Players who do not pay for the current expansion are unable to communicate with other players over level sixty in Say, Yell and Emote channels


I stopped reading right there.

PS. bumping your own thread with bunch of alts is always funny


Undead rogue poster moment.

Imagine the smell :nauseated_face:


Literally the Classic of: "I play WoW for X and Y and anyone who pays to play it differently is enter degratory slurs/“funny” comments
Got to love kids with Internet, my only wish was for any shred of creativity… But thankfully us Roleplayers are quite owning that aspect :person_with_crown:

Thank you Blizz with another W of communicating about this bug :+1: and for keeping the scammy debauchery at a level down


I’m afraid your attempt to farm likes was a failure. Please reconsider your way of thought.


lol AD has found the General Discussion forum xD

Isn’t this to limit the impact of spambots?

I’m all for limiting the reach of spambots but… what spambots? Literally they have not been bothering me for close to a year at this point. They have actually finally managed to handle this. What is the need to go further?

EDIT: Ah good, it is a bug.

I’m guessing they’re fiddling with expansion pack pricing (such as making DF free) at the backend and accidentally marked non-DF accounts as being trial accounts.

1 Like

Shock horror, the EU forums are open to everyone on EU servers.

God forbid someone from a RP server bring up a genuine concern that affects a LOT of people.


Knowing her, she’s not mad about you being here at all. She just finds it amusing. :slight_smile:

Not sure why, but that’s all it is.


For those of you who missed the link further up the thread - it’s not intentional and they will share further news in the thread when they have it - Some people cannot see /s, /e and /y messages


i know right! oh the humanity!

i do find it amusing though xD

I was about to lose my MARBLES until I saw the GM post :grimacing:


AD gamers win again, onto the next one :saluting_face:


Blizzard has been farming marbles all around the block with these past bugs.
Something about :spaghetti: code.

Spaghetti code? Sounds delicious.

Whoever made this AI is also a master of spaghetti code. Look ma, 3 hands!


We know it exists, we used to purposely push you guys off the most popular list once in a while until they revamped the forums.


Thank god for the revamped forums i guess xD
Thats why i guess i find the AD posting amusing

The monkey paw curls again.
This is absolutely something to do with the trial / free accounts seemingly getting entangled with those who don’t have Dragonflight.

Not sure who this would actually effect in a major way however. Most people who are actively playing also have Dragonflight I imagine. Unless this is applying to characters below level 60 on Dragonflight accounts?

Bold of you to assume we weren’t here all along.