Players w/o friends shouldn't play the game?

Hello people.
My english is not great. If some things i say sound a bit aggressive be gentle :slight_smile: i am not trying to be toxic i just want to know what other people think.

Its a Fact that after you reach a certain ilevel with your character in wow then you need people to play with so you can further progress in order to get the high or the highest level gear.
If you dont have the people, all you can do is make an alt and hit the same wall again since you wont be able to access the rest of the content of a game you are paying for just like everyone else.

Isn’t that a bit unfair ?
Would it be so bad if lonely-solo players had the opportunity to get high end game gear by themselves ?
Now before you get mad i know its an MMORPG and it requires people and all those things i keep hearing for so long.

BUT you have to take into consideration that times have drastically changed since this game was introduced and the design philosophy was way different back then because it was based on different data.

Most of the people that were playing back then they now have full time jobs and kids and for everyone else life obligations in general have become so much more demanding requiring more time and effort than ever before meaning that our free time is becoming less and less.

What i m trying to say is why someone who just happened to get some free hours on a random day should not be able to log in and actually progress with his character even if he has no friends online or if his guild hasn’t scheduled a run at that particular time ?

Is it so bad that i want to be able to log in and progress without having to spent multiple hours on socializing or trying to find people to do content with ?

I am not implying that it should be easier to progress solo, in fact it should be even more challenging and there should be some boundaries but at least there should be the option to do so.

So what if we had some artificial intelligent bots to run some high mythics with ?

The bots would have the same ilvl as your character. Depending on your role the bots would fill the rest slots. Tank dps healer. OR maybe it could just be a 3 man version.
Now the bots wouldn’t be completely automated because that would make it easier. For example If you played a dps spec and you had a bot as a tank you would still had to give commands to your tank and organize the run at the beginning like: take this route (this could be decided at the beginning of the dungeon with mythic dungeon tools addons etc… ) or pull next group and aggro the target with X mark and a move command to switch target now etc.

So this way it would require much more effort from the solo player himself and he would have to know what to do beforehand and multitask with 2 characters and 2 different roles making it even harder. So players who run with people dont feel deprived.
Also it would be a great way for the solo player to learn the game by himself through failure without ruining other people’s keystones and runs so he can be confident and ready to find groups later on.

What do you think about something like this ?

i’ m just tired to have a day off and not be able to do anything in game just because i have no people to play with :frowning:
sorry for the long post


Most people don’t have enough friends (that can play at the level required) for mythic raiding, because for some reason it has to be 20-man. If it was 10-man, we could’ve raided by ourselves.

If you’re talking about m+, m+15 is puggable.

I didn’t really read all of it, but…
You can play “alone”.
For an example, you can always queue random battlegrounds ALONE, you could do Island Expeditions ALONE, atleast in a way that queues you with other random people whom you have no ties with.
You can even raid with randoms whom you’ll never see again.
You can do alot of things by yourself.
Maybe the elitism is wrong, but in my opinion it’s not, because anyone who works harder than me deserves more rewards than me.
Casuals who don’t work don’t deserve rewards.
I also have a job, although im still very young so I have no girlfriend or kids, but I still play alot and im far from being rusty.
We can’t allow fully dedicated people to have the same crap as people who play 4 hours a week.

you can pug mythic+ without having friends.

same with pvp.

The only thing you won’t be able to easily do, would be mythic raiding.

You don’t NEED friends to progress. But the game is more fun WITH THEM.

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Players can make friends. They can join guilds, communities, discords etc depending on the content they are trying to complete.

If you do not want to make friends with anyone then you have to deal with PuG-ing and that is not the most pleasant way to enjoy the game.


read the whole post :slight_smile: i never said that someone who plays 4 hours a week should have the same gear as someone who is dedicated. Because even if you played solo with the way i described it would take even more time to finish a dungeon and much more effort since you would have to do double the work commanding the bot etc… I just said that i would like it if there was an option to not waste my time on trying to find the right people when my time is limited and just jump right into the actual gameplay by myself and work towards progressing with my char

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Arent they making a lot of things for solo players in Shadow Lands? Dungeons etc?

i know but this is not what i said in the post

No, Shadowlands is, er, not looking bright for solo players.

Torghast can be done solo as well as in groups, but that rewards no gear directly, only materials toward your Legendaries. From what we know so far, World Quests will be much fewer and more limited and reward much less gear.


Ah ok, thanks for clearing that up :slight_smile: I knew there was something that players could do solo just wasnt overly sure what

Lots of casual players manage to make friends in the manner I described.


No, it’s not unfair. This is still a MMORPG afterall. It’s easy to find groups for every bit of content if you really want a higher iLVL.

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There are many levels of sociability is these collectives, some are purely for doing certain content. You don’t need to be best buds and exchange christmas cards. Others are purely for socially playing hte game where lots of chat / banter happens.
Look around, join a community and if it isn’t a comfortable place then leave and try another. There should be a suitable one out there somewhere, or you could try to create one that firs you (probably other people like you out there).

I joined a community during this expac called “Scared of Dungeons” who are a friendly group who wish to do group content but can’t / won’t PUG due to the toxicity there. They do most types of content but I tend to only do fun runs / old achievements that can’t be soloed.


The point that a lot of people in this thread are missing is that you can’t really pug after a certain difficulty level. For example, no one is going to pug a mythic raid at release or a mythic+ dungeon after a certain key level.

But that is not a bad thing, and it is to be expected in an online game where grouping with other players is encouraged.

After all, a team with communication and coordination will always have the upper hand over a team that doesn’t.

You can be in multiple communities as well if you so wish but only one guild per character. Some discord communities it doesn’t matter where you are :slight_smile:

I always hear such lovely things about Scared of Dungeons.


There’s a reason for that. :smiley:


It’s really encouraging and I love that it does so well and helps so many players.

yeah but you are missing the point. What i am saying is that even if you enter a guild and your day off is on a different day from the guild runs you still cant do anything alone to further progress with your character. I might have 3 free hours to play on a random day, i dont want to spent them on searching for people and end up playing 30 minutes.i just want to log in and actually play the game for those 3 hours progressing somehow with my char.
why is this so bad?
im just suggesting to make it harder for solo play but at least provide the ability to do so

As did I, great bunch in there. Not been too active there since prepatch, but need to sort out a few things on this char. My mage alt is also in there too

Some people do genuinely want to play alone and are happy in their own company. But I do think that if thats how you want to play then there are drawbacks - for example the items that are more desirable wont be achievable alone and I do feel that it should be that way. It takes team work to get these things and dedication to that team. LFR is a fabulous thing but the gear you’d like needs to be worked for, in my opinion at least and thats not a sleight towards any solo players so no disrespect intended :slight_smile:

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