Please BAN these PvP fast lose feeders

Alliance are pure cancerous mindset

Im just there for some pve gear tbh but I try/ dont afk…or used to untill this crapshow

Alliance are chickens so what I do now is walk about with a low lvl white dress on and my chicken + torch from westfall and hope the Horde get a good laugh at least


I just got banned for 10 days.

Clearly mass reported for capping bases!!

:clown_face: game now.

Unsub, they dont care about actual players

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PVE gear? By pvp? Ok …

I feel sorry for you mate…

Today I switched to WSG because I had enough of this new AB meta and had a couple of great games.

Turns out for the last game someone had the assist and asked everyone to “lose fast” when gates were still up.

Since we all refused he started to mess up with the groups set up and has reported everyone who complained.

Most of us reported him as well but for whatever reason he was still here all along and sabotaged the game.

Again, something is very wrong with pvp in SOD.

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It’s time Blizzard puts a stop to this mass-intimidation. I want my rank to go up but i want to have fun while i’m at it.

Yesterday i finally got into an AV after 1.5 hours and we completely owned the horde, it was so much fun. I don’t care about the time it took but in the end i had over 11k honor from that game i had actual FUN in playing it.

This AB meta is horrible, i hate it, it makes me wonder what i’m doing in SoD at all.

Edit: Ps: AB is totally dominated by Living-Flame players, premades or not, they are deciding the playstyle in AB threatening with reports when ppl try otherwise. They’re talking down on Wild-Growth saying it’s infested with Germans. (i’m Dutch in an English speaking guild with Germans and French ppl in it, i don’t see the point)


Disgusting behavior.

I’ve transfered on Living Flame from Crusader Strike on day 1, also joined the Living Flame discord only to find out the worst people in it, stating than all players from CS server were actually insert whatever insult and also insert another insult (I let you guess).

Oh and yeah, depending of your nationality you are a insert whatever insult (which is common knowledge).

Two reasons for that:

  • actual unemployed manchild/adults in denial feeding on whatever drama on a daily basis
  • permissive parents who let their kids play a boomer game so they can stay all day on their smartphone (while TV is on)

All of them joining forces at the slightest disagreement, over using ban tools, spanish mustached laughing dude GIF and clown emoji.


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btw this logic of banning people rather than solving their own created problem indicates how clueless some people are, Blizz made shamans OP and gave two bad BGs a double honor buff.

AB and WSG should’ve never gotten the boost to make AV irrelevant, or AV should also grant double honor.


This was implemented by bliz on purpose. So ppl resub

Honestly new AB meta is way more fun and “PvP” than AV was before… Ignore flags, smash some Hordes, im all for it, its fun and fast and rewarding

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Well, how is it rewarding? Just wonder. PvP in your mind is maybe ambush a few hordies at farm, in a group of 15?

But yes, from horde perspective? Seeing this train of headless chicken riding around? It’s funny :rofl:

But to those ally group that actually do an effort, and win from time to time. I salute you all!

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…Yes, for example the lvl 50 set last phase was better than the pve one from emerald wardens, not by much but a little.

Depending on what time you play/how long you have each time, grabbing some BG’s during a weekend holiday for an other example got me some epics for an alt I wouldn’t have had time to get any other way.

The 60 epic pvp set bonus are obv not great most of the time, but some pieces will still be useful and huge upgrades compared to what some people might have.time to get.


After 30 matches of AB over the past few days…:

24 were “lets lose quick meta” teams
1 match we genuinely tried and lost (good job to the borde, was a very close match)
4 where we won as either close or relatively comfortably
And 1 where we won so hard and fast, it was just as fast as when we let the horde win.

The alliance are better than they think when they try :open_mouth:

R14 weapons were BIS for some classes

3rd day of being banned because I was mass reported for playing and no response to my appeal yet.

Doubt you will do anything anyways because if you lift the ban then you are as good as admitting the reporting system is not fit for purpose and open to abuse.