I recently read a post about how a new player was awfully mistreated (rudely votekicked, asked to “delete themselves”, and that kind of stuff) for not doing much damage. The author (OP, for robots) pitied this newcomer, and decided to voice their concern about this nightmare of an experience. In the original post, I found no trace of offensive language towards someone, just an instance of toxicity being reported, and the community being called “toxic”.
Want to know what happened next? The post got flagged pretty quickly! This further proves the OP’s point. If a toxic instance cannot be reported, then it seems that we are a part of a toxic community that is scared of being called out/exposed. If reporting a crime is a crime, then there is no justice.
Julian Assange, anyone? Pretty much the same case. But with less impact, of course.
I agree, but i hope this one gets flagged aswell, just for meme.
You may be joking, but this post will be flagged as well, believe me. The angry mob of the forums will most likely demand the OP of that thread (and me, since I supported him), to be punished, perhaps even extradited to an American prison .
If a post is flagged it just gets hidden.
An actual moderator will then decide whether the post gets unhidden, if it actually did nothing wrong, or it will be deleted.
So maybe the post was containing some things that are against the CoC?
For example you can’t call people out, even if they did something terrible. That’s what the report function is for, not the forums.
But he didn’t break the CoC, neither did he name anyone, so my guess is that someone got “offended”.
well, without the actual thread noone can say anything about it. maybe he did break the coc or was being rude. posts can get flagged for various reasons.
Hey that’s new - forum drama from throwaway alt.
Yeah, but my point is. If someone just got offended and flagged the post for no reason, the post will get unhidden as soon as moderator checks the flag.
First of all, this is not a throwaway alt. Even if this were a throwaway alt, my point still stands. Is voicing concern over serious topics being silenced is “drama” to you? You wouldn’t say it in real life about your freedom of speech, would you? The only reason I can see as to why you would dismiss this as “drama” is probably because you are one of those toxic people and you don’t like being confronted.
So you are either a lurker or throwaway alt.
My point still stands. A drama spiced post on the forum from a poster with no presence.
And guess what - in real life I also call people out for being drama queens, as life is way too short to waste time on calling people toxic.
Overwatch has a report player function for that.And it works ‘‘pretty good’’. I dont know how it works for wow. I’ve hardly think people get penalty for bad attitude.( I’ve reported several people in overwatch for their attitude ; and they got penalty almost every time)
but it think you should fix the topic name. It may lead to misunderstanding.Some people are toxic;but not the whole community.
So you may write it as ‘’ player calls out toxic behaviour of players ; get flagged’'.
Based on my experience from the last couple of years :
A report goes into queue, the more people report the same account, the higher it goes in a queue.
However, there is no “toxic player” in WoW, so if you get mass reported for SPAM, you get temp chat suspension until GM checks it.
So because real life is short we have to ignore injustice and aggression? Also, what do you mean, a poster with no prescence? It is true, you don’t see me every day with this alt. So what? I don’t want to write every thread on ONE alt, as the notifications annoy me. Is that some form of hiding to you? I am already hidden, so why would I bother?
Has the topic actually gone? Is it 404-ing out or is it unlisted or maybe even closed?
It is flagged, therefore it’s “branded”. It means that some from the angry soy community got offended by the fact that the OP indirectly confronted their kind and promptly rage-flagged the post, further proving his point. That’s the whole point.
Oh, this is a personal preference of mine, do not worry.
This is my character, the one with over 200 days in game time and so on, I may play on others (even currently i am on AD with a mage), but this is my face for the Blizzard community with it’s all benefits and demerits.
With that said, this is the face with which i would take a hot shot at a topic, perform an action that would be considered “drama” and so on. I won’t hide, and i don’t like people hiding.
Mind you there are multiple people that use alts (dottie for example), however they always post from the same char.
So my dear anon, just like you have the right of free speech to lay down this topic, I have the right of free speech to mark it as drama from throwaway alt.
Have a lovely evening.
Fairly sure I read that post, it seemed fine and iirc the OP of the thread, was just pointing out that it was shoddy treatment of a new player, experiencing WoW for the first time.
I suspect it got flagged by a disposable Alt, ‘for the lulz’…because, Edge Lords.
Who gives a crap? What matters is the point, not who says it.
Naming someone on the forums is harassment! It is actually against the CoC!
Besides, my dear airhead, there is no rule stating that you have to be recognizable as a specific person to speak.
I am explaining why it is my personal point.
I am referring to a person? How is this against the forum CoC? Have you actually read it, or you apply the religion approach?
First toxic, now airhead and the most hilarious part - you still ignore the point. You are causing drama and while you have all the “freedom of speech” to do that, I also have the right to call it out. However, the next insult that you try to fling towards my way, will be strike 3 and I will actually feel so obliged to put down a report.
Luxury…I’m negotiating with Trade Prince Gazlowe for Zeppelin ‘Rendition’ Flights, to Equitorial Guinea… that’ll learn the EL wrong’uns!