Player calls out toxic community, gets flagged

Oh, you mean the spam thread from the same OP who made a post roughly 2 hours earlier about pretty much the same topic?

I didn’t, and now can’t see it, but I am sure there was some derailment or CoC rule violating. Maybe something as simple as name dropping.

Oh god, not America, anywhere but there.

To be killed, I meant, just like Assange is most likely to be killed if he is extradited. So keep the irony for yourself, arrogant westerner.

My post that was highlighting lack of human(let alone LGBT) rights were flagged and deleted almost instantly, all though the post of the russian multiboxer who was defending homophobia and talking about “buh b-bad western media” still remains.
Curious, innit.
EDIT: The forum system just automatically deleted the names of the countries with no human rights after post went through. Holly damn, Blizzard EU. Holly damn.

Welcome to the wow forum where everything is mass flagged that isnt the mainstream opinion.


I also think that the reporting system needs an overhaul. Not saying to remove it because we do get “genuine” troll posts from time to to time which “flagging” is justified.

Yet it becomes more and more a “universal downvote” button now…

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God, you are all so naive, unable to handle being flagged, boo hoo.

Grow a pair and post on.

It had a swear word in it with letters removed to circumvent the filter. Had the post not had that in it, it would still be up.

It’s just a Code of Conduct violation :frowning:

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The will to resist making a Britney Spears joke whenever I read this spam of T O X I C is just getting weaker by the thread…


Sadly, we live in a age where whistle-blowers, no matter how nice they are, always get treated as the black sheep of the family, and quite frankly, the GM’s on the forum need a rude wake-up call someday soon, realizing that their forum isn’t as nice as they believe it to be, that or they’ve already realized it, and just do their job either way, because raising concerns about it will anger their higher-ups.


Or people could make discussions topics without swearing but I realise conspiracy theories are more fun.

I read that when it was first posted and thought it was a good post. Just gone back to look and it has one disguised swear word which doesn’t negate the good points he was making and a good start to a discussion. Whoever flagged it obviously wasn’t thinking of themselves as the new player in his post. Ohwell, it got 80+ likes so at least some people appreciated his opinion.

Keep your political bias and propaganda off my post. You cannot be certain about who is right and who is wrong in such instances, it’s all a matter of opinion and what we want to believe. So you defending the Western media and accusing Russia of lacking human rights because the Western media says so is propaganda and bias to me, and it has nothing to do with WoW whatsoever. Have a good one.

I propose to meet them up in person and talk peacefully about it, come on don’t be afraid catch up let’s talk from real to real ! All of them together even if they want.:grin:

Hey everyone!

As others have pointed out, the forum thread in question opened with a post that breached the code of conduct

Bad language is not permitted, even if the “naughty words” are masked with symbols or character omission.

As always, posters may contact customer support to appeal forum actions taken on their accounts.

Regarding post flagging, when a post is flagged, it may be hidden until a moderator reviews the post and makes the decision to clear the flags or action the post. Actions are not automated, and if the moderation team finds that other posters have abused the flag feature, action will be taken on the flagging accounts.

Closing this thread here to prevent it de-railing further.
