Yes its just an example Populations from each country are not same either. And Food Industry is not something that can be Digital. Its up to country’s in and outs. But Spotify,Netflix,Steam,Epic Games,Udemy,Blizzard they are all digital. So I can just pay and get. and I can pay with my own prices that they set the price for me.
It seems that you are not going to think in Global way so I think I should end conversation with you in peaceful way because you are still going to ignore my sentences about that.
Lastly about your prices I can host you in Turkey to see real prices. Because the values such as In Turkey: Average wage: 3200 TL Rent: 700-1000 TL (Average) Utility cost: 0 TL OR 488,68 TL average Internet cost: 0 TL OR 111,7 TL average Household Telephone cost: 0 TL Sewage cost: 0 TL OR 82,68 TV/Satellite cost: 0 TL Food/drinks: 209,44~ a month
are really like a joke. You can be my guest to see if you want to see the “real” prices.
Food industry thing was extra I would expect you to understand my point my bad
In both cases
someone develops the game
someone pays rent etc
someone pays for employees
someone pays for marketing
someone pays for platform maintenance
then all those someones together receive the amount for selling a game.
I think the problem is that we keep saying “steam does this” but how we should phrase it is that “steam allows it”. Steam isn’t the one that decides adjustment. They simply offer the tool.
So it’s the DEVELOPERS that choose to apply it and just as Blizzard would, they receive reduced income when they apply pricing to be lower in one region.
I thought it was clear but if you literally want to compare Steam and Blizzard’s status, of course they aren’t the same. But what I mean to compare is the overall option.
So let me rephrase: Other developers do regional pricing and reduce prices on Steam, which shows that Blizzard should be able to do it.
There is no global way. There is only: “Is it profitable for us? Yes. Good… NO? okay no thanks”.
Maybe you don’t understand but companies want to make profit, if hosting + servers and all other things cost them 9 euro per customer a month, they can’t reduce the fee to 2-5 euro a month because your country is not doing so well economically.
No gaming company would pay 7-10 euro a month for users to be able to play their games.
Multiple sources tell me the same ranged of prices. So your anecdotal experience is not relevant.
Now you’re just trolling. I’m done with talking to you.
Apparently you still don’t understand, this is the last thing I’ll say about it.
Steam is NOT paying the developers to make games, nor is it hiring personnel for those developers to make games, nor are they advertisting their games outside of Steam. If you don’t get that… I don’t know what else somebody could say to you to make you understand. Maybe somebody can translate in Turkish?
I’ve shown you multiple examples multiple companies that are doing this and thinking in “Global” way and they are keep doing it because they gain profit. But you made yourself clear that you are not opened with me to discuss on these terms.
And with this sentence “with your mutiple sources” you showed me who the real troll was. Have a good day.
Probably. Or they don’t want to take that risk I know its not easy thing to do and I wanted that local pricing things for all countries. You may get profit or you may not it is uncertain. But as a client I can ask that I guess just like other person may ask for example discount for race change. As we are all clients and we want services as common purpose. Its up to them to do or not to do I respect that.
I don’t know about other Greeks (though I haven’t seen a similar thread and I doubt there is one provided our currency is EUR) but where did you see me complaining about not being able to pay for WoW? The truth is many people in my country have it difficult but Greece remains wealthy overall (and with good prospects) no matter what the country rightfully went through recently. The country messed up so many things on so many levels but it’s picking up its pieces right now.
Submarines won’t do anything against land and air invasion (obviously). But Greece has an (extremely capable) air force and land forces as well - it can defend itself. Turkey is no superpower and doesn’t have anywhere near enough power to overwhelm Greece. Not yet at least - that situation is prone to change because Greece has spent zero in new weapon systems for more than a decade now and Turkey is… doing the opposite.
Trust me, I wish things were different but as it stands, Greece has no choice than to spend to at least maintain some balance of power.
Right, but that’s also because Turkey knows Greece can retaliate. Economic sanctions aren’t enough to hold them back, especially considering how serious those sanctions would be (and for how long they’d last) is to be debated.
Article 5 covers a NATO country under attack but there’s no declaration as to what would apply if the unthinkable happens (a NATO country attacking another NATO country). I highly, highly doubt NATO would intervene militarily in such a case. Even though Turkey is (almost) out of friends in the alliance.
I don’t know which country that is but allow me to say it’s not that simple. This is the field of my study so I could tell you more if this was the right time and place. But TL;DR - all EU countries gain access to a large number of benefits. Your strict IN/OUT calculation is very arbitrary because it does not include the effects those benefits have on your economy. Beyond economics, there are also other… “benefits”. For example, Greece is currently hosting hundreds of thousands of migrants that would flood to many EU countries otherwise. This is causing various social-economic issues in my country that you can’t really put a price on. There are other examples of course, with other countries.
Unfortunately, this pretty much describes the situation in many countries (Greece included). It would be a very long discussion to go into that now though.
