Tbh good idea. Gbp is already droped. 1 gbp - 1.09 euro… daaamn. I still remember when is was 0.9
Sigh. I check the 10 year change and it’s far from being really impactful.
If fellow players from UK are really suffering, sure.
But in the end the decisions will not be about the consensus here so I’d doubt Blizzard would find it needed, considering the value of GBP.
And also, really? Come on. Don’t be so petty.
I think you should not just stick with the games only there are also in game services that you may want to purchase. And also you can buy Call of Duty aswell and you could buy Destiny 2 before. Tomorrow blizzard is going to bring Diablo 4 for instance. I mean you can find clients with any type its up to your company more or less products. and if you have 5000 person who are from in one country might you get like 50.000 or 100.000 we can’t really know. Thats why companies sometimes takes risk to increase their salary. And we shouldn’t just think in Turkey’s perspective since Turkey is not only one that pays with other currency.
Such a nasty night elff.
Actually there is another point that I need to make. When I see adjusted prices from games or platforms I am more inclined to pay money. When I see £ or € I look for free ways.
Like Paladins is an example, I used to play it and bought battlepass and skin stuff alot O_o or in distant past I used to play League of Legends with adjusted prices and spent alot to that as well.
Another one, I guess Heartstone had special price packs for TL, I used to buy them even for alt accounts and then I had to quit the game because of Jaina cleavage censor(don’t laugh), until that moment I was a paying customer.
But…When it comes to wow with unadjusted prices, I only bought BfA then no payment because prices are not just. I don’t know how many people are there like me, so business and profit wise it might not be as stupid as it seems for Blizzard.
Shooters and rts are only 2 game types we have a choice from blizz. Sadly.
Y we can play CoD or over if u like shooters. SC1 SC2 or WC3 If u like rts.
But Billy likes only MMO RPG…
I think you completely misunderstood(or did not read my post) at all.
The prices of BOTH the games AND Subscription would be at a lower price in your currency. Not a 1:1 conversion.
2 euro subscription would be 16,51 TL a month.
15 euro for Shadowlands would be 123,85 TL
The reason why I brought up the token is:
In EU a token is 20 euro for 180k gold OR 180k gold for 30 days gametime.
What would happen if Turkish players have lower subscription cost, would they also have the same token of 180k gold OR would they have a different token?
In the example in my previous post I made the token price 4 euro (or 33,03 TL) – After which you would buy 5 tokens for 165.15TL and sell it for 743 TL. Which means you can earn 577TL profit for selling gold.
Please stop with the Steam references, it’s in no way comparable to each other. Activision-Blizzard PRODUCES AND SELLS THEIR GAMES. Steam is a PLATFORM on which OTHER DEVELOPERS can SELL their GAMES.
True Billy likes only MMORPG but with that method Josh can meet with Blizzard products or Allen. And Billy might want to get pets or mounts from Shop aswell.
Hey guys, just so you know - I got a 1 day ban, without any explanation - just a message stating that I broke ToS, without clarifying which term exactly I broke, most likely because some virtue-signaling snowflake with fragile feelings obsessed with social justice did that they can only do when things dont go their way - told on me to “mom”.
Be vigilant my dudes, when engaging in this kind of conversation - provocations maybe on their way to deplatform you and shut your mouth, just as it was last years to many on literally every social media.
I still say, dear turkish community - get a job and pay, you got high-end PC and Internet acccess which means you’re not “poor”; you want equality - then be equal, rights come with obligations, always. Quit being such child and grow a pair already.
Paying monthly sub only for instore mounts and pets… well…
This is deff waste of money and life
As I gave you example before Would you like to spend 371 Euro to start playing in a game ? I think general answer would be no. The math can solve the issue I believe how many clients you get can from one country if you do local prices and how much you can get profit from that move.
Billy might be Pet or mount farmer Idk
Well. Its just my general opinion. But 1 shoting old content doesnt develope Ur personal skills. So at this point i st*u
Who did that to you muh little gnome, tell me, Brother Gekko shall behead em
I am from Serbia and I confirm your story!.
This may be a unpopular opinion, but why should sub costs be lower just for Turkish players? Playing WoW is a luxury. It’s not a necessity to survive. Maybe get your priorities straight and hold off on WoW until your finances or counrty situation are better. WoW will still be here.
You are so off point here. The Euro and the Dollar are not the same as the Turkish Lira. Both are steady and do not have hyper inflation.
I just meant to give the point that would someone from European country start the game what if the prices were like Turkey’s or any other countries’
Thats why I gave the 371 Euro example. And I am not saying that in Turkey I should pay 44.99 TL for BFA or in Poland I should pay 44.99 PLN you can make your own currency ratios and make assumptions that how many new clients that you can get and how many new clients you are getting yearly in Turkey or any other country. If you can get profit why wouldn’t you to do that ?
Exactly !
Then why do we need these Turkish lira topics here ?
I am pretty sure that experts at ActivisonBlizzard know what is legally possible and economically viable to do.
Like they knew how welcomed Diablo Immortal announcement would be in Blizzcon right?
Do you think they are almighty or something? If they were a company that always do the right thing then they could’ve still declare their WoW sub numbers swaggeringly like they used to, so… instead of just sitting and waiting how about saying “HEEEY, WE GOT A PROBLEM HERE, CAN YOU CONSIDER THIS?”, I’m sure it will speed up the process of consideration regardless of outcome.
There is a developer.
There is a publisher.
There is a platform.
If you sell something on steam each party takes a percentage. If you sell it for 10 lira instead of 10€, the size of each percentage accordingly.
If you sell something on Battle.net, each party takes a percentage. Sure, they are the same but the mechanics aren’t.
I honestly don’t understand why it’s different. It’s not like steam does a wholesale and sells the games.