Player Housing Concept

I think the way to go is to either have instanced neighborhoods like in FF14 or separate instances per plot like in ESO.

I doubt Blizzard would want players to start building houses in their questing areas.


instanced neighborhoods sounds like a great idea tbh
basically every 10 or 20 people share the same instance with houses next to each other
that would be great…

i would buy mine in the frozen throne area. >And i would send my lawyers mail to the lich king complaining about the noise from the battle.


They are lazy or underfunded. Activision is drowning in cash. The only reason we can’t have player housing is because Bobby needs more yachts.

We need player housing and guild halls yesterday. The lack of actual new core content/gameplay for this game is incomprehensible.

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I’d most likely live in Eversong Woods then, far away from the Dead Scar of course, but close enough to Silvermoon.

There’d be a stable for the pets and mounts on the outside. As for the inside… I’m not thinking mainly the basic blood elf architecture that I’m in love with, as well as pictures of certain Thalassians hanging on the wall - some of them being an example to follow, others being good friends.

I’d have a basement to hide the shady stuff at. Guess what? Whips, lashes and all the felweed. :herb:

Oh, and the building would be adorned with Ren’dorei and Sin’dorei flags alike.

I’d also want a small altar of Light and Darkness inside, as well as a Lightspawn and Voidling’s presence too, respectively, but safely chained so they couldn’t break loose. I just love this theme somehow. :smile:


The Vindicaar is not big enough for that and also that would be quite lame because it would reduce for LFD players the choices of housing.

I absolutely agree WoW needs true NEW content, not just new raids, dungeons, and empty rooms with a pillar in the mid-, sorry I mean arenas.
I just don’t think housing has any value. People think they want it because it looks awesome in videos, but after a week they’ll get bored of it.

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i don’t see why locations should be restricted per race
even if you’re lightforged draenei
i see no reason why you can’t have a house in Elwynn forest for example
i’m sure your allies won’t mind !

In Elder Scrolls, there are also practical “decorations” like usable crafting stations, vendors you can place for repairing/trading, interaction spots like benches you can sit on, etc.

It is more of an “for roleplay and as achievement” mentality housing satisfies.

If Player houses could contain following things, it would be a very nice addition to everyone (the requirements are just placeholders):

  • Custom Portal with Mage Servant (Unlock via Faction Leveling) (Quick-travel to major cities/spots) (Limited to 1 location at a time, costs gold to change)
  • Crafting spots/benches for professions (Unlock from Profession Mastery and Achievements) (Limited to 1/2 at a time)
  • Transmog Wardrobe (Unlock from Achievement) (still costs gold to use)
  • Barber Mirror (Unlock from Achievement) (works the same as normal barber shop)
  • Aution House Vendor (Unlock from Achievement) (Selling/buying maybe with higher fees)

– Edit –

And ofc player house should have an own Hearthstone with separated cooldown from regular ones, so it is actually useful for the player. Alongside that, the “Door” where you can leave your house should have an option to teleport you back to where you used your housing hearthstone before, similar like the Black Gate of Death Knights works (doesn’t work when used from cleared instances!)

No this is not true. Housing has proven a great success in other MMO’s and if implemented right in WoW, would be a success here too.

People here just don’t want it because they think it’ll come at the cost of other things. And the devs themselves are clueless, admitting they want it too, yet not even having it in the works. Wut?

I would not like the idea of where you could shove a player house anywhere in the world. It would get hideous pretty quickly. I don’t want random houses popping around the zones, now that would be breaking immersion real quick. Not only that, it would clutter the world and cause more lag. Say you got 50-100 people on the same realm wanting to shove their house in Elwyn, how nice. Not sure if sharding would help there.

WoW is not build with player housing in mind, compared to say FF14. For it to work, it would have to be an instanced area like the garrison.

Yes, please. I’d like to have proper player housing implemented in WoW if they have the resources for it and if it does not come at the cost of other content.


Wasn’t this tried already with Garrisons in Warlords of Draenor.

Ian stated that if they add player housing it will be like that. It will also slowly get updated over multiple expansions.

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Sure, you could do that, but the author said that the houses would be purely cosmetic and have no utility other than a mailbox. Of course you don’t have to follow their proposal to the T, I just assumed since their proposal is what sparked this discussion, we were talking player housing as described above.

Anyway, if you did add those things, then that just sounds like Garrisons 2.0.

I’d much more would a guild quarter in the main city. A place were you only see your guildies, maybe some vendors/crafting order board, guild hall of fame.

Garrison felt weird because it was just my character.

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Yeap, ths would be the dream for me. A guild hall where guild mates are slightly incentivized to spend some time together. I once played an MMO where the guild was gathering some “wood” to light up the fireplace of the guild hall for half an hour every Saturday. Guild members only needed to just be there, they didn’t have anything else to do. So the options were either be AFK or… You know… Socialize with your guildmates! At the end of this event you would get an XP/rep buff. The longer you were present in the guild hall during the event the more duration the buff would have.

Add to that fully customisable guild dormitories and you have your “housing” as well…

Of course one doesn’t negate the other. We could have both in the future.

garrisons never had any customizable options. It was just one appearance.
This is why ppl like me is askin for housing: to have a totally optional space where to chill giving space to fantasy.

This is what the people want! It would be amazing

As long as other options were available for the guildless…Id love the idea of instanced housing set around the class halls in Legion. As well as zone and race specific ones.

This is such an awesome idea though, player housing would be a great feature.

I think the reason they never did it before was that they didnt think they could do it justice in 1 expansion. However Im pretty sure they are going forward considering how to build on expansion features rather then toss them out, so maybe its the perfect time to introduce a ‘proto players housing’ situation?