Players who do not pay for the current expansion are unable to communicate with other players over level sixty in Say, Yell and Emote channels

Hello, I’m not quite sure where to post this so I am posting it here.

I play on Argent Dawn, the RP server. A big part of the hobby is our ability to communicate in channels such as /s say, /e emote and /y yell. So I was quite shocked to find out that players who did NOT pay for the Dragonflight or The War Within expansions are entirely unable to communicate in these channels with players who are over level sixty.

It is absolutely outrageous that channels be restricted in this manner. Not only is it unfair to low income individuals who are only able to pay for their wow subscription and not the DLC’s, but it is similarly completely unfair to people who live in regions that Blizzard are not allowing to purchase the new DLC, regardless of their willingness to pay.

It is a disgusting move if intentional and I expected better from this company following the acquisition from Microsoft. Not only is it stifling players who do not pay for the expansion but it is stifling one of the most lively, creative and exciting hobbies that this game has able to create based solely on community, that being RP. I personally know two individuals who have already been affected by this and know one more who will be affected by this in the coming months when the level cap increases.

I genuinely hope that this post receives some attention and turns some heads over at Blizzard. Paying for your subscription should be more than enough to be permitted to communicate at the very least, and nobody should be forced to fork over even more money on top of this monthly subscription just to speak to their friends and other players outside of party and raid channels. I beg anyone at Blizzard who sees this post, make a change immediately. It is not too late.


Very concerning if this was done on purpose. I hope it wasn’t.


Hopefully it’s just a bug.

If not then wtf.


This absolutely cannot stay. Applying this kind of thing to trial accounts is understandable, but to already paying customers is too far.


I think it goes without saying that this is a ridiculous problem. Fix it pronto, peeps.


Not good. This needs to be fixed quickly.


Absolutely an issue that needs to be addressed. If it is a bug, it needs to be brought to the spotlight so that Blizzard will put effort into fixing it. If it isn’t a bug, Blizzard needs to seriously reconsider what they’re doing by putting a region-lock/paywall on RP and basic communication. This is as unhealthy for the RP community as having a broken raid boss would be for raiders.


Hold up. Wait a minute.

The HELL. It was all fine and cool before. WHY CHANGE IT NOW?! It have 0 sens and only ruins the game for the gamers who wanna enjoy the universe or RP or just do social.


This is such a ridicolous manuever on their end and I hope it is corrected at once. If they want to incentivize people to buy DLCs they can start making a better product.


I’d wager it’s almost definitely just a bug but it speaks wonders of blizzard’s current state that this hasn’t been fixed immediately or addressed in a blue post. I don’t feel like a player anymore, but a product


I’m about to review bomb the war within


I can hold hope this is only a bug and will get fixed.
Would be a major blow to the RP community if this is intended.
Sort this out.


We War Within together or we don’t War Within at all!?

Seriously, I hope this is a system issue and not an actual directive or a pattern-to-be.

Blizzard, get in here!


Very disheartening that this is going on. Its hard to not feel like it is exploitative against players who are returning.


Could be anything at this point. The RP addon bug never made it past PTR, thankfully, but since this is already on retail, it might well be the official policy. Which would kill any incentive to play for those RPers not willing or able to buy the latest addon, if they’re cut off their hobby as well as the content.


Most likely a spam prevention measure. To stop spam bots communicating with players.

Sorry it if that prevents you from doing “RP”. But ultimately I would prefer a game free of unwanted spam.

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I’m unsure its really a spam prevention method, most people who advertise on low level chars will do it anyway on an account which already owns at minimum Dragonflight, if I had to go off the experience of getting a inside look on how boosting works atleast.

This better be a bug or an oversight on code.


So a spam bot needs to buy a sub and a copy of the game to spam.

That sounds like a good prevention system. The spam would be far worse if it wasn’t there.

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This does not stop people who buy and subscribe only to spam or engage in RMT because they typically use fraudulently obtained credit card information to get the game and then spam or sell to their heart’s content until the fraud is discovered and the purchases are charged back.

What’s more likely is that this is a bug that was introduced with Pandaria: Remix as they presumably had to poke and twist the code around a bunch to allow people to level to 70 in that mode even if they don’t own Dragonflight. I have made a bug report about this chat issue. Hopefully it’s unintended.


Rp is a small closed corner of this game, i bet it never even crossed their minds how this would effect it.