Plea from Turkish Community

Lol, it’s ErDOGans fault tho. Stop crying

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I am not talking about now, which is why I used the word “had”. If you don’t know about the games past then you shouldn’t talk about it.

You are such a hater weeb, edgyy weeeb :stuck_out_tongue:

You voted for Er dog and your country turned into a 3rd world country. That’s what you deserve.

I started voting in 2013, I have been voting against him since then… but muh angry weeb accusing me of being an Erdogan sympathizer :scream_cat:

Nope, we are not a 3rd world country, I’d define it as 2.5 World country. We got stuck here, between 2nd and 3rd and we can neither move forward or back, it is a strange situation we can say…

I might vote for Erdogan though after moving EU, so that my money will be much more worthy here and I can make fun of people who have been voting for him for 20 year.

no thx. turkish players have been rude at best when they get special treatment.i played on bdo tr and middle east and i had one of the worse experience playing the game there . english speakers are only ganked in game but are also given insults by turkish players


Well, put simply and sadly: Not Blizzard problem, it is actually a politically problem.
think about the reason behind this truly, meaby next time you vote or so.

No hate or anything just my toughts.

Post deleted

They are also good at making games, that doesn’t mean they cant use feedback from players, right?

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I’ve read this thread quite a while and i see that people cannot get something clear.
I know that Turkish community is not big enough to make Blizzard do something about this situation, even though i want this to happen. The annoying thing is unstability of turkish lira against euro. Try to emphatize that you don’t know how much are you gonna pay that month for playing wow. ‘‘Oh, i will pay 80 tl this time, ah this month i will pay 100 tl.’’ I don’t want to pay less to the game, i want a stabile amount of payment. That is the main difference between our situation and the eastern europe countires.


How do you know that though? :stuck_out_tongue:

This is not purely about current size of the community. It’s potential community+other games+depends on the exact solution+other business development options etc.
And potentially, plans to implement this on other countries as well (which then makes adjustments in Turkey much easier)

Fingers crossed : )

Also, thanks for explaining the unstability, I don’t think anyone explained that angle properly before.

The only time I knew I was playing with Turkish players, I mean they told me they were Turkish, they were extremely racist. I reported them.

I havent seen you in a while and was worried something happened to you. I’m glad you’re fine :kissing_closed_eyes:

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We are talking about now.

If anything this statement itself is racist itself and generalizing an entire population of people, ‘‘Only time I knew’’ oh piss off.

I’ve had problems with one group of people, yet I never generalized them as whole.Whoever would read what you spew there would automatically think Turkish players are racist, while they are not.No need to a misleading scum.

It’s obvious you got something for Turkish players, take your racism somewhere else.

I never said every Turkish player was like that, only the ones in that group and it was obvious by their language, the n word etc. They said they were Turkish.

Please take your accusations and rudeness somewhere else. btw nice inappropriate guild name.

Your wording stays at above as clear as day, next time try to word it more carefully without coming off as downright racist.It would help.

Yeah a lot of things are obvious too by your ‘‘language’’.

SJW much??

I have something against players being overtly racist ingame, no matter their country of origin.

What did you try to do counts as misleading ‘‘generalizing’’.What’s worse is, you are either oblivious and unaware of what comes out of your mouth, or you are downright racist and doing it on purpose.

You should work on your own racism then thinking about players being ‘‘overtly’’ racist in game first.

Dottie wasnt racist, chill.
You devalue the meaning by trying to apply this term without merit


He had a bad day so he’s letting his frustrations out he is acting crazy.