Please add an RP-PvP server

It is sad to see that there are no RP-PvP server for those of us who like that playstyle, lite or hardcore RP alike. Although Season of Mastery fits a more progression-focused playstyle, this new release is the only chance for the RP(-PvP) community to get a fresh start aswell. I /beg you, Blizzard. Looking at forum posts and other sources, the demand is clearly there.


RP PVP always had a way healthier population than straight PVP servers who’s population is rife with untreated mental illnesses. I really hope they add one as I have a guild ready with like 18 players who will roll on RP PVP day1.

I just wish they would tell us straight up if its not happening so we can have a poll on what server to pick.

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Indeed. I too have an established guild ready to partly (about half of us) move to SoM aswell. I sure hope Blizzard will listen to us. If not, I hope you find a nice place on whatever server you decide to roll <3

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Hes my guild master and he said he would hurt me if you didnt add an rp-pvp server… please blizzard


Reserved a name on Ironfoe PvP, in the hopes that if nothing else; it would become the unofficial RP-PvP server for EU like Mutanus is for NA. An official RP-PvP server would be a big deal.

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Agreed! I will do this as well.

(The worst part is the ambiguity from Blizz re: no straight answer whether RP-PVP servers will be implemented at all – it would be super annoying if they opened one fresh after a month)

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Yes. Please give us a RP-PVP server. If it fails, (and it wont), just merge it with some other realm. Please Blizz!

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I think it would be nice for the people who want it.

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Just play on a PvP realm for your RP. You don’t really need an RP-PvP realm specifically.

You can organise people to join a specific realm.

LOL is this your own opinion or has this been proven?

Never seen such a stupid comment in my life.

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