Hello … again … Blizzard,
Today is Wednesday, A.K.A. “reset day”, so I’ve just got down of “the” treadmill, finished all my weekly stuff, like a good rat that I am and now I just wanted to play the part of the game that I actually enjoy playing: PvP Arena 2s.
So, all callings done, all World Bosses dead, Assault Done, Korthia Dailies Done, 2x layer 12 Torghast Done, and as it can be seen in my screenshots I’ve created a group for 2s Arena, lf a healer. After 20 mins of waiting in queue, nobody applied. Also, even tough my friends list is thin, all friends have left long time ago.
The screenshot was made out of a timer showing 20mins of waiting in queue 2s arena rated, with no one applying, + renown 74, no calling, my S1 SL 1928 rating, 1 game played and won in S2 SL, and my unlogged friends since months.
So, Blizzard, I said that the best thing that can be implemented for players like me (players that don’t PvE at all) would mean making ALTs ultra friendly, just level it and have anything unlocked, EXCEPT gear. Because all the renown and quests have already been done on MAIN and that is just a boooring, tedious task. Sure, let everythine decie if they want to do them on all ALTs, or skip.
After seeing the same problem over and over again on my main, I think the main solution is #SOLOQUEUE.
BTW: I have joined ~7 PvP oriented communities, and I’ve asked about LFG in there also, but all are ghost towns.