Plea from Turkish Community

Blizzard is not only WoW Based company. You guys just stood in one topic which is Turkish server or EU servers in WoW. Come on guys if you provide the local currency prices to all countries which have same issue are they going to buy WoW only ? They can buy other games like Diablo,Overwatch Call of Duty and inside game services.This leads more clients for Blizzard. And there are companies that provide this local currency prices like Udemy,Netflix,Spotify,Steam and more. I don’t think that one company insists that local prices when they start to lose money.

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This is a very good point. Let me expand on some points I mentioned before with some business terms:
This change can POTENTIALLY

  • get more current “token” wow players to pay
  • get more old players to return to wow
  • get more paying wow players to buy pets etc.
  • get more non-users to buy the game, playing free or otherwise
  • increase base for all other games
  • increase their presence in the country ie they are talked more about in gaming circles
  • which means more influencers play their games
  • overwatch means more interest in esports on their side
  • this all together will increase their organic growth
  • this decreases the acquisition and marketing costs
  • this opens up more business development options

Of course all of this depends on how much POTENTIAL demand there is, but it’s likely high. But if it works out, it’s not even just “they make more from subs”.

I’m sure anyone who worked in sales of any kind reads all my above lines with business terms as well.

But again - this is something only blizzard can analyze.

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In order to get empathy you must be honest.

Some of you made statement that exchange ratio of 1euro = 8 lira means that Turks pay 8 times more.
I am sorry but that’s not how currencies and economy works.
1 to 8 ratio doesn’t mean that you pay 8 times more nor that Turkish purchasing power is 8 times lower!

With such false statements you are essentially trying to make general public who are reading these forums idiots !


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No offense but maybe take a chill pill? You realize that no one here is an economy expert right? It’s not about being dishonest, most of us don’t understand how economy REALLY works, especially making comparisons between countries. Having lived in two of them, I personally don’t know how to compare them from a true economy stand point.

And honestly, if someone thought “Haha, let me write in Blizzard forums that every single thing is 8 time more expensive and they will be none the wiser”, I mean… lol, that’d be a stupid individual.

It doesn’t matter much what we say here. Someone from Blizzard isn’t going to just take a look at this topic and go “Oh my god, would you look at that? EIGHT TIMES! Quick, drop the prices!”

I don’t think it’s even important for them how the WHOLE economy EXACTLY compares to others.

What matters to them would be finding a sweet spot between creating extra demand and gains vs decreasing the cost and risks it brings. Well, if that sweet spot exists in the first place and if it does, where it is and if the overhead, the implementation etc. is worth it.

They will do this by checking data, checking with tech teams, probably 3rd party payment solution providers, local and international laws etc. etc.

Not by reading the forum.

Why are we keep insisting the fact that we are gamers on this thread not politicians ? We are mentioning about the game not the politics.

Euro is today 8 TL ok yesterday it was 7 TL tomorrow it might be 10 TL or It might be lower than 5 TL. We can’t know what life is going to bring to us.

Its not only Turkey’s issue. It is issue for a person that who lives in the country that does not use Eu as Local currency. Lets say I will be new comer for WoW and I want to Purchase BFA. today its 371 TL yesterday it was lower than 371 TL. Tomorrow it might be higher than 371 or lower than 371 TL. You can convert it to your local currency.

The point is you can purchase it on 44.99 Euro now. Yesterday you could buy it to 44.99 Euro and tomorrow you will be able to buy it to 44.99 Euro.

We just want the same stable price for our local currency lets say 150 TL so we can have idea about buying services or not.

You just made another random false statement.How do you know than none of forumers is economist ? Many economists play wow.

More than obvious.

Most funny part - how u want blizzard control it? U want create another china? With out passport - no account?
What stops me to tell blizzard, That I m from turkey and pay less afterwards?

Wanna play - pay as others. Cant pay real money - pay with token. Token is ez farmable This days.

From another side - to play wow and enjoy the game requires a Good pc. Minimum 750-850£. So u can run high settings atleast.
So maybe lets make same topic on Intel, AMD, MSI forums to lower prices in Turkey?

About RU servers time ago back in WOTLK.
Reason of creating a ru servers were - a lot of players were from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine (check USSR countries). All this countries spoke russian language.

Some servers were fully booked with ru players, only RU chat. There were no chances for EU players on this servers.

So blizz decided to open RU realms and LOWERED SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. But! Not that easy way.
Players had choice - pay normal as before and have all EU account or switch ur account to play only RU server and pay less.(U cant log in EU servers, creat chars on eu servers etc).
So nearly every1 gone from EU account, to only RU account.

It was done for whole region. For 15, post USSR, countries where Russian were government language for years. And now some1 ask to do it only for 1 country what brings just a few % of players.

Dont think so…

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Sorry but I don’t think Blizzard is in need of a presence in Turkey, because of the very few playing WoW by subbing with their credit card. They just do not care for a few bucks at all. I think you all should accept this fact first of all.

