Player count doesn't add up. How many players are there in each server?

I have made few characters in different realms, both PvP and PvE.
I used third party sites to see exact player count but I feel it is wrong, servers that should be almost empty seem to have more people then these that are supposedly have bigger pop.

Are there more people in classic or in WotlK? more in seasonal or in classic? and how does the server being PvE or PvP effect the size of the population?

Of course those sites are wrong, they only show raiders who upload their raid data and most have layers (aka Sharding). I think the population order is:


With more on the PvP realm, excluding Hardcore of course.

You can not trust any counts. Only Blizz know - won’t tell.

Reason for this:

can be layers. Get NovaWorldBuff to see layers.
I would think not same as Dottie:
HC (more on Stitches - sometimes 2 layers)

I not only go by my guesses but the level of posting on the forums too, which I think are in the order I give for Classic.

I figure the more posts, the more people play it.

Posting on forums is another thing.
For Era we not post unless bugs (or to say Want Clones! Want Era servers!). Nothing new happening there. For HC the same - and for complain of crashes.
Wrath and most SoD still is changing, still need posting.

Era is … how they say … solved game.

I have to agree, Era is stagnant. There is nothing new to add so all people do is Raid once a week and maybe a little farming.

It’s run it’s course, Blizzard should leave 4 realms open, one of each type and move everyone’s characters there then shut the rest down and start from level 1 fresh again with only a few of each type of realm. If you joined all the realms of a type together, the population would still be medium on the type (probably PvP) with the most people.

Is not what I said. I say: Cannot extrapolate number of players from Forums activity, as there’s no thing to discuss from Era.

Yes, they are. Ironforge is a rusian scam site. Tavern is not rusian, still its data is very inaccurate as there no official player count data avaliable

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I’d say there is no way HC is the second most popular game mode. There are still so many people playing wrath.

OK, is just how I feel it - I have no numbers, only experiences.