Plea from Turkish Community

Being part of NATO means you have to spent a % of your GDP for weapons. Now average Greeks cost you nothing… It is a long discussion, but lets say big Europe corporations got benefit from Greece loans. The average people didnt see a penny of those loans. Also the 90+ % of all the loans we got during our bankrupt gone to European banks in order to buy back our homology… Make a visit to Greece and see “how good is life here”…

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Actually more often than not, companies have different prices in different Countries depending on their buying power.
They simply decide to have less profit in order to sell to those Countries. Look at European supermarkets that are in multiply Countries.
Almost every product have different price. Sure some of this are due to specific Country tax, but thats not the only reason the price is different.
Its called “free economy” and also called “supply and demand”.

Are you drunk mate, what are you talking about.

Thanks for the help, tomorrow I’m gonna be paying a visit to our Minister of Economy, gonna slap him a few times “What the hell is the state of our currency? You make 1 euro = 1 tl in a week or I’m gonna come here to slap you again next week”. For now this seems like a reasonable attempt to fix it, I’m open to further suggestions.

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Which is a GUIDELINE stated to be 2.0% whereas Greece has spent 2.30% - 3.22% GDP on their military in the years 2008-2018 and the percentages were even higher before that. Whereas all other countries average at around 1.6% GDP. So Greece has spent way more than the baseline point of 2.0%.

What is there to protect when your country is going under more due to (economic) policies than actual conflict happening. I really don’t get why you you feel the military is more important than the people in the country.

“Thank God we got the submarines for those invisible enemies during these invisible conflicts. People scraping by and starving? Who cares, as long as we keep them safe from invisible bombs”

Greece is the #2nd biggest beneficiary of the EU, but please tell me where those trees grow that suddenly give 2-5 billion euro out of thin air. Nah, that totally doesn’t come out of the pockets of other country’s citizens.

Just gonna contribute to this one last time …

Blizzard please delete these threads the moment they appear, it will always get political and these forums are not about politics.

Lock, delete, throw away, never again to be seen.

Thank You.


Or you just need to accept that this won’t happen , and rightfully so. Time to move on , the subscription won’t go any lower than it is for turkey.

You misinterpet the action though. As I’ve said it time and again through the topic:

We aren’t asking for an act of kindness. We think that adjusting the pricing to the reality of our economy might in return migrate
non-players to players
non-payers to payers
payers to higher payers

which in turn increases their revenue and presence in Turkey.

(Rest not a reply to Jetlife)
I’m sorry if you guys are somehow unable to picture this but these kind of adjustments are

  • doable
  • common especially in the industry
  • has examples of happening in other platforms
  • has examples of blizz doing it (and as egzolinas demonstrated, is happening also for countries not exactly struggling)

I really don’t understand how some of you insists on this being impossible when facts already say otherwise.
It was never a question of “if blizz would do something like that” or “if this makes economical sense”
The question is if it makes business sense for Blizzard under the current circumstances.

Don’t get me wrong, there are valid points. But there are always pros and cons to things, so you can’t just talk about cons and assume something can’t happen.

There are also a lot of invalid points. I worked in gaming and even specifically in sales. Anyone in the industry would just snicker at some points made here, let alone take it seriously. No offence meant, obviously, not everyone knows about everything. It’s just how ADAMANT some of you are about it.

And who knows, maybe Blizz will switch to a country based pricing and players from other countries can also play wow at the relative price that makes sense to them : ) I’ll drop a like if I see a post like that for sure.

I don’t have such an expectation, take off the cow blinders :smirk:

I already said that this is unlikely at least in the near future and suggested Turkish players to organize and create boost communities to suck gold out of pockets, this is the most realist approach to this subject.

Blizzard will make such a move if they think that they can profit off of it, if they think halving the price gonna quadruple the Turkish player count then they can do that. It is a business decision.


Obviously it’s not worth it to them because these posts have been popping up weekly for years. Response has basically been given. It’s a no. We can already be happy the sub fee didn’t inflate over the years.

" Some of our customers will be able to avoid paying unnecessary transaction fees charged by banks and financial institutions We’re also able to accommodate more payment methods, adding ones we previously couldn’t offer because they have restrictions on transacting in USD."

