Please add futures contracts to AH

I tried to do stuff on AH and current state of it is very sad.
Prices start high at start of expansion and then go down as people keep grinding items and then selling them for whatever is sellable. Only handful of items drop slower, but they still keep dropping. And whatever small demand increases one can catch will be nullified by rapey AH fees on selling.
Selling is near to impossible too since all those grinders will keep selling lower and lower (even if you manage to buy everything cheap to push price up - the next day they’ll grind more and dump it again).
It’s boring and unprofitable that way, adding ability to short will make prices more stable and healthy and AH will become something more than ‘dump stuff quick’ button.

p.s. btw, are deposits returned if item found no buyer? If no then it’s even more pointless because the only way to sell will be selling cheap.

You get it back into your mailbox if noone bought it

Thanks, well, at least some relief.

Ye, it is just how the world works you know, if supply is higher than demand prices will decline over time, there is nothing you can do about it.

I’m sorry, what fees are you talking about? Posting fees? They are so small you can’t even see them in the end.

If AH is boring, its just not for you I guess. And about profits, I literally made 200k profit for yesterday on professions and that is without any leggies, how is that unprofitable?

Once I tried to resell legendary and AH took 25% ‘cut’ (which was around 10k gold) when it got sold. That means that to buy low and then sell in profit I’ll need to sell 25%+ higher, which is impossible because prices only go down.
I also bought some 15k porous stone at ~1-2 silver per unit, now trying to sell for 7 and deposit is 7 gold per stack (while I’ll get 14 gold per stack if it sells), I’d say that’s robbery (but hey, at least it’s returned if there’s no buyer, otherwise there wasn’t any point at all).

Yes, AH is proftable for grinders and crafters, I meant it doesn’t work for traders that just resell. Is it intended?

But futures would stabilize that.

Not really, I don’t see any prices on real world ‘raw ingredients’ falling to near-zero levels, more often they fluctuate in certain range.

But then everyone will start short selling…

Good for the buyer.
So no, I don’t want your changes.

Euh… ‘rapey’? Really?
Anyway… those fees are nothing.
You should see the fees on the SWTOR Galactic Trade Network. :sweat_smile:

Until healthy short squeeze comes, and then prices will stabilize somewhere (shorters will become wary and more people will buy the dips anticipating more ups).

That’s something a buyer would say.

AH fee is 5%

Can’t have a short squeeze with infinite supply.


It’s not infinite. Yes it can be farmed infinitely, but it’s not in infinite numbers on AH, so big buyer can come and push prices very high while grinders are asleep (and then sell into short liquidations for big profits).
I mean that would work if futures or CFDs were a thing. So people would be wary shorting or selling too cheaply.

Sounds exciting, the only problem is how would Blizzard enforce payment, because with short selling one can theoretically lose 1000x more than he owns.

Same as any exchange does, you put deposit, then you trade on margin and once you run out of it (price goes away too far) your position is liquidated and deposit is gone (but you won’t lose more than you deposited).

I hope you realize that average player won’t be bothered with this, they don’t care about such complicated mechanics, they just want to sell it. There maybe will be 0,5% of all player base who will try to do it like you say but its just not worth it for blizz

They would still be able to do this in same way, the only difference for them will be more price volatility with unexpected price rises (so they may be less inclined to push prices to near-zero). So overall prices will become more healthy and stable (which will also be good for them since they’ll be able to sell at better price and earn more while grinding less). Everyone wins.

We can’t know that.

It’s not about how many players would do it, 0.5% can easily have 90% of the purchasing power on a realm.

That is also true, but the point is unless the amount of players who want this change wouldn’t be like 20% at least, blizz won’t make it happen

Yep, same as in real world. Economy will just become more realistic.

p.s while at it, limiting stack to 200 items is awfully inconvenient when dealing with large amounts of cheap stuff (15k+ units). I literally have to fel rush between mailbox and AH many times just to place my positions again (so every 2 days).
Are there some useful AH addons perhaps?

Wait until you know that stacks were 20 back then