Every Turkish player has the same problem it seems. I play this game for a long time and i really adore it. I even have a Horde tattoo on my arm. but for 2 or 3 years, the price is getting bigger and bigger. Some months i cant afford to pay monthly price. For example wasnt play for 3 months just started this month again. I know our countrys economic problems are not your problems, but think about a young society and eager to play a game with quality. This game is nearly my life but its slipping away from my hands slowly. Hear our voice plx
Using that anology was bad, A turkish baker gets the base ingrediants for way cheaper, Including the rent on his building that he sells it from. The german guy can’t just start bleeding money because you’re turkish, It costs him more to operate.
I dont know a single person who earns 7830 TL. Im 35 y.old. And let me tell you, i know a lot of people.Thats how average salary ‘‘should’’ be. However its not.We have massive inflation, and our ‘‘religious’’ government doesnt allow interest rates go up to smooth the inflation ;Its politics, i know, but every bit helps. Blizzard could help too.We are also in pandemic; which makes inflation much more worse.
The reasons i dont want TR to become a seperate game zone is because ;
game language ; originality of game story and cinematics(i hate local dubbings)
orginality of game(be able to interract with european friends)
I really dont want government involvement in wow; it may be taxed by them to be same price(or more) lol
If Turkey become a different game zone ; we’ll probably face 10 times more racism then russians lol.(highest possibility)
Personally, i respect blizzard much more than other companies, because they let me play with wow token system since wod. Otherwise, i wouldnt be playing wow now.
Whether blizzard makes this change in future or not, thanks Blizzard for all the enjoyment you provide within years.
as a sincere 11 year played Horde Veteran Wow Turkish player.(since 2009)
They DO special pricing for specific regions.First one comes to mind is Russia.So why not Turkey at this point.Turkey can easly force them to play well with the Turkish currency, just like Russian goverment forced them, and just like how they do -everything- China forces them to do.So they can sell their product.Why not Turkey?
IF blizzard was their former self, I would never say what I said.To imply a goverment should ‘‘bully’’ them, if you will.But they are not their formal reasonable self.In their Pay-to-Play games, they do sell downright disgusting, shameless, specially tailored & modelled mounts in the cash-shop, 6-sub mounts, cosmetics, pets, -in a monthly sub based game with extra expansion pricings on top-.Way too greedy, and scummy.
Blizzard really turned into some evil corp. at this rate, especially with cash shop , rng lootboxes whale-hunting, and ofc I love their PR marketing with political issues when it suits them (LGBT characters and events in US-EU, while they hide them in China-Russia market) , so anything is fair at this rate.Hope Turkey puts a pricing regulations for them at one point.They are as greedy as it gets, I want to be too.
P.S: I do realize it’s the Turkish currency losing it’s value over time, not Blizzard’s prices are rising up.Still, their unsatable greed and ever-changing stand on issues depending on the regional politics, makes everything fair at the end.
Maybe, maybe not.But atleast the part of the money would stay in Turkey, and not go to a micro-transaction selling multi-billioneree company.When a company does micro-transactions on P2P games, thought of defending them disturbs me.
Lets assume for a minute or 2 that Blizzard decide to index link the sub to individual countries economy.
I’ll give it a week or so before we start seeing ads for ‘WoW subscription services’. For an annual registration fee we will guarantee you the lowest available WoW subscription. Save up to £50 Sign up now.
Well, Russians had their own realms and if you paid for Russia only you could not play in the EU.
What would you say if they let you pay in Lira, but it was the same as the EU price? Then you would complain because what you actually want is the game cheaper than everywhere else.
The problem is in one year your gametime would be vastly cheaper than all of Europe, I think you know what will cause that if you look at the recent inflation compared to other currencies.
What are even on about? I remember seeing russians as much as possible
in battlegrounds last year.I doubt it’s changed over some months while I was at a break.I remember the fuss when they integrated the russian players to the mixed EU battleground pool, so NO, they are not ‘‘really’’ playing in their ‘‘own realms’’ if they are in my battlegrounds.
And I only do battlegrounds / PvP pretty much this game, so hell I even forgot they were a seperate zone at one point.
yes they are, the Battlegrounds in the RU region were linked to the EU region, thats what all the fuss was about. You wouldn’t see RU players in the EU realms unless they actively transferred their account to the EU region, which then meant they paid the same as the EU., but lost access to the RU realms.
This “perceived” argument doesnt hold true at all.
The subscription price and your efforts or time you are able to spend with this game dictate your “value” but it differs from person to person.
Someone playing 10 hours a week can experience more value out of his sub than a player playing 40 hours.
As said before, this is a topic that is hard to justify vs other players.
And where would this end? And how do we change prices in Turkey or worldwide?
Do we just ask blizzard for: base sub prices on minimal wages per country and go from there?
Down the line, people will be disappointed and they might have to make a choice to move on from a game they cant afford anymore.
Its a difficult topic, but i doubt price changes depending on local economies will change much for players and / or blizzard.
If we start to base subscription price on GDP, this should be dealt with for everyone. People living in UAE should be paying triple the amount while people in Venezuela should get subscriptions for the price of a piece of gum. They deliver a product that is worth a certain value, whether you live in Turkey or in UAE. The price of a entry 2020 Macbook is still €1500 whether you like it or not.