In OP’s case that most likely has family members residing in Turkey, he can quite easily change his address to one of their homes in Turkey and ask if he can use their banking or other details for payment to save money.
Which quite likely will cost a lot more than they get in return, not to mention more segregation in the WoW-community.
Turkey’s current regime is very much Anti-Western, it has conflicts with countries it borders with and also detained + removed foreign workers from their country several times before. So I doubt Blizzard will invest in Turkey in it’s current state.
I don’t agree with the post either but Black lives do matter of course, but in the context of a subscription it’s a pretty low blow trying to use current events.
I think it’s a lame angle to try and push. Lots of people are struggling all over Europe with income, especially in the light of the pandemic.
I guess it’s hard to understand but this isn’t about me. I’ve been part of TR community for a long time as a player and content creator and still am. Just because I don’t suffer from the issues doesn’t mean I don’t care.
I’m sure you have all the insights, but as I mentioned before, one of the reasons I’m asking is that they DID invest in Turkey very recently. They chose to invest now, of all the times they could. They literally hired TR CM, marketing managers etc.
I think it is, if someone don’t use #WLM alongside #BLM it is racism in my opinion. If they use both it is okay, but if they just pick 1 colour then there is a problem.
This is not the correct media to discuss this but Ill brave my chances, Blizzard can remove this at any time they want.
In Seattle BLM made farms “only for peoples of color and their plant allies”, that is segregation that is rasism at its worst, I could make so many more things like that, but that suffices.
Terrorists, they are destroying peoples lively hood and threatening everyone to see things like they want, that is terrorising, but they destroy statues that are of slavers, like Abraham Lincoln (wait wut), an elk statue (elks are racist), they kill people who say all lives matter (they do).
And this is the only thing Im going to say to the subject of BLM, Martin Luther King would turn in his grave if he saw whats happening.
(And again Blizzard, I was asked, I answered, you may remove this post at any time you wish, it was a political comment to a political statement and neither belongs in these forums)
It isn’t, but what guarantees do you have that not many Turkish countrymen residing in other countries would do something like this? The Turkish people I know always try to get the best deals they can find. They would definitely do something like this to save a few euros.
Which isn’t necessarily a bad way to think but it would hurt Blizzard’s business.
Yet these people work in The Netherlands and/or other European countries to cater to the region: India, Turkey, Middle East, and Africa regions.
By the way, about the “you can afford a pc” argument.
Sure, people are NOT “scraping the bottom” but that’s a non-claim in the first place. No one asks that “the poorest in Turkey should be able to afford this game!” or anything like that.
Feels silly that I have to explain it but people buy PCs for a number of reasons and not all PCs are high end and it’s a long term investment. You buy a PC and you get countless hours of benefit as I’m sure you all also do. So that’s something people can save and buy. Maybe their family buys them as a gift for graduating high school or when they go to unit, some people surely buy 2nd hand and so on and so forth.
Even for games like Diablo 3, it’s kind of ok because you buy it once and play it as much as you want.
The issue is when you have to pay for it on a monthly basis.
My point is - it’s entirely possible that you are able to buy a PC but WoW turns out to be a higher tier of luxury than it’s supposed to be. This isn’t about “people scraping the bottom” buying it. Gaming is always a luxury, but how high a luxury is it supposed to be? That’s the question.
And once again, that’s up to Blizzard to decide the ifs and hows.
You realize EU is also managed by the Paris office right? They don’t have their German CMs in a German Office.
Oh thats weird then, the EnglishPremier League, US Congress, English Cricketers and US major league baseball and many more all took to a knee and wore badges and logos supporting BLM.
All of them were supporting terrorists! (sarcasm <<<< you might miss it)
Or another scenario
You’re completely clueless as to what a terrorist is. And you are nobody to say what MLK would or would not turn in his grave about. Esp if you think BLM are terrorists.
I suggest you get your news from less biased sources.
As I wrote before: For us the biggest problem was the big, big change in economy. However, if you are from a country where wow is expensive, nothing stops you from voicing your distress as well. But I haven’t lived in those countries so I can’t really judge that. I can only talk about the ones I know of.
As I mentioned before, different companies uses methods like checking ID, requesting purchase from a confirmed local provider etc. I can’t tell you how much risk there is as I’m not an expert in the matter.
That being said - let me tell you that I agree Blizz should be careful. But they hired a professional team who I know to be experienced about several topics and I’m sure they’ll asses it.
Who knows, maybe this risk is what stops them from doing it.
Asking seriously, where do you think this should be discussed?
We do have that changeorg petition but in the end this is the official channel where we can reach out to CMs
Btw guys, #BLM topic is quite irrelevant : ) Let’s keep it on the topic.