

Being unable where? Every single time i look at the arena queue, it’s full of group spots, it’s not a empty desert land. Me being able to join them is another subject, i’m a terrible arena player, i get declined endlessly.
If for being unable you mean “i want a solo queue to join a rated game because noone will pick me up or join me” yes then, add a soloqueue. But then add one for keys, and myth raiding. add soloqueue for everything, so after the rpg part got removed from wow description we can remove the multyplayer bit too and have you play whatever you want helped by a system, instead of making social contact that is what this game is desperately missing.

My math is fine, don’t worry. I’ll ask grandma for a slice of cake if i could but she’s not here anymore, so #nocake

Replace Teamspeak with Voice Chat and the point remains the same. And everyone has access to Voice Chat. If one lacks a microphone then one is already at a massive disadvantage (especially for PvP)

The whole reason for this topic was ME hosting a LFG and waiting in queue for 20-30mins every time. Sorry, got screens but can’t link them.

It baffles me how can you invoke anything to counter soloqueue, when you say it doesn’t bother you and you will still queue manually.

I don’t get it. Are you unable to see that one is less than two? Or are you denying that the comparison is one vs two because you think the problem of having to play LFG for hours does not exist? #plsclarify

For M+ yes. For raids not sure because there are unique difficulties, it might be not worth solving them. But for M+ yes. Up to and including +15, no higher. Easy. So?

You can by making the link look like this

I can post you screenshot of me getting denied endless times in bfa for a +20 because almost noone wanted a prot pala as it was not meta.

So where is really the problem: the lack of a solo queue, or the fact that noone wanted to join your group for whatever reason, rating, ilvl, class, spec etc etc etc?

3v3 seems to be a much more popular mode, mainly because it is easier and the rewards are off the chain. For people who want to farm pvp rewards, mounts, conquest, etc. nothing but 3v3 makes sense. 2v2 is very unpopular due to the fact that gear margins matter much more, the reward are stupidly small. It’s 3v3, RBG and then 2v2.

You don’t have to do all the weekly stuff - you just need to do the 2 renown weeklies, everything else doesn’t matter.

It’s the balancing of having randoms versus a premade that’s on voice chat and can execute combos that blow up your healer in a second. 2 pallies and a druid is pretty fun. First pally stuns the healer, the healer pops trinket, second pally stuns them after the trinket, we bop the druid and we all blast the healer. It’s dead in a second. And you kind of need the voice communication to do it well.

Maybe if we normalize using WoW’s voice chat (like entering arena joins you the chat channel automatically) solo queue can work.

And if you split ranked into 2 modes - one for solo q and another for premades… like what’s the point of ranked anyway? You’ll have to farm 2 separate ranks? It’s just silly.

Solo queue is randoms vs randoms.

Yes, split in two modes. One mode is solo, the other is team. No, not silly. Don’t have to farm both if you don’t want to.