Player Housing Concept

A Darnassian Hunter’s hall, in Winterspring.

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This is why i would like PH will be totally optional. so people, who never see any added value could obliterate it from their mind.
I would like it a lot (maybe for a while…)

Personally, I would like to just have more things to do out in the open world. More adventures to go on. Get the world active.

Much better idea that just letting people hide away in their little tree houses in Astranaar.

they could come together
Player housing can introduce open world adventures to collect materials and cosmetics for your home
similar to the garrison discography for example

I think the idea is pretty cool and can be a selling feature for Blizzard entertainment too
but alas


Remember garrisons in WoD. Give housing and everyone will disappear.

i dont do group content (with some exception) so i guess losing ppl like me wouldnt be a big loss for the game

But what’s the point of cosmetics that you’re just going to hide away in your “home”?

Cosmetics are for showing off. Not hiding away.

In Roleplay Anizah’s house is near Sunsail anchorage, western Eversong woods.

Cheers :sunny:


in WoD you could invite people into your garrison and do invasions and raid bosses for example
or fish/RP etc

for people who want to ‘show off’ they can implement ‘open house’ feature, as you set your house os ‘open for public’ and people can phase into any ‘open house’ and just look around
there, your show off concern is sorted. :smiley:
Say there’s quite an effort to unlock AH into your home or unlock a pond or whatever
you could make your home public and let people come in and use your features
this could be a way to socialize with players also and show off your heroic accomplishments lol
i mean the possibilities are endless
if there’s a will by Blizzard, there is a way

They can have achievements and titles linked to it aswell etc etc

Fabulous. Simply fabulous

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But this is the problem. I don’t care about your house, I don’t want to go to your house. I want to go out and adventure around the world, and I’m interested in the cool armor and mounts people show up as they’re out in the open world, but going to basically a room full of trophies just one time to look around… nothing fun about that.

So no lags
Can live with that

Just immagine the Legion Hunter order hall like estate as a Night elven house
Feel free to drool like Homer Simpson over a doughnut


well in that case you simply do not enjoy housing
and that’s perfectly fine so you can ignore that aspect of the game entirely if done right and optionally of course.

also another thing that used to happen in WoD is that people used to leave their garrisons and phase back to the world at the entrance gate
there was always lots of people there dueling and chatting and such or even afk on their mounts

As for adventuring around the world
we all do that already, be it for transmog or achievements etc. housing adds extra reasons to go around the world and do activities to enhance your home and add more features for example.

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Which is why I think resources should be focused else where.

that’s fair enough
It really goes without saying
all of us like cool things to be added to the game and we understand that resourcing stands in the way. no need to point it out.

keep in mind that those resources could be spent into something like shadowlands covenants or stuff lots of people might hate
If you enjoyed shadowlands covenants, then yes you could probably trust Blizzard allocating their resources wherever they like lol


This is relative
For me, “wasting” resources on PvP makes me choke on bile

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Player housing would add some much needed variety to the game. I get that it doesn’t appeal to everyone, but long-term it’d add much more to the game than just another raid or mega dungeon that only stays relevant for a year or two.

And coming from a RP server, I know it’ll be used a lot for social events.

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I kinda like it, I had Ally and Horde toons in WoD to enjoy both garrisons. The Horde one just isn’t as cosy as the architecture and the location are savage. I like both the snow and lava land of Frostfire Ridge and the mystical vibe and the colors of Shadowmoon Valley though.

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It would have fit better in Gorgrond IMO

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agreed. /10char