Play WoW, they said. It will be fun, they said. 2021 EDITION

Thank you.

Here we go then:

Tahen, tell me, what is the problem with that LFG ?

would be perfect. all happy. eilitists premades and random ppl just enjoyin a pvp match sometimes.


No heal wants to play with you? Again, it’s a problem of the tool, or it’s a problem of you and the group you created?

Ranked random-exclusive mode sounds like a pathetic, miserable experience. The moment you split randoms from premades is the moment solo queue dies.

Instead, just have people forced into voice chat. WoW has a working voice chat that’s alright. People who want to pvp should be in VC to at least listen.

Even in random vs random, the people who join VC will always win.

It is the GAME’s TOOL problem that wastes my time.
LF a chill heal ilvl220, no stress, 1928cr in S1 SL - should be a no brainer

Does that/my problem affects your gameplay in any way ?

Does me suggesting for #SOLOQUEUE for PvP 2s, affects your manually queue for M+ ? :slight_smile:


Mate, I am sorry, but where are you even taking these things from? You are stating this bs with such conviction. You are just wrong.

Solo queue is MORE stable than team queue. Splitting solo queue and team queue is ABSOLUTELY the way to go.


Says who? You? It’s very subjective.
I have 2k rio score as a tank, and i still get declined for +16. It’s a problem of the tool, or it’s people wanting something else?

There’s your problem. That’s below S2 starting gear. Nobody wants to carry you in pvp. And it’s probably not even 220ilvl pvp gear, so it doesn’t go up to 233 or whatever when you enter arena.

Get some gear before wanting to be carried in rated arena.


why force? is a game not a race.

It’s rated pvp. It is a race and people who do not want to be on a voice call are actively dragging their team down, regardless of anything else.

I hate to break it to you. But the idea of rated arena is that you progress from bottom up. And get gear on the way. In that rated arena. They even doubled down on it in SL. Did you even play PVP, mate? You seem like a theoretician.


Dude, take a look during my S1 topics. This has been an issue, no matter if I was 220ilvl when the ilvl was 226 MAX, being 1928 cr.

Trust me, it it might be an issue regarding gear, but not in the measure you think.

I’ve PvPed with ilvl 170 reaching 1600 in S1, but waiting the same for a healer, no matter I was 170ilvl or 220ilvl.

Rank 7 Honor gear:
7 216 229
Unranked Arena gear:
Unranked 220 233

Think about it :wink:

I am 220ilvl with 30% versa. So NO, it is not a gear problem.

i beg your pardon but this kind of thinkin is the main reason many ppl no more play wow.


Theres also a reason that is way more important for the as to why you dont find people. Your main is Alliance. The faction is defacto dead.

This kind of thinking is present since the implementation of rated pvp. Hes also correct that in the regards of being not on voice vs being on voice that youre at a massive disadvantage for not being on voice.

The Horde isn’t much better. Or, rather, it’s much better than the Alliance, but remains utter c*** in practice, the number of groups is miniscule.


and this is true. This why i agree with mellinora about splitting the pvp rating in 2. with different awards ofc

Sure, if making WoW a single faction, for queues and parties, fixes the problem, and Alliance DEAD faction is a BIG problem, then make it happen.

I am for the constructive solutions that should be implemented being it #SOLOQUEUE, ALTs ultra friendly, unifying factions when it comes to gameplay.

Still better than a faction that is on the brink of going extinct.

There are currently 79 groups on for arena on horde side. 57 of that being 2v2 groups.

I mean its a major factor as to why your ability to find groups is limited. You being at 96 rating regardless of your S1 max rating is just adding to an already existing problem.

People are demanding the removal of factions since quite a while and AT BEST you get it with 9.2. Otherwise 10.0. Given Blizzards recent remarks about it.

That’s not a big number in practice. Most have rating requirements that are too high, a fair number are boosters, etc. If you are a healer, you get in. Otherwise, the wait is long. Source: were / am doing both.

Agree about the Alliance being a joke.

Sure, that rating is made out of 1 won game, since I haven’t played in S2. But, WTH, am I the only one starting to play now ? You are telling me WOW is actually … almost DEAD ? :slight_smile: