Plea for not rushing TBC content

Exactly, this is what I’m ‘fighting with’ aswell in my guild, people don’t want to do something for fun anymore, and if they run something they want it as efficient as possible, which also means your class/role is suboptimal and not welcome. It annoys the hell out of me, who wanted the original classic experience (which will sadly not happen these days). Note: I don’t even play warrior/rogue(/hunter), this must be hell for them especially.

Final point about the SSC/TK attune is that our leadership has made pings (announcements) to people about getting it done, but many people are also last minute in nature (like the guy who does his report the night before the deadline). You can’t seem to get players interested to do these chores until they absolutely have to.

Key word being “chores”. It’s a video game, it’s supposed to be fun, not a chore like doing the dishes or folding laundry.

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you still can do all that when phase 2 is live. No worries at all mate.

Also read the part where I say that one-team guilds needs these casual players to have a stable 25-man team.
Big guilds can probably bench their second team casuals and be fine, many guilds won’t though.

i get what you say, that is maybe a guild/server issue. My guild has to bench 5/8 ppl every week for 25-man raid.

I guess recruit more?

All 25 man guilds that barely have enough people (we have 28) are fishing from the same pool. People of big top-10 realm first guilds will not drop their guild for these casual guilds, so there are basically too many guilds to cover the casual side of the realm.
The 10-man to 25-man move of P1->P2 might have some ripple effect where again guilds die and others are formed, just like from Classic → TBC.

On another note, I’ve not heard too much in this discussion about the claim that NO work is being done at Blizzard at the moment because of the lawsuit.
I don’t know how this works, are they filling in harassment questionnaires and attending seminars about harrassment all day, or what is the Blizzard workforce doing that there is NO work being done (apart from for example 50% of work)? Can anyone explain that? Are they on strike? Are they preparing their lawsuit on company time? Are they standing around the water cooler sharing stories?

are you actually that pea?
they didnt release the content has it was
with P2 comes pvp season 2, dafuk is wrong with you PVE Andys

thats the sweaty min maxers that raid log and dont do anything else on the game.
Even when they release P2 they will be asking for P3 in 1 month “wha wha no content”

kekw. Not a single f was givin about pvp.

u really think there are things to do in phase 1? like what? rofl

TBC has 0 content and it can’t be milked for 22 months like classic can since classic provides 3x the content. TBC is realistically a 13-15 month xpac at best.

What content doesn’t the Classic TBC have that original TBC had? :S
I don’t mean T4/T5 at the same time, I mean over the whole intended lifespan.

dood the fact that you dont give a flying fluck about pvp doesnt mean blizzard have to attend to your needs and skip what they schedule before tbc was released ffs
Fing retail tourists

there are alot of things to do you just choose not to do them and raid log like a sheep

thats why there are pvt servers classic,tbc,wotlk for decades

rofl, again, i dont play retail and i quit that game year and years ago.

I have done everything i need in phase 1. I have nothing else to do.
You apprently have much to do. Ur the sheep doing everything hard mode.

Aside from season 2 arenas, what exactly is the issue with releasing actual raids that don’t take less than 2 hours to do all 3?

The ones I’m looking forward to is the 25 man raids with more than 1 boss lol.
These were on TBC release, so there’s literally no issue with releasing at the same time.

Why do people feel the need to justify this “rush” with “we need this and that piece of gear”? What stops you from doing T4 when T5 is out? What is the point of this? Do you wait at the finish line on a marathon for the last guy to come? No you do not, because either he was not prepared or did not care at all. Even with 2-4hours a day you could of done all raid content already speaking of if you started at 60 on TBC launch.

i wont say anything to you after that … fing entitled ppl

ur just buthurt that we are right. there is 0 content to do in phase 1. just accept it dude.
kara and gruuls/mag is one day raid

If you cant clear mag/grruls by now… then i dont know… quit the game man
WITH phase 2 coming out, they get nerf’d so maybe ppl can clear it by then…

stop the bulsh

but they werent, they were time gated by blizzard and schedule to release on P2.
How is this so hard to understand, and with P2 comes S2 and alot of ppl still farming heroics for off pieces and blue pvp gear and now you want to end it, LOL