Please BAN these PvP fast lose feeders

I just came back for PvP, but balance (and therefore fun) is completely broken.

Now I just log into SoD once a week for the raid (actually half an hour before to AFK in SW for the world buff drop and then do the mandatory world buff run to Dire Maul North and pay some dude 10g so I can use his ID real quick - how fun).

Because why would I even PvP?

  • Faction balance is completely broken in BGs
  • Rewards are terrible compared to PvE (just pug MC for 2 weeks in a row and you have much better gear than the r10 pvp gear)
  • Today’s loser mentality (“everyone is a winner and gets a participation trophy”) gets people marks for losing (now even more), just abolish the marks completely and increase HK rewards - so we get honour for actual PvP and not for another version of PvE (running from one side of a battleground to the other, avoid all player interaction, bash some NPC “boss”, and eventually Horde wins)
  • Class balance is in the gutter, all for PvE (and even there is suxxx)

AB is not pvp anymore, it’s just widespread exploit.

Previous phases were ok for pvp, except the AV rush nonsense.

It’s now P5 day 3, if things will stay like this, I can safely say SOD has already become by far my worst pvp experience.

Agreed, for most of the players this is absolutely true.

The ironic part is that many of them choose to go on pvp server.

Sounds like a good solution.

Giving the opportunity to have faster honor even when losing is rubbish.

We have to go back to basics, when losing is losing and not “winning just a bit less than others”.

We need to have these BG back on tracks, with players doing objectives, showing teamwork and looking for HK.

Anything else is irrelevant and breaks the game.

Something is definitely very wrong with SOD.

if you are that good at PvP why don’t you stop your “racism” and join alliance to get a higher challenge by fighting horde superstars PvPers? because if whole alliance is bad at PvP, you horde are not PvPers, you are PvNothing

Its not that I am good, its that you are worthless. And aint no way I want to play with people like you - loser mentality “lfm AB fast lose”.

as i said, you horde are not PvPers, you are PvNothing, hiding behind hardiness and will of forsaken and claim you are skilled

get out of big money NBA american dream team ( a.k.a. hardiness / WotF / shamans ) and try the other side once in your WoW journey (SHAME ON LEBRON HE CHEATED TO WIN AGAINST SERBIA AT THE OLYMPICS)

you horde show your fake muscles in Vanilla/TBC and then turn your jacket when human racial come in Cata



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Said the turd who is hiding behind an alt. Keep looking for more people just to throw games on purpose clown.

damn i’m posting on an alt…

shame on me i’m not a man, i don’t have balls… this is why i post on a horde alt, horde don’t have balls

I capped Stables, got abused in PMs and had people threaten to mass report me… oh how fun pvp has become.


This isnt necessarily true. Why would i chose a faction where they already have a “lets lose fast” mentality?

If both factions were equally enthusiastic about pvp, then i wouldnt have a problem rolling a gnome for instance. But since the majority of alliance seem to enjoy pve more, its harder to find likeminded people to do pvp, whether its wpvp or premade.

Why would i then chose a faction that will cripple me?

In hindsight, i’ve noticed there is a pvp guild afaik on Living flame alliance, Seal Team Six.
But that seems to be the exception, rather than the status quo. I wouldnt mind playing on alliance, if i knew i was guaranteed to find a pvp guild.

if pvp likeminded are all on your side? tell me how you do pvp if all pvpers are on your side? you are PvNothing

so take your guild/friends into their guild, then you will start to PvP as alliance, because currently you are PvNothing in horde, as PvNothingers are all on your horde side

it have nothing to do with alliance are PvErs

just sayin, i stopped playing SoD since P1, i knew there is no point to play if alliance don’t get shamans, i watched all alliance on forum suffering from shamans for phases 2-3-4 (a half year of suffering and people still playing while Era PvP is far way better)

Blizzard messed up by not give shamans to alliance and paladins to horde (even in Era, this mistake is the n°1 mistake that made the one-sided “PvNothing” servers since 2019-2020)

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I never said they are all on my side, i just said there were more than on alliance.

Sure, horde wasnt the faction that decided to give up and do quick losses.

Not really sure what your point is with the “nothing” part, but you do you.

How can i, when i already have 3 hordes on LF?

Then why are you here debating about a subject you clearly have no interest in?
Is everything okay at home?

This made me laugh. I’ll take SoD ANY DAY over era pvp. And thats saying something as a rogue main.

Btw, why write 3 replies? Instead of just all in 1? Just curious. Just seems abit odd being this engaged in a subject you have no interest in.
You know beacause of

Unless you are lying, and still play SoD to this day?

dude is baiting you so why are you replying

i returned on Era since end of P1, Era and SoD are linked so i have interest to communicate on forum what are problems and solutions to the problems

what PvP? you are PvNothing => alliance don’t even cap stables, WSG ins’t poppin’ / AV is pve

Era was better before the new ranking system (AV rush HpH)

So i’m here to bring solutions to problems in the n°1 MMORPG of all time that is now ruined by bad decisions

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and you started talkin to me first on this topic so it’s your problem :rofl:

fair weather raider, you’re cooked, stop typing

Pffff, enjoy staying at gy while horde cap 5 for weeks till you get R14 gear and never use the gear again

you overcooked, burned, no appeal

you should work all your life, buy a ferrari and never use it

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:fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish:

don’t worry MiLady, tomorrow my sub goes off and i return to alcoholism

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