Player feedback about player housing

Alright. Agree to disagree.
I don’t think wanting to change the purpose of housing into something else is valid.
But I’ll leave it at that.

As far as I see it? All he wanted was too be able to do his/hers proffesions at his new house no? Cant hate him for that alone you know? Its a fair thing too want.

No, he wants professions to make stuff for the housing system.

As in making new furniture and decorations your self out of your own proffesions? <.< Isn’t that kinda cool?

Imo, it isn’t.
Because it would make me have to rely on other players to get stuff for my home and I don’t like that.

Surely if you wanted too. You could craft it your self? And if not… I am sure the cost wouldn’t be -that- bad?

It’s not something I enjoy.

Knowing players? Yes it will.

in the over all bigger picture though… Look I am not great at proffessions either. or earning gold. But I wouldn’t hate on housing. Just because people have the option to do it at their house you know?

Doesn’t give me fomo… Or make it a must for me.

If people can preform their professions at their house? As long as I can play with my house and decorate it the way I want. Why would I care?

Already a blue post going with feedback, do we need another ? who know’s

I too hope for something like wildstar where you could basically do everything you want, but I don’t think it will happen. Still, I would like atleast to have the possibility to build a custom structure via modular blocks, something like hogwarts legacy, so that it can still be thematic but you can shape the house like you want to a degree. I’m not sure this will happen as well though. If it will be just interior decorating and choosing a predetermined house shape from a list of available shapes, I will still like the feature but I will be a little disappointed.

the blue post has over 500 replies and lots of discussion already going on.

If i where blizzard id find it easier to read this way. Rather than reading trough a 500 replies long thread of people saying who knows what.

Too be honest. Id encourage people to speak up about this feature as much as possible. Considering blizzards intentions to listen to feedback and make this as right as possible.

Well at the end of the day the forum rules suggest replying in an ongoing thread instead of making new one’s but you do you.

Multiple threads on the same topic will be deleted

When multiple threads cover the same topic we will typically leave one of them open, lock one with an explanation, and delete the rest. This is done to allow other topics to still have a place on the forums. Which thread is left open typically depends on the thread length and how constructive the first post and the thread in general are.

If you think I really am making the same thread then same to you I guess? I dont really feel like I am though.

Blizzard asked for more discussion and feedback… Well? I am making more discussion and feedback.

this is a blue offical post

I see what your saying… But I don’t think that making a thread asking for players views and opinions. Is the same as a blizzard announcement thread.

If it is? Then I suppose no one ever is allowed to make a housing thread ever is there? Because the blue thread is already there…

I am fine with that if that is the case but. I hope this isnt a case where the rules only apply to me and literally no one else again?

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I know you like to feel special and above the rules but good luck, just letting you know there is already an ongoing thread with lots of feedback all this will do is be a repeat.

This isn’t particularly unrealistic, many people have the tools to service their car and perform DIY in their garage in real life.

So having something limited (but nothing on the scale of the private facilities offered by the garrison) isn’t crazy.

if people could preform their professions from their houses… Cross on my vulpera tail… Id be the last person to have a problem with it.

I think housing should be social… and gameplay tied all in one… But also if you want too stay alone and keep your house off limits and private and not have to deal with anyone? That should be doable too.

The plot system in Palia works pretty well, make as much or as little as you want, and have permissions systems for who can and can’t visit, and what people can do on your property.

For example you can people permission to help you with building it, or not.

jesus christ… I know I apperently trigger you allot when you see me post? But god damn. What did I do to you dude? Your like in every single post and thread I make. It seems kinda personal

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