Plea from Turkish Community

Yet 34% (10 million people) of the population votes this guy’s party into power despite over 10 years of bad (economic) policies and no solutions being brought up either.

“Upon accession to the EU, Turkey expects to receive economic development aid. There is also an expectation that there will be an increase in European foreign investment in the Turkish economy, further driving economic growth.During potential economic crisis events, Turkey could benefit from EU assistance”

Yet, people vote against EU and against the Euro.

… and now after digging your own graves you want benefits? :slight_smile:


Farming for tokens is not that hard. Especially at the moment when the price of a token is pretty low. It is a choice you have if you want to play. I know quite a few players that make that money in less than a week. Which means you have three weeks to play regularly.
Or you can go nuts on farming and buy multiple tokens so you don’t have to farm all the time.
You might not like it, but it is a way to play for free, which Blizzard introduced for people if the price of a sub is too high for them.

I do sympathise with the problems you face, but I can also see some valid arguments from others regarding VPN and how such a thing would mean that they then need to offer a reduction to other countries who are in a similar predicament, how far would Blizzard have to go to alleviate this problem? Would they need to split the EU base with separate servers dependent on the economy of certain countries?

At present we are talking about the monthly sub as being too expensive, what about the purchase of the games, such as the new SL expansion, how is this affordable on top of the subscription?

I would say that you (the OP) have far more serious issues than the WoW subscription price to resolve first.

One of those being the clampdown on the (immoral) social media venues like Twitter and Facebook, how long before comments from Turkish people on other forums and chat rooms get the same treatment ?

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Thats your problem, not Blizzards.


The concept of letting me pay less because I’m from “poor” country - I, personally, see this as somewhat insulting treating me as inferior customer. I pay full price and dont complain, and always did, despite the fact my country’s GDP is MUCH lower than Turkey’s.
Dont sell me this b/s you cant afford 15 bucks/month for entertaining purposes, you probably spend that amount on cofveve alone in 1 week. Dont be such a socialists, everybody is equal in their rights AND obligations.

@Mharla: This topic, as others have already noted, pops up fairly frequently. There are numerous views on various aspects, but the main point is simply this. Russia is a vastly larger market. That something is mechanically possible does not mean it is economically viable for a company. Turkey is (in my opinion) excessively unstable in terms of finances. By charging euros, Blizzard gets a stable amount of money, regardless of ratio of the local currencies in comparison to euro. And this applies in this sense equally to all non-euro countries, including such places as Sweden, which has a pretty high standard of living.

Additionally, living in a high average income country (like my home country Finland) does not mean that everyone gets a lot of money. I am currently (and will be for several more years) a student and due to my specific situation, I currently get less than 200 euros a month and only for the months during which I study… Absolutely everything else on top of that is student loans, which I have to eventually pay back to the bank after I graduate. And I am actually far, far luckier than many of my (much, in most cases decades) younger fellow students, who do not possess savings. They get a bit more help, but have far higher costs than I and end up with even less than I (and larger amounts of debt on top of that).

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I’m not on the side of reducing prices but there are many insensible thick heads like you around here. You don’t give any reason, all you care about is just opposing the idea, such selfish beings lol.

Reverse the roles, let’s say you are a shy asocial person who can find relief only when you are in WoW, outside is a bit unstable like I saw a corpse 2 days ago in a crowded place while walking amongst the crowd I heard that he got shot by someone. Anyway, the only place that makes you feel good is WoW but there are obstacles that prevent you from reaching it, you are left with a life that sucks and without your only entertainment then a random guy come here to tell you that “ıT iS nOt bLiZzArD’s PrObLeM, yOuRs” when you ask for a little bit price adjustment :smiley: .


Yeah thats based people need to take responsibility of themselves.

Hi, I’m not surprised it pops up often since players used to paying a certain amount have had to pay more and more; and interest vs cost is a big issue.

I appreciate all the responses and thoughts, but I don’t think anyone makes these topics expecting a response of: “Oh wait, is that so? This is the first time I heard, let me fix it quickly right now.”
These topics are more of a representation of this persisting issue.

