Plea from Turkish Community

I don’t think that you can purchase only WoW from Blizzard. And last time when I was playing Overwatch there was no German servers , Russian servers on that game. Just correct me if I have mistaken.

I know i am amongs thoose who have lucky and,manage to get EU working permit,but most of my friends have trouble to pay bills and have normal life,they dont have chance to pay sub and buy expansions.

I understand problem of Turkey also but we from Balkan are worse,economy there is worse in whole Europe,so it would be nice to Blizz take us in consederation also

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I’m not talking about other games besides World of Warcraft, but with you mentioning it:

  • What about token prices which can be converted to buy other games?
  • What about the initial cost for other games in the Activision-Blizzard eco-system?
  • Can anybody make a “Turkish account” and Buy games like Overwatch and play on EU/US or other regions?

I understand that.
The thing is, I can speak of TR issues because that’s what I know about : ) I can’t talk about other countries.

And in the end, it has to be a business decision. Blizzard won’t do anything out of kindness. So if they make adjustments and make more money, they will do it. That will happen if there are enough people that will start playing/paying/paying more. If you think that’s the case for you, I’d say go ahead and communicate that to Blizz.

We have one “advantage” that Blizzard has increased activity and operations for Turkey. But regardless, best wishes for you, friend

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For your first case If I was the one who didn’t play WoW before how could I get token and can convert ?

For your second case lets say you are from Blizzard you can set your own currency to Turkey or Poland or Czechia or Serbia or any other Balkan countries for your the initial cost.

For your last case for instance I created Turkish account in LoL or CS GO or any other games. If I pay the character transfer for example in Eu West server I can play in that region or any other. And I don’t think that we need “Turkish only server” or “Polish only server” etc etc. And also I can buy the games in TL or PLN on Steam even if they don’t have language support for Turkish or Polish. So Blizzard can also do the same I guess.

I think “Turkish account” would work with a combination of requiring a Turkish bank/provider (like steam does), IP check and maybe even an ID check (Like Rockstart does - I guess they do it for age but still.)

For costs, I guess it would be applied to everything.

Tokens though - that’s really interesting. I haven’t thought in depth about it but that might be one of the tougher parts to manage.
I mean (talking purely imaginary numbers) if I buy a token for 10€ and that gets me 10K gold.
Then someone buys a token for 8€and that’s 10k gold as well?
Then it’d open up cheaper gold selling - which isn’t good.

From the top of my head, no idea how it would-should work.

Edit: I guess token prices won’t change?

Dont get me wrong guys i will support Turkey strugle here,cuz i understand we are even in worse situation.
People from Balkan i know if they manage to buy Sub, grind like crazy craft or idk,selling mounts so they can buy Token for gold and buy Sub.

Some of them also gathering 4 Tokens to buy expansions,maybe our voice can be heared louder if we are together Balkan countries and Turkey and all who have economic problems

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From what I remember, and I may be wrong, but didn’t Turkey stop payments going to other countries at one time?

If they did that again wouldn’t a Turkish account be stopped too.

Play the game, farm gold and buy tokens. This is not something you can do right away but with lowered prices at all times you will be able to buy other games eventually.

If the subscription fee is for local currency the rest would be as well.

Both LoL and CS:GO are free to play. Not really relevant.

Do you know what would happen if Turkish residents pay less for the same game and everything is converted to the same currency?

Let me explain:
Let’s say a WoW token is 4 euro in Turkish currency, goldsellers would buy 5 tokens for the same price as ONE for people in other countries.

This means they have 5x 180.000 gold which is 900k. So they can easily sell 900k for 90 euro and they’ve only spent 20 euro themselves, a 70 euro profit for them and 10 euro profit for the player buying the gold.

Which doesn’t help as Turkish family/friends can provide ALL if not most of the information and most Turks residing in Europe tend to have TWO PASSPORTS. So this doesn’t help either.

Lost Ark even use phone number for verification and people all around the world still play on Korean servers, so this won’t work.

