Please BAN these PvP fast lose feeders

This fast lose “meta” is cancerous… you should be banning them for feeding Blizzard. I was hopeful of the PvP update but players just want to abuse…

In the meantime anyone who wants to save pvp in this game Report Players calling for fast losing “Gameplay Sabotage> Intentionally Feeding”

A large 7 day ban wave will stop this Behaviour


What Blizz needs to do is fix the PvP balancing and queues rather than banning people.

There is absolutely no way you can even compete as Alliance in this current state, it is simply a waste of your time. The odds are massively against alliance and half of them are caused by Shamans and the broken racials. Yet whenever paladin is even good it gets bashed by a nerf, look at the shockadin and DLight nerfs. Shaman has been broken since P2.

I am literally killing some of my guildies for fun who are in MC gear and some of em even got R10 gear as an undergeared and underleveled shaman. This is a joke.


Alliances have made their mind set up. The Horde tunnel is closer to the middle of the field than the Alliance one which is another main reason why alliances want fast runs.

The majority is listening to a very vocal minority on how to do the run that is upcoming. This minority is using manipulation as a means to get what they want. The feel like getting 3900 honor and 169 rep in 6 mins is way more efficient. (note that quite often it’s only 1257 honor and 89 rep)

I’m trying to fight this attitude all the time by calling their manipulative attitude out but then it’s still like me fighting windmills. (i play alliance in SoD btw).

The only fun times in AV is when Hordes make it a turtle game :slight_smile:

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what a load of :poop:

It’s not mindset, it is facts that are clear as day. People still in denial.

People ask for a playable game and not this clownfiesta where PuGs/SoloQ has to face premade after premade, there’s a reason why there were restrictions on that. PvP was still more playable in any other phase without premades up till now.

No, you don’t. Sounds like gaslighting other issues rather than tackling the main issues in PvP, you act like the SoD devs. Avoid the problems and never fix the game.

AV is the only playable BG.

I really don’t understand your attack, hope it made you feel better.

My main was rank 10 in 2 resets after P4 came out, i was rank 7 through AB and WsG during P3. A few things struck me in AB and WsG is that alliances totally don’t know how to play those 2 BGs except for a minority that does. Another thing that struck me in almost every run, something you’re doing now also, is instead of creating teamwork, alliances turn against each other.

So yeah all of you alliance loudmouthers, you’ve ruined every aspect of PvP yourself with a touch of Shamansauce.

As for you Wavé, don’t bother, i’m not interested in your little warfare, yes i’ve read your post, i don’t care.

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Pretty much this. I see alliance casters standing in a clump in AB - so hunters/boomie and ele shamans are having a field trip.

They dont spread during engage or are even aware of their positioning what so ever.

And then you have the average ret pala who never uses freedom or bop on his teammates, overcomits draggin the alliance healers right into reach for horde backline.

One thing that still suprises me is that really few alliance players seem to know how to turtle a fight, and how advantageous that really is.

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An other thing i forgot to mention. Back in vanilla when i was practically living in AV on my horde warrior, i also had a warrior on alliance side. With that alliance warrior i tried AV a few times, what struck me there is that BEFORE start some of them would already say “let them win, alliance can’t win” every run i did.

That line “let them win” is also sometimes being said now in all BGs.


Its partly a mindset tbh. Since more pvp players chose horde and more pve players chose alliance.

Unless they can pve a bg (like av), they sort of give up when it comes to actual pvp.

Sure, you can call faction imbalance. But there are alliance groups who dominates in bgs. So its clearly possible to beat horde.

The average alliance pvper just perform worse skillwise, imo. Thats my experience anyway.

Not sure if this would work but seems simple enough to sort out some issues

Make PVP gear disabled when entering a dungeon+raid - pvp gear only usable in outside world or BG’s

This would cut out every single PVE’er afking at work while grinding for pvp gear for their raids etc

It wouldn’t fix any imbalance but at least those playing in BG should in theory want to be there playing the game.

Agreed,“let them have it”, “lose fast”, “rush north” or “stop capping”, here is the state of Wow pvp right now. :unamused:

More seriously guys…currently we got 7500 honor (7500 !!!) per delivering or 2 marks when losing, I think it’s already “fast honor” by default, no need to ruin AB like we did with AV…right ?

We don’t even have rank depletion like in Classic !

At this point I really don’t know what else you guys want.

Maybe free honor only by logging and staying in capitals ?

That’s an idea…

Does it mean AB will be like this, like forever, even when most of the players won’t need honor anymore ?

Are we a generation of players that is better at finding broken “fast lose” meta, than running a BG properly ?

I bet once Allies will find a way to win AB again (hopefully) some genius will /afk, report players or complain on this very forum about gameplay sabotage, “bEcaUsE iTs NoT fAsT hOnOr EnOuGh”.

The futur of WoW is bright indeed…

The only funny thing is that we are now all farming honor…at farm.

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This is the most ignorant take and it’s getting boring.
Most people don’t even play one faction exclusively, but magically, when i log onto my shaman i become a PvP God?
Seriously? Or perhaps there’s an imbalance in PvP going on?


