Play WoW, they said. It will be fun, they said. 2021 EDITION

No matter how you wish it was, the fact is that voice chat is a massive advantage, and when we’re talking about a rated mode, not taking a massive advantage makes you an objective detriment to your team.

I’m not saying arena skirmishes should force voice chat, because they’re unranked. They’re casual for people who just want to fight others.

The problem we’re discussing is people who want to play rated arena, but cannot for the life of them go and make their own team. Now they don’t want to be on voice chat either… why bother with rated arena then?

I dunno mate, in S1 when I was farming 3v3 for vicious saddles, it was me and a guildie and it took us around 5 minutes to find a 3rd. Not always a healer, sometimes we’d just take some blaster and blow people up. What we wrote in the name of the group was always “mount farm” and plenty of people applied and I farmed my mount and a vicious saddle in no time.

Like the gameplay but don’t like to be playing LFG for hours? Could be it?

What will be the difference between rated lfg and non-rated lfg?

??? The proposal is for rated solo. So the modes would be rated solo and rated team. If you are asking about what would be the difference between rated solo and unrated solo, then the difference is ratings. Kind of logical, no? It’s in the name of the mode.

Its more on average. They fill and get replaced constantly.

That is universal even for PvE where the vast majority of people play. There are way more DPS than there are Healers (or tanks) and that also adds to it.

Given 9.1 is a massive failure ye im semi saying that. And especially for Alliance its an issue in every aspect of the game. Also no youre not the only one starting. However as a dps youre a beggar while a healer is a chooser.

And theres a thing that groups that are already up for an eternity get disregarded by people because they assume the leader is afk or something. A reason why groups usually relist themself over and over again (next to bumping the position in the tool)

Sure, I agree. It’s just that solo queue makes things better by (a) removing stupid selection biases which prolong the wait for people significantly and snowball, and (b) attracting many more people to begin with.

Ah, well. They won’t do it. So it’s kind of pointless to be talking about it.

How will rated lfg be different from non-rated lfg in terms of gameplay.

R6 Siege, as well as most other games where you aren’t locked into one character for months on end, have solo queues for rated modes and all those games without a single exception are famous for their toxic communities.

Then you play the game and realize the toxicity exists exclusively in the solo rated queue with random matches. Overwatch’s community was fine once I stepped out of solo rated queue. R6 Siege’s community was so much fun when I stepped out of the rated mode. Same for, shockingly, LoL and DOTA2.

Solo rated doesn’t work even in games designed for it. It will not work in WoW, where you have all the extra issues that come with the game being a MMORPG.

i’m surprised that so many people have accepted this level of exclusion in a game that they pay for, in a time when equality is supposed to be a thing, i’m sorry, but other companies that don’t make half as much can moderate their forums properly…-.-

i know, sometimes i put my foot in it, i’m not a great communicator but have i been banned in the 15 years i’ve played?, and you still don’t trust me…incoming profanity…

Yeah not going to touch that subject. You Main PvPers can sort that mess out.

Ratings place you with and against people of about the same skill / gear / everything else. Basic stuff.

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It’s literally the other way around. Solo rated works in more places than team rated does. Many games don’t even bother implementing team rated because they are not sure they will get the critical mass because of all the issues. Whereas solo rated works fine for them.

You know, I am kind of tired of having you write so much nonsense as if you have a clue. You don’t know a thing. I am not going to reply to you anymore, you are just fantasizing. I don’t know why you feel like writing patent nonsense over and over, but whatever floats your boat, I just won’t participate.

And then there are people like me with a permanent trust level 3 regardless of banns.

Also its safe to assume the majority is against the trust level system and that the Mod team flat out beeps is also nothing new given we have enough proof of their inability to moderate properly.

Yet those games are still having those modes and many players play them.
From my PoV, I don’t find “toxit” any game since I am 36 and don’t give a damn about someone calling me names in RL, what should I say about a GAME :slight_smile:

And yeah, 99% of my time playing to 1.9cr during S4 BFA or S1 SL was without voice.
You need voice after 2.1, from my perspective.

Sure, the game would be much easier with voice, but it is not a requirement.

Moreover, they are adding solo queues for FORTNITE arena DUOS and TRIOS, that has always HAD solo queues for ARENA but, till now, didn’t had FILL in ARENA DUOS or TRIOS.

Seems like some companies get things sooner then later, but Blizzard and it’s “speach” about MMORPG, is acutally burying this genre while it is still alive, barely but … alive.

solo queeue

And how a soloqueue solve this? by forcing togheter people that don’t want to play togheter? By your word, it’s not that there aren’t groups, it’s just you don’t meet the requirement for those groups.

PVP cr is a zero sum game, so a solo queue would either have to put players in the same queue as premades or have different reward scheme(or remove he whole pvp gearing issue and get back to templates)

You again fail to read, it’s both that there aren’t groups and that of however many groups still exist a fair number have stupid requirements (“I was a glad once, so please have a cr of 2400+ or no inv”) and a fair number are boosts.

Solo queue is going to solve “this” by making the selection process automatic and unbiased (whatever cr you have, you are matched according to it), and by attracting way more people to PVP than play now.

??? I fail to see the logic here. Regardless, a solo queue and a team queue should be kept separate, because of obvious differences in power between organized and unorganized teams. I am not sure what you mean by rewards, if you mean titles and achievements, then yes, they would be different. If you mean gear, then no, they would be the same, but the current PVP gearing system is an atrocity and has to be replaced either way, PVP gear should follow WoD’s model - and if it does, the issue of gear is just solved permanently.

Guild Wars 2 have solo Q and its the reason I am spending more time there. I can literally log in, hit the Q button, chill in the background and then play.

When you are presenting your counter arguments against Solo Q, please ponder about it. Reasons such as;
-You will complain about the imbalance (what is this even supposed to mean? You Q with DPS - Healer, which is what you do in LFG and same imbalance exists in there as well?)
-You will complain about bad partner (??? same with LFG???)
-You will complain about comps (what?)

and so on. All the things listed there exists in the LFG too, which is irrelevant anyway as LFG is asked primarily for other reasons, not balance or partner issues. The point of LFG would be just being ABLE to play instead of waiting in the Q for 30 mins, which is just disheartening and frustrating.

Anywho, if you are opposing it, make sense, don’t present irrational arguments.

Edit: One good argument would be splitting the player-base, for example.


The mindblowing thing about this discussion is that people against #SOLOQUEUE for PvP Arena/RBG are PvE players that never “stepped into the arena”.

Anyhow I’ve uninstalled the game yesterday nignt, even tough my sub runs out 2 weeks after.
Last Played Sep 30, 2021

Expiration Date Oct 16, 2021

Really can’t be asked to sustain this type of disrespect on my time.

I want to use my gametime to actually play a game, not be used as a tool for the game (a.k.a. LFG tool WATCHDOG).

Will prob be back when #SOLOQUEU will be implemented, if ever, AND+ when ALTs will be ultra friendly.

GL HF, enjoy your games.


Billy: “So Bob, how much free time you have for gaming today ?”
Bob: “Well Billy, around 3 hours, why, what do you want to play ?”
Billy: “WoW, that is nice, if we are lucky, we can get to actually play 2 bgs.”