This is a direct quote from the article;

They are doing it so customers will avoid paying additional transaction fees. Previously for some of these countries it was 13 euro + transaction fee.
Also this way they are able to add more payment methods.

And they are using conversion rate provided by one of the “major exchanges.”
They are not making the game cheaper for local currency. They are using whatever the conversion rate is.

You cannot play on European servers and pay a different price than others. Then they will have to do it for every European country. Not every European country is equal. All of them have different purchasing power, different minimum and average wages. They are providing equality by charging everyone 13 euros already.

Only reasonable solution is creating Turkish-only servers and charge accordingly with local currency.

Only Blizzard knows how many Turkish subscribers are there and whether if it’s worth creating a Turkish-only server. I think there would be a Turkish Server by now if it was worth the trouble for them. And some you just want to play on European servers and pay different price than everyone else so that’s not a solution for you.


I would join a WoW political party tbh

Exactly my point , if you have to do it for them , then you also have to do it for all the countries with really low minimal wage , and why not for unemployed people as well ? And for people that are sick at home and cant work ? If they cant get money they should be paying less ? This opens pandora’s box to abuse

Sounds reasonable. You have my support, which doesn’t mean anything at all really…

If it ever happens however, I’ll have my Turkish proxy ready.

First of all, they COULD do it for all countries! Why not?

Second, not necessarily. Do we have language based customer support for all countries? Do we have loca for all countries? Do we have CMs for all countries? Do we have local pricing for all countries? The answer to all the questions is “No, only some countries have that”.
It’s not like this would be the first time something is different for one country. We even have countries like China where the game content has differences.

Finally - unemployed people etc is not relevant. This isn’t about being nice. This is about Blizzard adjusting prices that fit the local economy. Again, there are sooo many examples of this. No one prices per person, it’s pricing per country/economy.

And I hope Blizzard will have methods so that your proxy or other ways to pay doesn’t matter.
Do you use that proxy in steam btw?

I’d like to see them try.

I rarely steam my food.

I tried to come up with a witty comeback about getting burned or grilled but I don’t have enough brain cells atm. I’ll probably think of something 2 days later under the shower, so TAKE THAT! Ha!

Uhm yes it is relevant ? If you have to be nice to one country , you have to be nice to every country , and it also opens pandora’s box because if I’m unenmployed , I should also pay less since I earn less than turkish people at that point with welfare ? What about people that cant work because they’re sick , are handicapped or other reasons ? Shouldnt they pay less since they get barely any money if at all ?

You don’t. You adjust your prices if you see it will create enough demand to increase your player base/revenue/presence enough to satisfy business needs and wants.

so this part isn’t really relevant.
That being said, if any company wants to support unemployed people for some reason, sure, they can do that.

I don’t remember any examples, but maybe one day someone will do it and it will be widespread. With universal income and internet being a human right under discussion, who knows what kind of changes will happen in future.
I think it’s an interesting topic but irrelevant this isn’t about being nice, as we repeated about 671 times in the topic.

Turkish players have been asking for years to have a lower sub fee and it went ignored every single time , this looks to me like it just isnt worth it to them else they would already have done it. Also the point was that if you cater to one particular audience you have to cater to every single other one.

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Yea, I know it has been requested. However, there is a difference this time. Blizzard hired communication and marketing teams and they’re hiring more people like customer support. So they are actively investing in TR this time.

And more importantly, we can’t read their active business needs and wants. So we keep voicing our situation. They choose to act, yay! They don’t, we go on as we do. /shrug

About catering to all: I can’t tell you how people live in Greece, Crotia, Sweden etc. I can only talk about Turkey. I kept saying in this thread: They should also speak up. If you find egzolinas’ post in this thread, he showed that blizz was in the process of making adjustments to even countries not struggling that much. I’d support others if I see a thread. In the end, the decision is always at blizzard. I mean, if everyone of 1.2?k people who checked the thread upvoted and said they want this, it would still be a business decision. That’s why I’m a bit sad to see people so upset and hostile about us just simply voicing our concern. I understand why people say what they say, I expected some of it as well. Anyway.

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