TLDR: wanted to counter a group of alliance players who were camping World Quest with group of friends to find out that when i joined the group of friends we were in a different shard than the alliance group. -.-
EDIT: i forgot about leader of the group being the shard the group wil phase to, this howerver didn’t seem the case. But still even if it worked, i’ve run into alliance players camping when lvling, only to go to my main to teach them a lesson, only to find out they are in a different shard.
So i recently returned to BfA to prepare for the new patch, and I was doing some worldquests. I found a worldquest that was being camped by alliance players (a group of about 5) I liked coming across them. I got excited, and i called up some friends and we were gonna have some fun ( the alliance players were low geared, even 1 119 in the group) so we thought we stood a chance with 3.
We grouped up, got some consumables, and went over to the WQ, only to find out they were in a different shard. We all checked if War Mode was on, and it was. when i left the group and went over there on my own, the group was still there, so they didn’t leave.
So blizzard please listen, and fix this major issue, i don’t know how you would be able to fix this, but when you add a war mode, where people can have epic battles between the factions, and then only to find out it’s in a different shard is very disappointing to say the least. This was an oppertunity to have a nice World PvP battle between groups of the faction, only to be hit in the face with this disappointing mechanic. PLEASE FIX THIS!
Easy fix: be the one to invite people.
It is very frustrating and I do not understand if you are the leader why it moves you to someone else’s phase. It makes zero sense.
well this proves that i’m stupid, and my friends too LOL
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They cant fix it. If you get 50+ people together you can crash servers. The shards are geared for smaller groups scattered around the huge World of Warcraft.
Sorry buddy but gone are the days when openworld pvp was a real viable thing.
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i know, but surely they can find a way around this right? i mean it’s a MMO for gods sake
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than u will complain that game is unstable and than u will quit
what are you even saying? I’m just saying this is one of my frustrations in the current WoW, and that i would love to see this fixed. But i also clearly said that i don’t know how they should go about it to fix this. I’m simply asking them to fix this problem we’re facing. And personally i wouldn’t mind the game being a little less stable if it means we can actually find the people we need to find.
But then again, i’m simply asking blizzard IF they can fix the problem. No need to go and say that because of 1 simple flaw in the game i would quit, i’m waaaay to invested in WoW to do that.
Simple answer blizzard needs better servers. Running game servers is part of why you pay a subscription fee. Surprise surprise blizzard/ hacktivision pocketed the money and now are a mobile game company.
Sadly i feel like this is the case, I pay quite a bit of money per month, and still they can’t seem to fix their servers. sure i know it costs money to develop, but surely there is some money left over to fix the servers, back in the day you could have 100+ players together and the game would actually be fine. And now when for example asmongold creates a group of 40 players to walk into a enemy city the game litterally just crashes.
It should be like this, you know the best alliance ganking guilds used this trick in their advantage example: Guilds from outland-defiasbrotherhood i know of did make stormscale alts for example and gave them a raid leadership to specifically get to a pve server and gank everything and everyone with a raid trying to farm a firelands mount or trying to raid.
Being able to TARGET the server you need to go is not something i like or ever liked, its leading to annoying stuff such as ones mentioned above.
Also why exactly people want to actually TARGET a server they want to play in, explain me a good reason that dont contain: PVP raids farming pve ppl.
They aren’t broken, they are balanced, that’s the problem.
At the start shards weren’t balanced and one faction could over run the other.
I think you might’ve mistunderstood. I like that i can come across pvp players that are in groups, it makes the game more interesting to me. But if you don’t like it you can simply turn off war mode, and it’s fine?
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I do have it off because i will not end up being someones 400ilvl piece and i wont complain, but why you want to target specific servers you want to go in?
You clearly complained about not traveling to the leaders server and instead travel to a random server from someone inside the group. This i want an explanation if possible.
well that’s quite simple, i was doing a WQ and a group was camping it, so i thought why not counter them by bringing my own group? I might be misunderstanding you tho…
Well that is what blizzard tries to avoid and does not let you pick the server you want to actually be with your raid.
As said above, explained the reasons i dont like it and clearly you probably try to do the same thing.
While i perfectly understand why you want to do it, you should know that after them facing an equal number of enemies they might call more from their guild, then you will get more and we reach at a point you make a server unstable with 40-50-60 vs the equal numbers fighting each other and crashing servers. That sounds silly but have happened several times before
Why would you want servers able to support 50+ players anyway, it’s not like it’s an MMO or anything. 
Hated X-realm sharding since the day it was introduced. It’s completely destroyed server communities.
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Sharding is blooming awful I really do hate it. I get it at starter zones when new expansions come out etc… that to me is fine and makes sense. However that should be it! No more sharding from that point on. It is ridiculous that in this day and age either Blizz servers or their network or the games engine or whatever it is cannot handle 20 or so players in one location.
Shard phasing when grouping seems logical to me…
- If friends on another shard see enemies at their location, you join their group, go to their location, and then you see their enemies too.
- If the enemies are on your shard at your location, your friends join your group, they move to your location, and they see your enemies.
I don’t think group leader is relevant, as much as who is already at the enemy location, being the one to invite the new members. It’s just more likely that group leader will be the one inviting, and usually will be the one seeing the enemy. Sometimes as group leader, I move to another zone where other members are, and I have clearly left my shard.
If you think about it, it’s kind of illogical to see an enemy, then join a group that’s on another shard, and expect th enemy to phase with you into the group you joined’ shard. Seems like the sharding is working correctly for groups.