Player Housing Concept

I’m stronly against player housing but if it happens put it some random remote location like the island south of tanaris.

Aside from hardcore roleplayers and content creators, nobody would care because after the magic wears off you’re just standing in an empty house that no other player will visit because “…who cares?”.

With regards to the WoWhead post:
The problem isn’t the lack of ideas on customization, but the fact that the community will be nonstop raging about “exclusive” rewards from high end pvp, pve, and expensive stuff on the AH, which they’ll define as “I’m forced to buy tokens”.
Then rage about not having enough choices, forcing devs to pump out even more useless floor patterns and furniture. Then they’ll be forced to timegate it, making the community even madder…

Overall this is the same as garrisons, just with more customization.

I know my vote is only worth one (like yours), so I’ll just say I’m strongly against wasting any resources on this feature.

You can already set up camp anywhere

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im not and i would care.

I’m also not hardcore or a content creator and would care.

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I’m not sure why people would be against it. Don’t want player housing? Then just dont spend gold on player housing if it ever gets introduced.

It would be cool if they added trophies as drops from raid bosses and you could choose which trophy to display in your house.

This is very much needed it’s long overdue, and for an MMORPG game it’s remiss it hasn’t already been added.

I notice a lot of advocates for the MMO part of the genre and this is often used in arguments against individual playstyle preference, but I notice it almost always ignores the just as important part of the genre RP

So from someone who plays the RP part, with a guild now, weekly events, on a server that caters to this, the lack of housing is a right pain in the keister and is also totally illogical. I am the big poombah regards narrative, yet I have never been given anywhere to lay my hat?, what is the point of that…

From a distinct RP standpoint it means in game finding and claiming a house, however they are few and far between and just last week I noticed my lovely house I have been utilising as an RP prop, has also been claimed by various other RP’ers as well.

This make for chaos and shattered immersion. So yes, keep the MMO areas of the game you like, your raids, your dungeons, your PVP but for the love of Azeroth, for the people who actually play the RP element of this game…

Give us player housing!!!

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There are also plenty of non-RP’ers who just think it’s fun.
RP’ers a small minority in most MMOs as far as I know, yet a bunch of MMOs have it.

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Because blizzard themselves said that in order to do it properly it would cost a lot more than a raid tier.

I can´t wait for Player Housing In Suramar :star_struck:


So, what’s the loss?

Leaving aside the point that Garrisons had too much player power and efficiency attached to them (Which is why players were there so much of the time, actual player housing should avoid that), except for RP-ers, players don’t interact at all with 99% of the people they run past in capital cities (And most of the remaining 1% is using other people’s transmog mount), they’re just moving props really, i don’t understand why that’s so important to people…

When you’re out in the rest of the world, there will be people around, for what good they do…

Players keep disappearing into raids, dungeons and battlegrounds all the time. Not sure why player housing would be any worse.

Unless it’s so enjoyable that they stop doing those other things.

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I’d like player housing if it was centred around one place. Say if in Valdrakken we could rent out apartments in one of those buildings… inside we could decorate it with our trophies, etc and also invite players in if they’re a member of the party.

Lorewise though… I see it might be a bit problematic to fit in a thousand apartments in somewhere as small as Valdrakken? But I guess you could claim some ‘magic’ or something…

If done cleverly, player housing can incentivize doing other things, have furniture (Or materials for it, depending on how it would work) drop from specific content, old raids, exploration, current content, whatever, and people will swarm out to get those things.

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And a new category of items for the upcoming trading post.

Somebody already mentioned boss trophies. You could also make weapon racks for mounting your favorite weapon mogs.

I checked the article on wowhead. If Blizz allows housing in open world zones, like Westfall, that would be cool.

You buy a plot of land. Build a house, add a farm if you can afford.

There can be community events, feasts but not related to power.

Basically, there are stretches of land that could be used for housing.

Not instanced. Real zone ones where you can visit a house or lock yours.


Which cost golds?

Yep. Of course. But its an option.

No power attached. Just a life style.

But I think that on paper it looks cool. In reality people will rush for power and will neglect the amount of effort Blizz would put into this.

Hard to tell.

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Not hardcore or content creator or streamer.

Would absolutely love and adore player housing. It’s very popular in other MMOs, even ones with basic graphics like OSRS.


In every game that involves player housing there has been a cost, best one so far for me was Wild Star their housing system, the freedom it gave players to create allowed players to craft environments that were often times better than the game it’s self.

In-fact when I was relaxing I just used to tour people’s home plots, do their quests, and bask in awe. I’d like the same detail orientated system for Azeroth, but basically at this point I’d be happy with a small one roomed farm house…

Heck even a tent…usable props like caravans or trailers, it really does put a crimp on RP…