Player housing - we don't need it, thanks

For the past few expansions, Blizzard have wasted considerable amounts of money, time, and manpower in developing new and innovative systems and game modes that are lame.

  • Garrisons
  • Artifact weapons and necklaces
  • Island expeditions
  • Warfronts
  • Torghast

Nobody cares about those. They’re terrible.

Blizzard need to focus on the types of content that their community is actually going to be interested in. They don’t need to innovate. They don’t need to surprise us with brand new features.

No, instead, they should be focusing on what truly matters:

  • Mythic+
  • PvP
  • Raiding

Make those more accessible, more engaging, more fun.
Dedicate more time and resources to fixing the issues that exist with those game modes.
Create more content for them.

Please, do not waste a single dollar on BS systems such as player housing.
World of Warcraft does not need player housing.


It depends on the implementation of course.
Garrisons were phased per player, removing the feel of a city which is what people want. The FF14 implementation was way better, although limited to a number of players and pretty expensive.
I am more puzzled by how little we use the existing buildings. We have inns for instance. We could get have a special meal and get a buff for the levelling characters, “rent” a room before going offline and speed up the resting bars. For an RPG, if wow is still supposed to be one, the world doesn’t seem to matter at all.

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M+ is the successor of MoP challenge modes, which were an expansion feature-experiment that turned out to be popular.

I think PvE housing would be a complete waste of resources in WoW but in general I’m fine with blizz experimenting with new features that generate engaging gameplay.

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Hard disagree.

Player housing could be as popular as mogs, garrisons weren’t it. They were just Blizz being Blizz with a huge swing and a miss.

Imagine your own “home” where you could decorate it with drops from raids like tapestries or furniture, with a trophy room with deathwings head in it etc. Crafters that can make cool furniture or masonry etc.


We don’t need to imagine it, there’s games like Valheim that let you do exactly that, on a level WoW would never reach. But we also know only content creators and RP communities can enjoy it for more than 3 hours unless it has a functional purpose as well.

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I don’t see it happening.
Transmog follows your character around in their adventures, 24/7.
Your house does not, and barely anyone will see it.

How will you make housing happen?

Will it be instanced like garrisons, and nobody except your group can visit it?
Will it be like Dofus, where there is a limited amount of houses in the actual game that everybody can see and visit, and that belong to the richest active players of each realm?

Only the latest options would feel right in an MMO, but I don’t see that happening in WoW without major whining on the forums from those who can’t afford a house both IRL and in their video game.

What about those of us who could not give a monkeys about mythic, pvp, or raiding despite Blizzard’s ever increasing desperation to funnel every player into it?

Its because of this incessant need of Blizzard to push people into content they think people should be playing that features like Garrisons etc failed miserably.

While I would like to see features like player housing I wouldn’t trust Blizzard an inch with it. The only way they would pay even the slightest bit of attention to it after launch outside of a grandiose announcement 2 months from the end of Dragonflight is if it was somehow shoved into mythic, pvp or raiding, despite the glaringly obvious it has absolutely nothing to do with Blizzard’s obsession with its “Holy Trinity”.

Look at the much maligned Garrisons.

So much potential.

And all thrown away under the excuse “oh we ran out of time and it was too complicated to implement anyway so… yeah. But DO play Ashran!!! And the new raid! Oh and our new dungeon feature!”, and we were left with a shabby daily hub and ended up with a “shipyard” mission table.

So yeah. Much as I would love it to happen, Im glad its not because Blizzard would just start a framework and then “fix” it by driving a bulldozer fleet through it.

Please play mythic, pvp or raid…Pretty please?


Blizzard gave up on the RPG element a long time ago, the only people who keep that part alive are the players, and I gladly salute every single one of them.

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If you’re engaging in neither of those 3 activities, then you’re a minority.

Most people do engage in at least one of those, even if it’s an extremely casual level, such as random battlegrounds, LFR raiding or M+5 difficulty.
Aaand…That includes you, because you DID raid at LFR difficulty. You’ve also collected plenty of legendary weapons from older raids.

Even if you lack the skill, commitment, time and/or social skills to engage in current difficulty raiding, it’s pretty clear that it’s still something you’re interested it.

