Players who do not pay for the current expansion are unable to communicate with other players over level sixty in Say, Yell and Emote channels

Only difference is, trial players are not paying for any features. They’re “testing” world of warcraft. Hence the trial. When you as a player pay for features that suddenly become unavailable to you with without warning or explanation then it would cause more than just a feeling of being left out.

But blizz message already said it was a bug, or rather unintentional.
Just wanted to keep the updates rolling in.

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wasn’t this already addressed by Blizzard and about too be solved guys?

I hope it’s solved soon because it’s getting pretty frustrating being silent to everyone


Idk, i got pmd today by new player, 60 warlock, no dragonflight. He could pm me. So either its not true, or already fixed.

I would like to reiterate the title “Unable to communicate with other players over level sixty in /say, /yell and emote channel” - PMs / Whispers is and have always been working fine. /party chat has had no issues either.

release the level cap!

Honestly they should add a minimum level of 20 to be able to communicate in say or in channels. Otherwise limit them to the guide channel. They really need to do something about all the pandaren DKs everywhere.

But disabling chat for 60s who haven’t upgraded is not the way.

This is a bug, please add details to the technical forum to this thread to help the investigation:

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Is this anyway near being fixed? People still can’t see what my character /s, /y, /e, it’s quite detrimental to rp + I pay for subscription so I expect not to be treated as a trial

Sadly we can do nothing but wait and hope progress is being made, but I feel your frustration. I’ve had pretty much zero reason to log into WoW for the last two weeks?

Money down the drain…. But hey! At least I’ve put more time into other hobbies.

i see you have posted there, just posting this for others reading here

I’m still unsure if I’ll buy TWW (probably will) will I be able to group with my IRL friend who tends to only play for the first few months of a new expac?
We would use Discord of the chat but grouping for running old raids or something would be needed.

Any proof of your claim?

It really feels like Blizzard has given up on this issue, how is it not fixed by now?

Indeed, certainly feels that way. My sub is due to run out within a few days and this bug has given me every reason to not log in during the last few weeks. I kinda feel cheated, though I doubt I’ll be re-subbing any time soon.

This is a massive let down from Blizzard. Bugs happen but such lack of communication is weak. Especially from a big game such as World of Warcraft. Was fun while it lasted though.

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If it was a bug, surely they would have at least egnolished it by now?
I’m speechless!

It’s fair content not paid for is restricted. But restricting access to people when you’re both paying the monthly sub… WTF?!

You can thank Gold sellers for abusing the system so much that blizzard added this.

They did acknowledge it, and confirm that it isn’t intended behaviour.
Why it hasn’t been fixed yet is a mystery of its own, though.


Sometimes they have problems figuring out what actually caused unintended issues. And as such they can’t fix them until they find the flaw. I believe they sometimes have had to make workarounds, which might break in a later patch…

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