Any complaint or feedback will get more attention from Blizzard if it’s consistently popping out. We’ve had so many topics over the years that had topics popping in all the channels we have, with people having opposing views, but then Blizzard takes some action. Some agree, others don’t. But Blizzard recognizes that that particular topic and finds a solution of their own.

So this is yet another topic about the issue and we’ll see if Blizzard will openly recognize it and if they do, if and when they’ll do something about it and if they do, what that action will be : )

But since this is very much a business decision, I feel like our opinions count the least. We don’t have a clue of how many players there are, how many of them farm gold vs pay, how many of them can’t farm enough gold, no projections on how much interest it would bring outside the current, active players, how many players were lost over time to change of prices, what methods are available to Blizz to implement it, what the risks are exactly etc, etc.

But I’m happy to discuss my points here with all the fellow players, in the end I see us as a big family. I was lucky enough to attend Blizzcon last year to get a very real feeling of that as well :3

So once again, thanks everyone for the input!

Im paying 740€/month rent, I want cheaper monthly subscription based on that I pay more rent then Turkish people. (add to that electicity 120/month and water)

My internet costs around 75€/month, I want cheaper monthly subscription based on that I pay more for internet then Turkish people. (add to that every other bill to pay)

Food I have to buy costs WAY more then the food turkish players buy, I want cheaper subscription.

I pay taxes worth I dont know what 10 people in Turkey do, I want cheaper subscription.

My goverment sucks, I want cheaper subscription.

I could go on and on and on, why I want cheaper subscription.

But in the end it comes down to simple truth, I CHOSE TO PLAY, I CHOSE TO PAY, same applies to you.

No money to play, then dont play.


I don’t think World of Warcraft is a replacement for therapy…which you obviously need if one experienced a (possibly) traumatizing thing like that.

This was marked as ‘solved’ in a similar thread:-

I don’t get traumatized by such things, I feel actually nothing when I see one of them, I might be a psycho dunno :stuck_out_tongue:

Anything can be a therapy for anyone, it can even be sound of dripping water why do you limit that part of treatment :smiley:

Bulgaria’s minimum wage is about 40% lower than Turkey’s and we pay fine. While yes 12 euro a month is comparatively more expensive relative to the rest of the EU, even more so in Bulgaria than Turkey, the fact that someone has a gaming PC means they aren’t scraping the bottom.

Basically the core problem is this - the entire region must pay the same price. Otherwise, nothing is stopping everyone on EU from using a VPN to pay from Turkey’s lower price. The only way to fix this for Blizz is to make a Turkey region that just like the Russian region cannot interact with the other regions and you can’t get the Russian client to be in English.

Being broke stinks and with piracy and all, gaming can become really a detriment to improving your station in life. I was there - just playing all day, barely scraping by, infinite escapism in easily accessible free games. It wasn’t good and the solution was to severely reduce the amount of gaming I do and it worked. So I think if you’re having problems paying for the sub… I’m not joking, quitting WoW might be better for you, until you get in a position where 12 euro a month isn’t a lot to you. Escapism feels good, but it isn’t good for you. If there’s problems, you need to face them head on.


TL;DR answer: No. If you can’t afford to play a GAME, you shouldn’t. It’s very simple. It’s a luxury good, not a need.

I take huge offence to the post you posted from someone praising blm … its political and shouldnt be in wow, also its a racist terrorist movement.

Just saying …

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It’s not treating you as an “inferior customer”. It’s somewhat of an economic gamble. Imagine if reducing the price by 25% would attract 50-100% more buyers. In that case it would be a net profit for Blizzard.

But since it is a gamble based on market predictions it’s entirely up to blizzard if they want to do it or not.

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How is it racist and terrorist? I despair for the world with all the koolaid people have been drinking if you believe that.

And to the point, people in regular employment in SA earn far more than R250 per day.

I didn’t make the post so be offended with the writer. It is a post from another player asking for the same thing. A reduced sub and it has a marked ‘solved’ post in it which can only be done by staff.