So is this. The cry about shamans being absolute gods compared to “peasant paladins”.
The toolkit paladins have are good, they just refuse to use it for some reason (except for on themselves).

Hpalas having invulnerability for 10 (or 12?) seconds, spamhealing WITH NO COUNTERPLAY is just as dumb.

It partly mindset
Partly what others do
Partly getting your sh1t pushed in by the annoying Way of Earth Elemental spec.

You join a BG, see one or two people saying saying to go for fast loss, they ofc go to Stables in AB so they can’t be reported for AFK since they are “defending”

Then you try to go somewhere and do something and even if you’re not outnumbered by the virtue of ally having Stables defenders, you meet a Way of Earth Elemental Shaman and… Well… You die. Horde 4 caps, You stay at Stables now until they come to farm, then you go to base if you can’t hide and get farmed or you get farmed for the short period of time.

As for AV, there is no discussion, Horde has positional advantage, so it’s defeatism, PvP indestructible Shaman spec, others “defending” and positional advantage.

This is not to mention Hardiness or WotF.

Add on top that Horde has more PvP players and Ally PvE players (which is now a joke with weapon skill and FW accessible cross faction).

So Blizzard, instead of bringing balance, just provides more incentives to do BGs even when losing and honestly, ally just adapt to it, following the proclivities and the what others do, optimizing for gear/rewards. On the other hand, I insta join BGs as ally and have to wait a longer while when Horde.

Let’s be honest, it’s not like horde is after a fair fight either. I’ve played on both factions and have NEVER seen a fair fight. Best I saw was when there are multiple groups in BRM during BRE event, but not in the evening when raids roll in and steam roll people. There’s at least some ebb and flow, if not proper fair fight.

TL;DR - Blizzard decided not to balance PvP but to provide an incentive for losing team (usually ally) to join at least, to reduce the wait time to horde and allow ally to suffer less. This is a result of faction disbalance and the solution is only short term because when ally finish the suffering, they won’t play much. Returning us to the core issue of PvP craving ally getting rekt and PvP craving horde waiting for ages, leading them to be cancer in open world, annoying alliance PvE people.

It all stems from disbalance - where suggestions to share racial passives or even actives is, by alleged passionate PvP horde players, met with fury an rage. So these special people don’t want to lose their advantage, want to PvP with the said advantage and decry why the opposing faction isn’t coming up to the plate to suffer. L M O A


shamans are ultimate gods and only reason why horde stomping aliance, its not skill of players, its op toolkit and insane racials.

i remember on p1 and p2 when shamans were garbanzo tier, aliance were stomping horde in ashenvale , good times, then shamans started to geting buffs, and become what it is now. many people reroled horde, many pvpers gave up from alliance. they ruined balance of game with op shamans.
if they give us mixed faction battlegrounds, that would solve alot crying on forum. easy and simple fix.

Even when there are 0 shamans in the horde group, Alliance still lose 0-5 bases with 0 kills in the entire team. The top kills/damage are usually hunter & boomie.

We do not want cross faction BG´s, you just want to get carried by better pvp players.

If shaman was broken as you claim, why arent they even top 3 in 1v1s? They have one spec that is very strong, but even that gets decimated by a Boomie…

Ele shaman is strong in group PvP, but not as strong as a hunter or boomie.
Meanwhile you have HPala, that is much stronger than any other healer in the game for PvP. And yet you still cry about Shamans being the reason you lose group fights? …


This is about AB - not about AV… it has nothing to do with Shamans…

PVP is now beyond broken. I cannot believe people are paying a subscription to play like this. If i were a horde pvper id be mad too.

It’s about players violating TOS, intentionally feeding honour to the other team, it’s the same as win trading and blizzard need to ban them… now

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Fully agree, PvP in SOD is basically get bis gear for PvP and then never PvP.
I guess theres a lot of PvE players on Alliance that feel forced into having to PvP for the gear - and for them its even more boring than for us who liked PvP in Vanilla.

Its kind of a Blizzard created issue tbh.

Blizzard should have put more effort into making PvP fun. Like giving us a brand new PvP event in Silithius. A new BG with faction rewards - perhaps even a bounty system in open world - if you kill many players you get the bounty on you and increased honor gain or even gold from killing that person.

Added more gathering resources, that are more rare - completely new so that people have to fight in open world for control of those areas.

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Its true that any data you can gather is meaningless as long as one side is throwing. Had one “proper” game with only 3-4 ally throwers (and 2 horde afk) that ended in a 2000/1800 horde win. Blizz gotta remake the honor gains for anything too change.

blizzard should nerf paladins they are too strong

What i mean by that mindset is that it’s “learned helplessness”. Those who call loss before the match even started have a way of getting contagious and because of that, the statement that alliances loses anywayz is getting confirmed.

The new meta in AB btw is "run for Farm and farm hordes at it and their graveyard. Hordes ofc get pissed off by that and start to grind alliance on their base graveyard as no one takes a flag on alliance side.