Playing on 1,800 mmr right now and

Im playing healer and it’s just blast q time wise. Toxic kid = kick = ignore list = next.
As DK could be rough times healers can be picky and top picks are - assa,destro,fury,DH,SV.
As DK you must play superb, otherwise in the head of your teammates, they will start blame your class and skill at first struggle. Low rating life…

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this season’s activity has definitely fell off a cliff compared to last season

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Can’t tell. I quit in S2 kinda in the beginning and there were only around ~10k arenas played in 2s. Maybe the participation in the end was higher, when the rating was inflated and everyone and his mother farmed elite and glad titles.

100%. PvP has never been more dead than it is now.


See anyone on SL mount these days and automatically think they’re crap or bought a boost.

Only time I know what’s up is when the player is on a WoD gladiator mount. You know they’re probably beastly.

Bro, what comp are you playing in 2’s? lol

the sad truth is that, any1 can have any exp, r1, mount from any season, in this current game its not worth much, if i’d have to explain it, i’d say if theres an algorithm that decides you win or lose a match then a player individual skill would be a really small variable nowadays behind gear,spec and comp, i played against a tournament player the best warr in the game imo, idk if i can say playernames on forum or not so i just assume you know who am i talking about, so he was playing arms on 2s, and i won, then weeks later i met him again playing fury and it was his alt even this time, and i lost easily, is he still the best warr in the game? probably, and is he 1000x better than me? yes, but in this current gamedesign its just not rewarded enough, it makes a difference, but it should make a bigger difference.
obviously its just my opinion, but what im trying to say is that even if you see an r1 title or a glad mount against you, its not an instantly lost match bcz its just not that game anymore.


Right now we have like 23k 3s games every day and at this point in season 1 we had like 2k games or so only ? So this season is not even close to be dead … the biggest problem is that everybody wanna play only s tier combs…

cant blame them, the gap between meta and non meta was probably never this big, if you are not playing meta atm you are throwing on purpose basically

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What about this point season 2? Which website tracks this?

Ah xunamate

That’s a horrible idea when you can’t swap what you’re playing in a lobby after having been matched up.
A better way to “fix” the problem (it can’t ever truly be fixed entirely, but they certainly could take care of boosting as a whole with manual oversight), is to increase the amount of rating lost and gained from each win/loss, but drastically reduce the amount of times the system inflates and deflates (referring to when you win more rating than the opponents lose, and when you lose more than the opponents win).
The consequence of such a change would be that the rating system becomes less accurate though, but since they turn a blind eye to boosting and whatnot every season, it wouldn’t really matter much while the positive effect from it would be that players would rise and fall to the rating that matches their performance faster than now.

Numbers of your rating aren’t a true indicator of “skill”, it’s just what decides your place in the ladder. Your place in the ladder is the true indicator of “skill”, don’t confuse the two. (inb4 people get hung up while saying skill isn’t a thing in the game anymore or something like that, this is just about the theory behind rating systems.)

For example, a rank 1, as in the actual rank 1 in the entire ladder, not just the title, would still be rank 1 in the season even if the top rating that person is sitting at is just at 1800, because everybody else would be below that number. It’s the same way the top rated player is sitting at 2857 rating right now at the moment I’m writing this.

But you shouldn’t be fooled by the concept of “the bigger the ladder, the easier it is to climb” either, because Blizzard does artificial inflation and deflation as well. Ultimately, the meaning of your rating is in the hands of Blizzard themselves, because there are too many artificial factors involved in their rating system while at the same time they don’t do a good enough job to protect the integrity of the ladder itself. (I’m not talking about the ladder as what you can see on the WoW website where it only shows players above a certain placement in the ladder, I’m talking about the entire ladder as a whole, from 0 to the top rating of the moment.)

I realize it’s an absurd solution to a maybe not as absurd problem, which is why I said it’s not a realistic solution after all. That was me just brainstorming out of frustration due to having mmr be completely and utterly irrelevant all expansion, randomly having a 40% chance to be matched up against a top-end player in any given arena game is not what any ladder in any game should be like.

I trust you know and understand the intricacies of the mmr system better than I do so I will take your word for it, the only thing that I’d like to point out is that such system would probably make the game more punishing overall, making rng wins (and equally small misplay - oriented losses) much more impactful. Again, in my original post I was just giving my 2 cents about how bad it feels having a virtually non-existent mmr system.

Excuse me for nitpicking, but unless I’m misunderstanding something you just said “x=/=z, x=y and y=z”.

That isn’t what I said. What I said is that regardless of the number shown in the rating itself, what matters is your placement in the ladder relative to every other participant in the ladder. The number itself is just what the system uses, what you should focus on is just that placement.

You’re calling it a “virtually non-existent mmr system” because people much better than the rating are playing lower than they should be. But that’s a consequence of mmr manipulation, because Blizzard doesn’t manually oversee the rating system. It has nothing to do with the design of the system itself, it’s just a fundamental flaw due to the lack of manual oversight. There isn’t a single rating system in the world that can maintain its integrity without admins manually overseeing it.

That can’t be solved by making it account-wide, because that would have its own repercussions in the game the way it’s designed, so you’d be causing another problem with your solution.
Also, the very stubborn ones would still be able to manipulate it all they want, it’d just require a little more out of them in order to pull it off.

As for what you said about how it’d be more impactful with more points won/lost, that’s self-explanatory. But as I said, the consequence from that is that the system itself becomes less accurate, meaning everyone’s rating wouldn’t reflect their performance as much as it does now, but considering how little it’s reflecting it now, it wouldn’t really matter.
The positive effect from it would be that people would rise up and fall down to the rating that matches their performance at the time, faster than it does now. So while it’d “hurt” more to lose, it’d also reward you more for winning, so it balances itself out.

It is known that people joined communities to sell boosts for Gold and its still not against ToS to sell boosts for gold as long as you dont advertise for comms.

All nice and good in theory but it would make climbing a slingshot fiesta, which come to think of it is only fitting since the actual gameplay is also an hp bar slingshot fiesta. I kid, but in all seriousness I get that you’re excited to find a solution for this or bounce ideas off other forumgoers, but I have nothing to offer to this convo, which is why I resorted to “suck it up and keep playing” as the solution in my first post in this thread. Just for the record I will state for maybe the 4th time that making mmr account wide is not actually a viable solution I proposed, just saying because you seem to get very hung up on that one.

Hope you figure it out though, you will save all of us AND the game itself. :blue_heart:

I was actually thinking the same thing. The acc wide MMR is in my eyes the only way you can prevent smurfing.

(if they deal with ppl intentionally dropping their mmr on alts to boost ppl)

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it’s still early in the season that’s why.

xd or maybe you can’t push past 1400 because you play like 1300 player.

How delusional u are?

You trolling right?

while i see the need to protect yourself from personal scrutiny here,
i went a step further

  • i joined Nova Discord ( a boosting company for wow pve and pvp )
    out of curosity who did you think i saw on their boosters list?
    the r1 players that we see in AWC

now i cant name them due to forum policy, while i understand you think you are a r1 player and can justify slandering the facts i have stated , i urge you to have a look for yourself

so i will iterate my comments again , ill reword them to be exact

  • r1 players are purposely dropping rating to boost people in these low brackets. which is effecting all the players that play at those brackets

That’s a thing in Lost Ark and it’s horrible. It punishes the regular player more than the pro player… everyone wants to try a different class/spec at some point and it forces you to drop the rating of your main (since you will be bad at the new class). People work around that by creating new accounts or playing on different servers (everything is server bound there).

Not possible. Also, they can just make a new account.