Player Housing Concept

Since it’s a topic that pops up periodically, sharing this concept of player housing that just popped up on Wowhead.

Where would your house be located and what would it look like?


In Runescape.
I don’t like the idea off Playerhousing WoW, but that’s just me.

I’m on the fence about it myself, but seeing a visual concept like this gets me a little excited. Wouldn’t mind my own mini pyramid in the Zuldazar jungle :hindu_temple: even if it’s just garrison 2.0 I occasionally park a toon in.

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i personally enjoy the garrison at the moment
being completely irrelevant and disconnected from the main content
i have my own AH
my own bankers
a mission table and stuff

i’m all for player housing as long as it’s a completely optional feature with no connection whatsoever to the efficiency of your professions or gear or game progress


Race-specific housing would be nice
Erdar/Draenei stlye (or a room on the Vindicaar if you are a Lightforged)
Orc hutt
Tauren tent
Troll hut on the beach (or estate in dazar’alor if you are a zandalari)
Dwarf house inside a mountain/hill
Vulpera Burrow/Caravan/Ship
Kul Tiran port
Goblin/Gnome laboratory
Worgen Gilenan estate
Kaldorei, Shal’dorei, Sin’dorei, Ren’dorei, any’dorei elven stlyes
Would be nice
One can dream
It will never happen, sadly


Why do you hate Horde so much :sob:

It is not my hate, but their cultural style
Don’t blame me

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I would love player housing. I don’t want any of that land grab nonsense where you cut out the feature from a huge chunk of the playerbase. Just proper instanced housing.

If I could choose any location it would be Eversong woods for Horde and Elwynn Forest for Alliance.

I really do wish Blizzard would invest in this. So many players would enjoy it and those that don’t like that kind of thing can just ignore it.


I don’t get it. Why would you want such a thing? So you buy a house, fill it with stuff and then do… what? Sit and stare at it? What even is there to do? I can see it being used for RP, but that’s it. I get the feeling that if this got implemented, people would go crazy about it for about 2 weeks, realize there’s nothing to do, get bored, and never use it.

If you’re not the kind of player that likes housing then I can see you would struggle to see the appeal.

But it’s a forever interest through out every expansion.

I’m not an RPer but I would love my own proper customisable space that I can work on, do achievements, craft things, sell things for, do achievements, gather things from the world, raids, dungeons etc. Display what I want, decorate how I wish etc.

It’s like having your own home in an MMO.


But people still use the garrison even now and this would be a more personal way to do it. Even I still come back and I’m mostly a pvper waiting for my queue pop, yet there’s something about your own spot…

Reminds me of when I was there about two weeks ago and we were hanging on voice with our rbg team and a friend wanted me to “come out and meet him in Orgrimmar”, we laughed about that it’s the online version of someone telling you to “come out and play” :smile:

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I actually went Alliance for WoD purely for the better Garrison experience. It was so much nicer.

I just don’t feel that attachment to the Horde version sadly.


it could be quite beneficial
imagine this:

-first it would have activities linked to it and achievement points
collect tokens/trophies/customizations/chairs/paintings etc etc. from dungeons/raids/pvp/world quests you name it
fun content that is purely optional

-second, with the professions revamp you could have prof workstations and do work orders from your char’s house for example

-third, you could have your own separate hearthstone for it, thus not triggering your actual hearthstone everytime you need to check AH
Heck, like garrisons you could set up your own AH in it

-fourth, similar to garrisons you could have a pond you could fish in but somehow made relevant expansion after expansion and not like the pond in garrison

-fifth, you could have daily quests in it rewarding purely home cosmetics and stuff

the list can go on and on

lots of really cool ideas from the original garrison can be reused and revamped
like the garrion music and such
however garrisons aren’t housing, they’re like a war base and in horde’s case in an ugly and desolate location. for housing, there should be lots of options about where you want to setup your house, and there should be lots of customizations unlike the garrions where every building has orc design for horde.

and while this is being completely optional with zero impact to your character’s progression in any way
you choose if you want to do it or not
apart from someone having a ‘negative’ feel about this, like it somehow hurts the game i see no reason for anyone to be against it since you can completely ignore it if you don’t care about housing.

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…be a credit sink, and you have to pay tax or be evicted and your house is aucitioned…?
Would be relevant if there would be a limited number of tiles with preferable spots

i would like it. As Kentarro said with a typical style for every race and maybe class: a sort of intersection between garrison and class halls.
Maybe with some kind of mechanic from w3 (imagine peons buildding it!) but not like FFXIV type of land booking.
My dwarf will stay in his cavern for a lot of time.

For the

i was thinkin somethin like menzoberranzan from fr d&d

BUT must be totally optional and not game related.


To be honest I always loved Ched Nasad, the City of Shimmering Webs more :thinking:
But yeah
Or even a copy-paste Silvermoon but with Ren’dorei colours, blue, purple, golden…
Or a truly alien architecture, like Ny’alotha, floating obelisks, altars, non-Euclidean geometry…

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It’s a really cool idea, but apparently it’s technically close to impossible with WoW’s engine.

Neat concept! Hats of to the guy who made this!
They could just copy SWToR housing system. Is it the best there is? No but it is simple and fun little mechanic to make you go run old content

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this makes me think always about Lovecraft. R’lyeh was a non euclidean city.
I hope in the exp about dark lords (in the future but i guess it will be the next one) they will give a strong contamination with HPP works.

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I don’t really see the need for player housing.