Players who do not pay for the current expansion are unable to communicate with other players over level sixty in Say, Yell and Emote channels

Indeed, certainly feels that way. My sub is due to run out within a few days and this bug has given me every reason to not log in during the last few weeks. I kinda feel cheated, though I doubt I’ll be re-subbing any time soon.

This is a massive let down from Blizzard. Bugs happen but such lack of communication is weak. Especially from a big game such as World of Warcraft. Was fun while it lasted though.

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If it was a bug, surely they would have at least egnolished it by now?
I’m speechless!

It’s fair content not paid for is restricted. But restricting access to people when you’re both paying the monthly sub… WTF?!

You can thank Gold sellers for abusing the system so much that blizzard added this.

They did acknowledge it, and confirm that it isn’t intended behaviour.
Why it hasn’t been fixed yet is a mystery of its own, though.


Sometimes they have problems figuring out what actually caused unintended issues. And as such they can’t fix them until they find the flaw. I believe they sometimes have had to make workarounds, which might break in a later patch…

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