This is not completely true. You need a Korean social security number to access the Korean servers. Not just anyone has access to that. Most european players are on Russian servers.

Yeah I can do and that’s what I do. but If I wasn’t the one that who didn’t play WoW before how could I pay the price that which I’ll calculate for you in further.

I have made calculation for you to see the price in TL.
371,25 TL I will pay for BFA and 330 TL for Shadowlands and that makes 701.25 TL. If I couldn’t manage to farm gold for 30 days game time I would have to pay more after a month. Or lets say BFA’s price is 371.25 Euro and you are the one that who didn’t play WoW or any Blizzard game before. Would you start playing WoW or playing other video games ?

Some countries have better calculations some have worse than Turkey I haven’t calculate for them yet.

But Steam has its own currency for those countries uses their own currencies. and 1 dollar equals 2.1 TL on Steam but today 1 dollar equals 6.97 TL atm and they didn’t even change their own currency for real life currency values. You can imagine that how much profit they gain from Turkey or Poland or any other country. If Blizzard does they cancan get more clients from these countries and icrease their profit. Since you can find more clients with local prices.

Again, Steam does it. Netflix does it. Spotify does it.
Either they are all losing terrible amounts of money (which I’m sure they don’t), or there are ways that decrease scam to a minimum.

There are still problems but anyway, that’s up to Blizzard to analyze and solve. We can’t provide solutions without knowing their tools and systems.

Yes, once it was published in Russia, but even before that people bought korean accounts, used vpn, etc, and actually played on Korean servers. So my point still stands.

If they haven’t changed it in over a year then it kinda shows how much money they make in Turkey. It hasn’t been at 2.1 Lira per Dollar since 2014.

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I’ve just checked it for you. Steam brought its own dollar currency to Turkey at 21st October 2014. And I just checked that on that day 1 dollar was 2.23 for buying and 2.24 for selling. And that gap increased so much far from that day. I believe Blizzard can get profit with that way. The ratio is the thing that they can decide I am not saying that it should be same ratio as Steam.

Why does Turkey deserve special prices and nobody else does?

You chose to ruin your economy by putting the people you did in power.


No one says that. Should Turkish community speak on behalf of other ones? We can’t know what problems others do or don’t have.
When a warlock asks about a buff, it doesn’t mean only and only warlocks should get a buff ever :stuck_out_tongue:

I know. Our Ruling Caste, which is made of blizzard fans, made some mistakes. I’m gonna gather the Council of Eldars and make some changes. We’ll start by wearing our pauldrons on one shoulder.

Steam online store only they do it cause ppl buy different games - more games more money. Today i buy this game, tomz i buy another. They still get profit.

Netflix - video streaming media. Same thing. Today i watch this tv show, tomz movie, day after cartoon.

Spotify - same but music.

All this platforms works as store accompanying by devs/movie studios/singers/musicians.

Blizzard is by it self a developer. They have 1 game per type. Wow - mmorpg, starcraft - rts, over - shooter, hots - moba.

And now imagine 2 situations.

“Hey guys” - This is Billy. Billy likes MMO RPG. But he lives in poor country.

Situation 1 - Blizzard has only 1 mmo rpg. Billy plays WoW. He got tired of WoW. He stops.
Billy stoped bringing money to

Situation 2 - Billy also got steam. And in Steam there are tons of mmo rpg’s. Billy got tired of Tera, Billy start Black desert. Got tired black desert, he starts something else.
Billy still brings money to steam.

So u still think blizzard and steam are equally?

Blizzard can drop ur sub price, but what for? Today ur friend in Turkey plays - tomz not.
Waste of money to implement new prices, update all data. For all this implements Blizzard needs to pay. Pay salaries. Find out how to implement it only for Turkey, make verifications for ur IP, id or anything else. All this costs money.

Aaand after all this what they gonna do and spent money, players ll say Legion/BFA/SL (any other xpac) is sh*t. I m not playing this xpac.
Its just not gonna happen


So you also support British people paying less due to the depreciation of our currency due to Brexit, right?

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