I’m fed up with m+ and raiding already, I don’t have any interest in pvp, since it is (and has always been) trash in wow. So why do you think you have the right to speak out for me and tell them that I don’t need housing? I pretty much do. I need a quiet place of my own where I can sit by the fire, read a book and decorate the walls with skins of OPs that think they know what I (don’t) need.


I collected legendaries from older raids yes because they were in… Older raids.

I also play in LFR yes, as I have done since 4.3.

But as I am constantly reminded…

“Tourist mode… Its not real raiding. Super casual mode. (Insert ridiculous name here)”, so I’m not raiding either.

As for Mythic.
Well. Given the poisonous atmosphere it fosters on the forum alone I am constantly justified in my mind at least of avoiding it like the proverbial plague. Of all the people who wax lyrical about its wonders only one player has ever invited me to their group. You may now use the obligatory from the following.

  1. Find a guild.
  2. Make your own group.
  3. Find a community,

Or the pìece de resistance…

  1. Git Gud.

My interest in PvP peaked in Wintergrasp and ended in Wintergrasp, it lasted a few weeks and I only played it because my old guild’s gm kept pestering me to join her and her husband.

And while I am in the minority. I play the same game and pay a sub like you by one means or another.

And as I can sense you are getting upset at the prospect of Blizzard diverting development from your chosen 3 gameplay modes, I am also annoyed at Blizzards constant need to funnel everyone into their “Holy Trinity”, regardless of whether they want or not.

That is what I was trying to convey, the fact I have collected legendaries or played LFR has nothing to do with it.

Besides. I thought everyone was desperate to have LFR removed or have we all grown up and moved on from this ridiculous idea of removing “lesser content because it hurts muh prestige”


Garrisons is blizzard best feature after wsg and that is even considering how much they screwed it up.
It had so much potential but they rushed it and then dropped it like a hot potato to cater to other “more important” areas.

It is still my main hub and I set it up for every character.

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I’d love to see it
Specially class themed like Legion Order halls

They dropped it because the only feedback they got from the community were angry incoherent rants along the lines of “it’s not real housing reeeee”.
And once they realized the community has no clear picture of what they want but is instead just blurting out every dream they ever had about housing, they responded with “well, an infinite set of features will cost us an infinite number of dev hours”.

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all great ideas, bad implementation.

they already cater the game around these i mean there’s literally nothing else to do as end-game right now, what more do you need ?

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I beg to differ. Do not ever speak for everyone, it makes you look like a buffon and you couldn’t be more wrong.


What is this royal “we”? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I’m not elected you to speak in my name, nor any other player
YOU maybe don’t need housing
I do
Lots of other players do
You don’t
We get it
If there would be a poll, I’m sure - but can’t be 100% certain - the ‘Want/Need Housing’ team would win with a mile
But even if only one would wan’t it your argument, “WE don’t need it” would crumble

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There are only 8 new dungeons per expansion launch.
Very few added later.

Fewer raids than in early WoW, too.

As for PvP, they often release new expansions without adding a single new PvP map.

Imo individual housing is not possible. Like someone already pointed out, it would be either only “private” instance (like garrison), or public “city”, but then there will not be much place for everyone, and only richest players could afford it.
I have an wild idea of mixing of those two thing, also engaging others to interact in MMORPG way:

  1. It could be return of class halls. Class hall is public for everyone, and could be progressed and improved by all players of the class. At the same time every player has private instanced “room” inside of it, which could be customized privately.
  2. Another idea is “guild halls”. Every guild has it’s private instanced garrison, but within it people could build things, houses and etc. for all the players of the guild. Maybe some rooms or houses could be assigned to some player to be their private place of decoration and customization. With some effort this could become a hub for guildmates to fool around and prepare for events.

didnt knew you speak for the “rest of us all”
my friends and me did like garrison/artifact weapon IE and torghast was fun

m+ has never been in a better state then it is now
current raid is really good and enjoyable
PvP system gearing has never been better

please use most of your $$ into player housing like DCEU online had, it was peak housing in all MMO and they have it for 10 years if not longer.