As an example, Blizzard might care about Chinese wow players if they had such demand to pay in their local currency because they have a big market share over there which nobody can deny.

But why would Blizzard care about minorities demanding such changes? Even if you threaten them by saying “okay we cancel subs as Turkish comm nearing thousands” their reaction would be “k bye”.
Do you think that big companies are not doing all these feasibility calculations and such with their marketing and business departments?

Even if they are ok with this change, what will happen if 1€ = 16 TL? I bet there will be v2 of this topic here demanding half payment.
No offense but this is just a silly begging request, nothing else.


If Russian ruble price is cheaper than euro for EU I think Turkish should be cheaper too.
People can’t be responsible for dictators poor economic management imo

Change your government then. No, thats not a flippant answer. Blizzard doesn’t make your currency fluctuate wildly, your leadership does.


Let me give you a hypothetical situation.

Say Blizzard does give you a discount due to your location, so let’s say you pay €10 instead of €12.99. What happens when the Lira hits 14 or 15 per Euro, do you demand it gets reduced even further?

You see the problem is not at the Euro end but the Lira end. In one month it has gone up from 7.71 Lira/Euro to 8.11 Lira/Euro. And in one year it has gone from 6.2 to 8.11. In five years, it’s 3.1 to 8.11.

I do see the problem that in personal earnings the percentage paid has increased.

The other thing is if you look at which countries you can pay in a different currency, they usually have a localisation for that country, ie you can play in that countries language. Portuguese is the exception as that was made for Brazil.

Edit: Doesn’t international law mean you need an office in the country or region you sell in to sell in the local currency?

as I said in previous We are gamers in here not an politican or economist. And there are Worldwide companies that do this such as Spotify,Netflix,Youtube,Steam,Udemy or more. And I am not mentioning for Turkey’s perspective. You can convert to Zloty or Czech Koruna or more.

Turks complaining about prices,so come work and live in Balkan(Serbia,Croatia,Bosnia and Herzegovina) and you will see what real pain is.
Most of us cannot afford to even buy the Expansion,few can who work in EU or have someone who work there,if Bliizz need to adress this things so please check for players from Balkan.

Monthly salary in Bosnia is 250e so… bills,food,life,and try to buy game or pay sub… got me.

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Excuse me, how can people change smth they have no control over, it’s not like dictators are listening to polls or incorporate any healthy economic advices from general public.
They just enforce their rule with creepy laws and puppet governments + corrupt police. So I would strongly disagree they can change smth, you rub their already swelling sounds with premium salt produced from their reasonable tears on the forum, bully :smirk:


Erm, isn’t Turkey a democracy?

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I doubt Blizzard will lower the subscription prices AND let Turkish players to play in the same region as EU with the lowered sub cost.

It will either be:

  • Turkish only servers
  • Blizzard does nothing

Considering how long people have been complaining about the same thing I doubt Blizzard will start doing something now.

It doesn’t help that your supreme leader is constantly bickering with the United States or other western countries, is obvious anti-western and an authoritarian.

Add in the countless Human Rights Violations that is been committed in your country (or in name of your country) and it has become not so interesting to invest time and money. It’s a popular notion to hate on China, yet there’s many other countries that violate human rights but people either don’t care or don’t know about it unless everybody is talking about it.

Now you can come with the excuse “But China…”, which would be silly since that’s an insanely bigger market than Turkey can ever provide.

But what about the Turkish players in countries that don’t share the same monetary issues as Turks living in Turkey? Will they be able to play on Turkish servers or are they not allowed? What kind of subscription price do they pay? Will a Turk living in Germany that earns 2000-3000 euro a month pay 2 euro subscription fee on Turkish servers or 13 euro because he doesn’t live in Turkey?

There’s like 4 million Turks living in Europe today, let’s say 10k of them plays World of Warcraft, they decide to play on Turkish only servers, they pay like 15 euro for the latest expansion and pay 2 euro a month subscription fee.

That means Blizzard loses:

  • 250k euro on Game sales
  • 110k euro on subscription fee A MONTH

… and how many Non-Turks will decide “Hey let us English-speaking players play on one certain Turkish server, so we can play the same game and save money”

World of Warcraft doesn’t NEED more segregation, there’s already a lot of dead realms on English-speaking realms, now take a look at German and French realms, both have an equal amount (or more) people speaking those languages yet only 1-3 realms are considered big and the rest is dead. I once phased over to a French realm to find rare mobs in one area and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WAS UP. On English speaking realms you would never come across something like this unless it’s very deep in the night and even then, chances are they wouldn’t be up.

Because first it will be the Turks, then the Polish, then the Romanians etc etc etc.

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That sucks. But maybe Blizzard should consider those countries as well?

Formally may be, but I doubt everyone who calls themselves democratic are truly so outside of developed countries.
Can’t say I know smth more than you, just seriously doubt that the government who crushes its own currency and makes it’s own people poorer has REAL support from voters.
